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Hey guys,

I've been getting progressively more interested in NFTs since around 2017 and today it finally boiled up and crossed into new territory. Today, I made a snap purchase to buy an NFT from an artist I like. I didn't buy it as an investment or a statement, I just wanted to buy it because I liked it and it cost around $20.

Here it is: https://www.hicetnunc.xyz/objkt/64311

I've been messing around with Hic et Nunc and it's been exciting to see NFTs thriving in a space that's being driven primarily by artists.

Personally, I would love to be able to subscribe to my favorite artists on Patreon and get new NFTs from them every month. Seeing a wallet full of art that I've helped support would be awesome. I already love supporting artists on Patreon, but this feels like the next evolution of that idea to me. I want to push more artists to consider this option as a way for me to collect their work, so I also want to talk about doing the same thing here.

The question is: If the price was right and there were no environmental concerns, would you be interested in collecting NFTs from me as a Patreon reward?

These theoretical NFTs would have to be minted in a proof of stake network like Tezos in order to bring the fees down low enough to offer them at reasonable prices. This wouldn't be a risky investment or some cynical play to flip collectibles for 10x cash returns, this would just be cool digital collectibles that you could buy, sell, or trade for normal human prices (less than $50).

In order to hold these, you wouldn't need to buy any crypto or even sign up for new websites. I'd just point you in the direction of a reliable wallet and I'd send you NFTs to your digital address directly.

This isn't a guarantee I'm going to offer these and this isn't replacing physical prints. If anything, it relieves the need for me to treat prints as collectibles.

Let me know if you've got questions or concerns down below. I'll be checking the comments to keep the conversation rolling.

Much love,



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