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YES. I was just sitting around my apartment self quarantined, waiting for death


just sitting here with my elderly dog zoning out to cuomo on cnn, this will be much preferable


Re: ICU’s reaching capacity. I work at a level 1 trauma center in Virginia, and our ICU’s are completely full at least once a week just on normal days. I don’t know where the hell they will put people if Covid 19 gets out of control here.

Erin Kristina

1.5 trillion was put in by the fed to cover the short term loans the financial institutions lend to each other. Tanya is right.

Erin Kristina

The 500 billion was from the government to help businesses. Two different things. The 1.5 was the amount the caused a 45 minute relief in stocks before they tanked again. Last Monday, or something.

Maggie Kovacs

In Seattle and already been exposed a few times. This is the content I grave... shit crave.

Bradford James Carter

My favorite excuse for this is "it's just a short-term loan. The Fed is making money on this investment." What the fuck is the Fed gonna do with interest on Repo sales? What do they need money for? They make all the money! They're practically a central bank with an unlimited line of credit!

Madeleine C

Great episode! And yes, as someone above pointed out it was $1.5 TRILLION to Wall Street which caused the slight blip of improvement. Just think what that amount of money given to people who won't be able to eat, pay their rent or childcare, etc would have done.


Great show. Look forward to it every week. I just have to say CDC testing is just as screwed up around testing for other diseases. Lyme disease for example. The FDA approved test is only 50% accurate and they won't give it to you unless you present a bullseye rash, which isn't always present. To get the accurate test, which isn't FDA approved, you have to jump through hoops and pay$$$. And it gets worse from there. My teenage daughter went through it, it was horrible. Thousands out of pocket with insurance while I'm watching my daughter go through hell physically. I'm hoping this is finally the wake up call how seriously fatally flawed our medical system is. (Bernie!) We shall see...a lot of money is made off the current system. The FDA and CDC are more interested in corporate interests than public interests. Also Washington doesn't have it together at all over this Covid 19. Doesn't bode well. I live in rural Kitsap county, filled with folks who commute by ferry to Seattle. We are barely starting to get tested and only late last week did anyone here start changing habits.


I work overnight at Walmart and this shit is crazy. We opened the doors this morning and you would've thought it was Black Friday. FUCKING GO HOME PEOPLE.