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Hey folks,

I've been getting some questions about when rewards are being posted/shipped, so I can see there is some frustration and I wanted to address it.

Things have been running behind these last couple of months.

I've been trying to stay focused on finalizing the Book of Watchers and I'm happy to say that there has been some very tangible success. Though, this project is so insanely late that the impending reality of finishing it has been producing a lot of stress for me. That's something I've been pushing through day by day and it's thankfully getting very close to being done. Weeks rather than months at this point.

There have been big plans to shake things up as soon as the books were out again. I've debated about making large changes here on Patreon but it looks like that will have to wait a little longer. Right now, personal shakeups are taking priority.

A couple months ago, my landlord informed me that he plans to sell the house I've been renting, so the possibility of moving this year suddenly became a reality. The timing of the move is hitting just after the expected completion date for the book.

So, it's going to be an interesting summer.

The plan for Patreon is to keep things running more or less the same until I've got my feet under me again. I don't know if I'm going to need a month off but if it comes to that I'll make sure to communicate it as soon as I can. Things are set up so that if I skip delivering artwork, no one gets charged.

Sorry for any interruption. I'll be posting last months rewards today and we're going to try to ship the Legacy Prints from April next week.

Much love,



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