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Due to some A**holes who are just pledged 30 $ and left us immediatly after downloading our video we have to change our payment for futur Patrons to "pay up front" and remove the video until we can change the setting.

As soon as we have a respond from the helpdesk it will be available again in no time.

Everyone who is already supporting us will get their rewards asap!

We are really sorry but hope, that we find a solution within the next days.

Hope you understand.



Sorry to hear that guys :( I'll be contributing from the next billing cycle (as will many of your fans no doubt) so hopefully things get better in December :)


Thanks we hope so too^^ well after we fixed that problem no one will be able to get rewards without paying first. Its a shame for all people who didnt want to trick us butt well thats it some people are a pain...


people have no respect ... I hope everything will be resolved quickly


On the plus point at least you found this out really early on.


Thank you we´re working on fixing the problem! but we still need a reply of Patreons helpdesk to activate it. Yeah so true... Its sad we put up content before we need to put it up and thats the thanks for it.


That's just not cool! You two worked too hard for them to just pay and run!


Yeah and the worst part is other people now have to wait for rewards until next month or we fixed the problem...

Sketch Ditty

That is a huge bummer. Hope you guys can get it worked out and stuff.


That is really REALLY shitty of people took take advantage of you like that 😠😡