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I could not think of a name that didn't sound lewed XD

Gameplay Video:

DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58548039

Available on tier 03 folder.




Bless your work Hanxulz , It's time to use Cowleth again


It is simply and exclusively BEAUTIFUL!! I still have the faith to have a mod of yours of Pyra and Mythra in Micro Bikini 😍. For me, your mods are works of art. Thank you very much. Greetings.


Bless you and your work 🙏


Oh brother lmao


YES. My man coming through! Thank you times infinity..!


Justamente estaba pensando que necesitaba mas skins ya que sorprendentemente no hay muchos de ella, pero este con mucha diferencia es el mejor del momento, hasta me hace pensar quien ne gusta más si byleth o pyra/mythra xD


Anyone else having issues with their switch freezing after downloading this mod?


It works fine for me, maybe it's another mod that is causing you conflict. My advice is that when you download a Mod (from whatever place it is) read the user reviews, but with this mod I personally had no problem, in fact, no mod from the great Hanxulz I have had problems. They all work very well for me. Greetings.


Yeah I deleted the mod and it was still freezing so still trying to figure out what caused it. Never had any issues with Hanxulz mods but wanted to double check.


Is it freezing on the character select screen? If so downgrade your smashline_hook.nro


:S if is online , i really can't help out to figure out what is causing it (My switch is banned) , But I truly belive , the issue is not the mod , since i did not change any of the skeleton aside from adding the jiggle physics bones.


It may be an issue with Arcropolis. My game freezes or infinite loads sometimes too, disabling a few mods fixes it for now but I hope RayTwo and the other devs can figure out a permanent fix soon


Got it. Thank you everyone for your feedback 😊