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I think this one is not Wi-Fi safe , but if you move it to slot 06 ot 07 , should be.

Gameplay Video:

DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60767410

Available on tier 01 folder.

After 30 Days of release it will be moved to tier 02 Folder.




Why do you think its not wifi safe? Did you mess with the model's bones?


This one uses the bones from c06 , instead of the c00 , something similar i did with my kazuya mod in which someone reported is not wifi safe and thats why i think is not wifi safe on slots c00 to c05.


Oh it makes sense. I know I download the Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth mod that was able to work on all slots without any trouble. When I download the mod I'll test it to see if it works or not.


Lovely mod, loving the kpop outfits!


Yeah you're right it has to be on c06 and c07 or else its not wifi safe.


Ok I'm having a new problem. Moving the Sephiroth file to c06-c07 makes the sephiroth mod not work. His skin becomes completely white while all the clothes become black. The only thing that stays intact is his hair. I wanted to use this mod online but no point if it doesn't work on the safe slots.


I'm having the same issue. Not wifi-safe on slots c00 - > c05, but the textures become complete white and black on slots c06 and c07. Don't know what's up with it.


Just looked up and is correct , the issue is because Sephiroth textures have diferent mames in slots c00 - c05 and slots c06 - c07 , thats why they look black with just renaming the files would do , but i Will be doing it myself since i know it would be confusing , i Will do the fix tomorrow.


On Arc beta 3+ this might be solvable with file addition without having to be completely remapped and still being wifi safe. Theoretically, a config file would just need to be made to ask the game to load the missing textures on the safe slots. I would check this myself but my switch is banned so I wouldn't have a way to confirm if it's safe.


Thanks for the info but i Will have to make it anyway since not everyone have updated to the latest versión of arcropolis


Skin works all well and good now. But I've noticed a large grey square around the UI. https://imgur.com/D2hgsOm