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I'm coming at this piece late in the month due to a couple of personal trips I've been taking. Work life balance has been falling on the side of life for once. The upshot of my leisure is that I have been producing a ton of sketches for the tarot project that I'm feeling very happy with. More on those soon :)

I'm casting Armaros as an evil stone carving Pope for this deck. He is the gatekeeper between mankind and Angelic magic in the Angelarium fiction, so I felt like he was a good fit for this role. This is extra fun for me since I never illustrated the second version of him for the Book of Watchers since Allen Williams did the alternative painting for Armaros. This gives me a chance to illustrate the character in an expanded light and maybe show a player 2 version of his canonical design. As of right now, the design is hewing close to the original, but I plan on playing with it some more following this phase of the process.



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