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Hello everyone!

As the headline says, we have some mayor changes starting in February. So please read carefully, we will not refund people, who don't like the changes but stays in certain tiers.

So let's start!

1$ - remains the same

5$ - There won't be a voting anymore. The damsel of the month will be selected by us a month before! So if you don't like the damsel for next month you can leave just in time :)

The rest stays the same :)

7$ - Everyone in this tier will be able to tell us one custom sentence for the voice file!

10$ - You still receive 1 panty shot picture. We will adjust the description saying, that we upload commission videos here (5 mins and up) Since commissions are closed for some months now, the description will be changed like this:

- 1 monthly short video (~5 minutes). Damsel is random.

20$ - remains the same. But we will remove the part with uploaded commission videos, since there are none at the moment.

30$ - remains the same, but the custom sentence is now available starting from 7$

40$ - Access to 5 additional pantyshot pictures. We pick them randomly

50$ - Additional signed print. Kitty always draws pictures for you on the back of the print :)

75$ - Sadly this tier will be gone, starting from February on.

Important information for our 75$ patrons:

Please leave or change the tier until the 31.01.2020. Patreon will charge you again in February if you stay, even after we deleted the tier!! But you will not get anything. The pledge will be changed to a pledge without benefits. So please leave the tier.

We will remind you about the changes again at the end of January.

It is not easy for us to change that much, because we think it worked out fine. Espacially the voting access was really dear to us, and we loved the fact, that you can decide a little bit, what comes! But we have personal reasons and can't keep up the expectations if we leave everything the way it is. Maybe in several months everything will be different again, so let's see what the future brings for all of us!

Thanks for readying this wall of text! We really appreciate every single donation!




Gonna miss that monthly custom pantyshot but it's savings for an eventual commission then! I hope everything's ok for you two and that things ease up with this change.


Thank you for the kind words! We'll also miss your ideas... But for now its easyer that way.^^ But if you want you can still get get your print if you go to the 50 Dollar tier :) Thanks for your support it means a lot to us!^^


A bit sad to see the voting gone, but hey, now there’s a greater element of surprise.^^ Glad you two are still having fun and doing what you love, and can’t wait to see what else is in store for my favorite bondage duo~✌🏾😊


We're also a bit sad, to remove the voting for now. But we'll see what will come up for the future and we hope our fans enjoy our content and the chosen damsels!^^ Thanks for the kind words it means a lot to us! <3


Hang in there guys. I hope it's nothing too bad and things work out.


Nothing bad but this is the best way for us to deliver good quality and to deliver all rewards just in time.^-^ And in the future we hope we can returne to the old set up who knows.^^


Even without the voting and custom pantyshots, you two are still the best bondage cosplayers.


It is always somewhat difficult to decide on any changes, but often they are for the better. So don’t worry so much, everything will be just fine!


I understand, this changes give you guys more control to produce more content in advance, rather than having to wait untill a voting tells you what to do and then have to rush content out. As others have mentioned I hope this changes ain't because of any problems or anything bad happening guys! We all love you and wish you both the best.


Thank you for the kind words! It means a lot to us.^^ Its nothing bad but we cant tell what it is at the moment, but we'll when the time is right. Thank you for your support!^-^