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Hey guys,

I don't know how many of you are riding this NFT wave, so I don't want to crow about this too much if it's not your thing. Please feel free to give me feedback about this. I just want you to get the heads up that I've minted new NFTs for Ophiuchus and Grave of Hope recently:


The plan is to release 5 or 10 editions at a time until the whole run is published. Each new tranche is going to be more expensive than the last. Right now, the price for the editions in this tranche is .7ETH, which translates to about $1000USD. After this batch is sold, the next group will be released at a higher price. With the majority of the current tranche sold out, I figured I was overdue to let you know that these are available.

Here's a link to a Youtube video quickly explaining what an NFT is if they are still feeling mysterious to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYyW_tTPAhU

Much love,



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