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This week we're joined by returning guest and friend of the show Katy S to discuss a recent article in Vox about the young, rich, anti-capitalist capitalists working to bring down the system




I miss Tanya!


I remember taking micro economics and signing up for a micro loans service for the course. Prof wanted to explore new ways of banking. The assignment was to loan like $25 to someone or a couple people. Someone in the class said they couldn't afford that and if there was anything else they could do. I don't think my professor could comprehend how someone could be in college but not be able to have $25 freely available. Even if you will end up getting that $25 bacl in a year and a half. Oh also the first time I was exposed to PragerU shm.

Some Guy

I'm not sure if any of you guys have already read it but there's an essay out there called "Noam Chomsky and the Compatible Left" that's a relatively short but pretty good read. The hyperlinks on it don't work since the guy's WordPress has been deleted since then, which means I can't exactly vouch for the quotes that aren't easily located in the sources, but still, some food for thought re: anti-communism in America: "During [the 1960s], what people perceive as 'the Left' transformed from something which was usually opposed to the status quo and genuinely radical into something more like what CIA official Cord Meyer called the 'compatible left,' an agglomeration of 'liberals and pseudo-intellectual status seekers who are easily influenced' by the elites that they purport to challenge, in the words of Doug Valentine. One of the primary purposes of 'courting the compatible left,' according to Valentine, was to 'court Socialists away from Communists' and into safe channels."

John Harwood

It’s by Shel Silverstein, which only makes your joke land better


Great ep everyone 👏👏👏

Fellow Worker

Plastic Pills on Youtube has some good videos on stuff like this, especially the post 1960’s left in France. Generally, frustrations and infighting following the failure of mass direct action leads to a focus on cultural critique and non threatening post-modern philosophy.

Steev Hise

One of my favorite episodes!

Aaron H

Episode name took a sec


In St Louis the Police and Fire Dept have an annual boxing match also called Guns and Hoses. Great ep as always.


I know this has been probably asked and answered on Twitter or sth, but I don't have an account. What happened to Tanya? Love and respect to the TBWP

Tanya was being harassed due to the downstream effects of a certain shithead on twitter and she's been laying low out of an abundance of caution and to safeguard SSEd. Wishing her all the best while i'm thinking about it. Miss you girl 💛