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Hey guys,

Sending out random packs of collectible cards is something that was a really cool experiment for us and it's coming to a close. This is the last month we'll be shipping out cards as part of this campaign.

The process of ordering, packing and mailing them weighed really heavily on the campaign as a whole and it was voted as the least popular part of the whole experience by the people who responded to the survey last month.

In their place I'll be selling preset collections of cards on the store. The first collection covers all the work from the first year. This is going to be the base set for collecting cards for Angelarium moving forwards and we'll be introducing expansions and promo cards for it as new content is created.

If you want to augment your current collection with

a complete set of the new cards, I'm offering patrons a 40% discount.

Just use the promo code "YEARONE" at checkout.

They'll start shipping in around 2-3 weeks. 


I've hired a new staff member to start creating all the tutorial content for Angelarium. She's someone well known for a background in it and I'm excited to be able to finally make good on the promise to share more technical insights. She's going to be backfilling all the way through the beginning Watchers with tutorial content and making them every 2 weeks moving forwards.

She'll be authoring the tutorials based off of my paintings and they should start coming out in the next 2 weeks! I'll introduce her once they start rolling out.


 Let me know your thoughts,





yay!! i cant wait for the tutorials!! btw can we know who she is ? ^_^


I love your work so much and the writing adds to that beautiful imagination so well, but one thing that always gets me is the typography with the font choice, default spacing, large type... it's incredible work, please don't let it go to waste!