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Thanks alot everyone for your suggestion  , i had made a list with the suggestion i personally got interested.

(Please do not feel ofended if your suggestion did not make the cut , everyone has diferent tastes  , other were model import of other characters to another and i personally do not like making those types of mods since for me the charm in this is making the smash original cast with diferent outfits and others were just not posible or at least with my capabilities and other just don't have model available to work on , yes i can do custom models but i  my time is limited since i run another patreon and do art commissions. so i try to stay away from long proyects)

Anyway  this time , the top 6 will be the ones i will be releasing next month.



I'm so excited Bless your amazing work and everything you do.


La verdad esta muy variada tu lista de mods, cualquiera que elijan, esos 6 seguro serán geniales!


Good luck with the work. I hope Byleth wins since s/he has very little custom skins!


Oof. Giving us the ability to pick multiple entries is dangerous, it's always so hard to choose.