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The final stages of these paintings has felt increasingly heavy to complete.

I've got my theories why they seem to have gotten progressively more difficult over the years rather than easier but no one explanation feels fully satisfactory. One interesting theory is that through a combination of switching to progressively nicer monitors and getting progressively better at spotting mistakes that I've become increasingly picky about small, meaningless mistakes. The primary evidence for this is that back when I used to work with weaker equipment and less experience that I could finish paintings faster and more confidently but the resolution of detail on those paintings is far lower than my recent work.

As I struggled with the detail phase of this piece, I found myself reminding myself to relax. The pressure I've put on myself to perform has never been productive. The alternative is to tap into my creative instincts and allow the quieter parts of my brain to take over.




It's fun to see the before an after pics to spot the progress ⭐ Sekeletons are a nice touch, plenty of symbolism 🤍

Michelle Coe

I so appreciate your thoughts on your process, including the struggles. I have similar issues in my work (also detail-oriented) and it's really difficult not to get caught up in the left-brain minutia that really doesn't make a difference to anyone but me. I would love to hear more about some of the ways you get back to your creative instincts! Thank you for sharing your process with us :)