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After that tweet, my inbox was full of questions related to these skins.

Well this was a project that I secretly started after releasing Byleth Moo Moo Farm, working on it passively. These skin still have stuff to improve , like the skin shading , some on the rig , the objects , etc...

I am thinking of making a single release in a pack including all the skins related to the Moo Moo Farm, including all of the playable female cast but probably omitting the Ice climbers and Pokemon Trainer.  Jigglypuff , Alex and Villager is a maybe and F.Robin + Chrom is is in doubt since for robin I forced to use the exo skeleton method and the problem with her hands (Thing that actually bothers me alot) will still be present.

For the release , well i currently don't have an date since the proyect still not completed and i have to do around 20 renders so thats going to take a good while.

Now one thing I want to make clear, this project will not be for the gold tier, it will be exclusive to another separate tier i will make when the proyect is completed , something like a bundle, but for those who are subscribed to the gold tier, they can choose one cow of their choice withnot having to subscribe to another tier (Look at it as if it were a slot of a skin pass for an upcoming month but this time you select the one you want)

To make it clear, you can only select 1  *Pyra-Mytra and Rex will be exclusive* to that bundle* since those are 3 skins in one.

I making this decision because for me it is absurd to get more than 20 skins in a single month and then for me to rush and work on another skin pass in the upcoming month and i know not everyone will want 2 months and a half of mods just for girls with cow costumes.

So I hope this post responded all your questions. 



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