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I made two major changes since the last post, so I wanted to share them since I was saying before that I was sailing towards finalizing the painting.

1. I rebuilt the gate itself in Sketchup to refine the perspective and the design. Both of those things felt about 75% okay to me, which was just enough to have it nag at me without pushing me to make corrections sooner. Glad to have it done.

2. I cropped the piece rather aggressively. Thinking about the final print, both the big showpiece canvas I want to make as well as the LE print, I wanted differentiate this piece from the character illustrations. Creating an intensely oblong format has the capacity to make this piece really stand out and create a strong centerpiece for someone hanging multiple angels together. The final PSD will have the extra area included, since I never know exactly how I will need to crop every application of a painting but this is how this piece will look when it's posted or printed.

Onward towards details again!




Love this. The gate seems grander and more novel.