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The Zodiac series is all done!

For an entire year, each Angel of the Zodiac has been worked on in turn. Which has left the question. "What's next after they are done?"

In the past, I've struggled with this problem. Sometimes there is a particular series I want to tackle and sometimes I'm just working on random ideas that come to mind.

This time around, there wasn't a question at all. More than anything else, I need to complete my very late book and fulfill the thousands of pre-orders I've left dangling.

For the next few months, I'm going to be creating additional artwork for Book of Watchers. Throughout the book, there is alternate art for each of the Watchers, some of which is created by other artists but not all of it. There are still some completed pieces from contributors that I haven't shared, so now seems like a good time to start pulling back the veil on those.

Throughout the next few months you'll be seeing alternate art for the Watchers from me and from some other really awesome artists. Until the book is done, I'm likely going to be delivering just a single piece of art per month (same as it has been), but I'll also be peppering in bonus art from the contributors at no extra cost. So, there are no changes coming to the way payments or rewards work quite yet.

Once the book is off to print, the plan is to start working on a new series for Angelarium: Book of Seraphim. The Zodiac has already laid a foundation there but I still need to do the Archangels as well as a bunch more scenes like Gate of Sahaqiel. All that should take me at least through the end of the year even if I ramp back up to delivering twice per month (which is still the plan).

Thanks so much for following along! I'm really looking forward to finally finishing this book!

Much love,





The Zodiac series was so fun to see come together and I'm looking forward to the future content, sounds like it's going to be awesome. I was wondering, do you have all the guest artists sorted for the book or would you consider anyone else who might want to contribute?


If I am not overstepping any boundaries by making a suggestion, I'd like to make a couple. Maybe after you do some of the Seraphim you could do a series on the elements (fire, water, earth, air, etc), or the Seven Virtues, or maybe even the emotional spectrum. I just thought those would be pretty cool.