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I'm getting everything delivered last minute this month since I spent part of it kicking around Florida looking for a new place to live. Thankfully, I nailed down a contract on a place fast enough that I was able to make it back to the studio in time to finish this month's painting.

There's a chance I'll be taking August off due to a combination of our move and a couple very large events. We'll see how July goes.

Book of Watchers + Emanations

In the middle of arranging for my move, I've been polishing up the last details on the books. At this point, I think they are done for real. The final steps to get them to press are copyrighting and layout. 

Emanations is mostly complete and just waiting for the final draft to be approved. I'm leaning on my graphic designer to have Watchers similarly prepared ASAP so both books will be ready for press by the end of July.

Thanks guys! 

Love ya,




Much luck, friend.