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Change log:

Peach (Melee Era)

-Arcadia mod manager compatible.

-Full Rework on her hair , this includes a new rig to avoid ugly deformations.

-Full Rework on PRM and Normal Maps , the hair now looks really pretty with this adjustments.

-Fixed F-ar Crown Culling.

- Chara_04 (Fixed the issue with the game presenting the battle potrait in a blurry way.

Peach (Golf Rush , Tennis Aces , Heros Reward , Biker , Wedding , K-poper)

-Arcadia mod manager compatible.

- Brand New Render for Tennis Aces and Biker.

- Updated Golf Rush

-(Fixed a sean on her left edge , I never noticed it in all this time but that fixed)

- Fixed the PRM Maps so there is no longer any black dots on her hair mesh for the  Hair Down and Ponytail.

- New Rubber band model for Ponytail mods.

- Modified Swing date , This is avoiding deformations in the ponytail with the wind or movement.

- Chara_04 (Fixed the issue with the game presenting the battle potrait in a blurry way.

- For Alts that she does not wear a skirt or a very short one , i have included Daisy's Run animation , for a nicer look.

(For what i have seen this is kinda wifi safe but the replays desync while using this online, to avoid this just delete the run animation inside the motion folder.


-Arcadia mod manager compatible to all my daisy skins.

-New Render for Classic Daisy , Tennis Aces and Casual)

-Casual Daisy , i removed the crown and the black make up.



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