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Hey Patrons,

I'm working on finalizing the second book and part of that has been organizing the work that's been done for the it over the past....uh, 3 years?

My memory for art is pretty good, but not so much for writing. A lot of the stuff I've written sounds totally foreign to me rereading it several years later. That freaked me out a little. Largely because I'm not the only writer who has been working on this project. Early on, I decided to leave all the text mysterious and unaccredited to add a little unearned weight to the poems on the site. Nowadays, it feels more like I'm just denying credit to my contributors.

As I was going through the process of determining the source of all the writing on the website, I also discovered that a number of the Seraphim's pages were still using an older standard for formatting. One that left a number of additional pieces of art from Eli Minaya off the site.


I've uploaded all of Eli's missing art and added writing credits to those pages. I'll be continuing that process as I push forwards on the writing and editing of the content for the book. Eli wrote a bunch of the pieces for the Watchers on the site, so I'll start illuminating which ones are mine and which are his (spoilers: his are the long ones).

I'll be posting high res and wallpaper versions for Eli's pieces on the Dropbox and Discord soon as well.

If you like Eli's art (I sure do), you can find more of it on his website here: https://www.bad-king.com/ 

Lot's of fun stuff side stuff is shaking out now that the book is being edited!

Thanks for everything. I couldn't do with without you.

Much love,





Hey Pete! Just noticed a title duplication over on the Angelarium site, figured I'd let you know. If you click through to Hod, Yesod, Netzah or Malkuth and scroll down to Eli's art, the title says "Keter Origin" on all of them. Just letting you know! Love hearing news about book 2! Can't wait! -Max