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The Story so Far: I wrote a blog post about the status of Angelarium so far: http://www.trueangelarium.com/news/2015/2/25/the-story-so-far Launch Week: This week, you will not be seeing a new painting from me. The reason being is twofold. 1. I got progressively more behind on my art schedule over the last 10 weeks and I need a reset. 2. I'm spending 100% of my time making motion graphics, copy writing and doing other boring legwork for my upcoming Kickstarter campaign for the first book launch. I'll be sharing all the source files for the Kickstarter video with $5+ backers. So you'll get to see high res, chopped up versions of the images as well as my AEP file. I've attached a quick work in progress clip with placeholder music. More new art next week, as I move past the Sephirot. Billing changes: After next week, I will be switching the billing from monthly to weekly and I'll be lowering money required for the reward tiers to match. Having the billing line up with the content delivery makes a lot more sense and will allow me to provide 'free' weeks if circumstances conspire against me in the coming months. As always, let me know what you think. I'll make sure you guys are up to date as soon as I touch anything related to the money. Best, -Pete


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