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It's been a weird week in southern politics, and an even weirder week for Silicon Valley




I am sure that certain former hosts have strong opinions on this bill and the McNally thing


As a kid attending public school in rural Indiana they had us play “Underground Railroad” to learn what it was like to flee slavery. We all had a punch card and were free to go to random classrooms. Each teacher was either a member of the railroad or a slaver. If you got three railroad punches you escaped to freedom. If you got three slaver punches, you were caught and had to sit in detention. Being rural Indiana, this was overwhelmingly white people


I hope that man from Tennessee listens, you could very well save his life regarding his diet.


Holy shit! My elementary in Ohio did the same thing. Did they make you sing " follow the drinking gord" or any thing like that?

Gavin Farrell

I went to a private high school in Ohio. My history teacher (it was either sophomore or senior year American history class) happened to be a Southerner, and when we approached the Civil War, he said with some joking excitement 'next week I get to shoot some Yankees!'

Gavin Farrell

Read today's Wall Street On Parade article for an easy blow-by-blow on Silicon Valley Bank. Basically Wall Street has been using an FDIC insured bank for highly volatile shenanigans that absolutely should NOT be FDIC backstopped. Bailing it out is 2008 all over, golden parachutes for the rich playing fast and loose with weird financial instruments that were illegal pre 90's deregulation. One of my friends listens to the 'All In' podcast, and I've listened to two eps to see what it is about. Total garbage. Slop for starry-eyed bootstrap strivers to lap up. And deeply hypocritical at moments.


Former Pentagon Chief of Staff complaining about the deep state


Man the drinking gourd song does ring a bell actually, there’s a pretty good chance they absolutely did lol I also went to school in Texas and I can confirm my Texas History course made sure we knew the civil war was because of “states rights” and definitely not slavery


I grew up in small town northern ontario on the border with the upper peninsula of Michigan. One of my high school teachers called Mr maione or maeone was just constantly saying Some Shit. He was a "civics and careers" and "business" teacher, which basically meant typing and powerpoints. Nevertheless, he managed to let his opinion be known that residential schools weren't that bad actually and affirmative action was ruining society. He also kept harassing a lesbian student. So many people complained about him but the school said ehhhh what can you do. When we were coming out of class after he said that shit about residential schools I heard a very racist kid named Logan who said the n word all the time say to his friends "goddamn Mr maione is really racist eh?"


“Peculiar Institution” shows up in the Articles of Confederacy. Always thought that was a fucked up way to put it.


From TN grew up in Ohio lots of dirty looks when it came time to talk about the civil war


A funny thing about "peculiar institution" is that the abolitionists started using it to refer specifically to slavery in the southern US states, somehow to make the point that their economy depended on a uniquely brutal form of slavery unknown anywhere else. Then the phrase was taken up by slavers who were triggered by it and adopted it in the same way the right wing uses "wokism" today.


A while ago, I revisited the Declarations of Secession from the first five states, and it was pretty clear to them at the time that they were seceeding over slavery. Texas added to that grievance that they needed help waging war against the indigenous population. It's worth reading again just to see how explicitly some of them talk about white supremacy and its role in capitalist industry in the south and even how that fits into the global economy. But the most interesting part to me is how the language of grievance was the same then as it is now. The most powerful people in society feeling so aggrieved and just absolutely outraged at the suggestion that their social position actually rests on their exploitation of others. I can only assume that the people that make high school curriculum never read this. Surely they arent lying. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/declaration-causes-seceding-states


Ignacio Falco sounds like another of Mitt Romney's Twitter alter egos

Jonathan Stranahan

I can't get over McConnell sounding like the Grape Lady when he falls. So good.