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Fix 02/12/2022:
Fixed knee deformations on mythra's model in  some animations , thanks to Tsuki for making me notice the issue.

Fix: 24/12/2021 :
By mistake I uploaded an outdated version of Mythras model ,  i have replaced with the final one.

Gameplay Video:

DOWNLOAD:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/56695061

Notes: Decription keys start from the #to the end , for better results , just copy and paste everything on a new page of your browser.




There’s an issue where sometimes Mythra’s hair will clip through her own outfit and get stuck until she switches to Pyra or lose a stock.


Can these skins go over any slot or no?


Uhm i really can't tell what could be the issue since it had never hapend to me when i was testing the mod. If You can , can You take a photo and send it over My dms to see what the issue looks like ?


I noticed that Mythras leg looks really deformed when shes crouching or doing any move that bends her legs a lot


For the pyra one , thats out of My control , pyra does not have skirt bones , and is normal that in very rough Animations like they down smash would appear some cliping.