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This week we examine: Amy Coney Barrett's fecundity; an Uber-type app for evicting people; and a weird book of devotionals for cop wives called "Cuffs and Coffee"



Jonathan Howard

Damn, who knew Scalia held the record for biggest tits on the SCOTUS? Tom always bringing the facts.

Lars Boschek

As a beatmaker, i wanna hear your damn beats tom

Aaron H

I'm never mad about this podcast. Listening is the most healing and also sardonic part of my week. Please tell the hosts to ignore the haters. Thank you.

Mickey Soltys

Old boy wasn't hungover, more like still drunk. Happy birthday!

Joseph Mabrey

Tom that was beautiful champ. You can be a bass just give it your all dude.


Y'all talking about police wives reminded me of this police wife instagram I found a while back. It made me realize how insane some of the hashtags for police officers on instagram are. https://www.instagram.com/proudpwife/


Tom, we need the beats.


Low info discussion of topics is one of my favorites parts. I'm like Pavlov's dog every time I hear the phrase "I don't know shit about this but..."


I think sometimes people just want to feel superior and that’s an issue in academia... I try to do the opposite and I think a new generation of academics are realizing being complete assholes to people who didn’t go to school for something is a bad look... you guys keep doing what your doing


lmao "doody boots"