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This is the last Angel of the Zodiac and it's gotten me a bit jumpy. I'm really excited to switch back to working on Book of Watchers full time after this is done, so I really want it to be done soon. In fact, I was supposed to have it done a week ago.

Trying to balance the need to complete this piece honestly with the desire to have it done quickly is always problematic. In this case, it meant a lot of false starts. I tried a couple of times to take unusable sketches and bring them in to Photoshop to get painted. Rushing the process always slows things down and I know that, but resisting the urge isn't easy.

Once I had has bad attempts under my belt, I revisited the sketchbook to combine the working pieces from those attempts into a piece I could really finish. This is the point where things started to click.

Taurus has to be strong and stable, so I wanted to make it really huge and heroic. Trying to make that work without falling into common fantasy tropes has been a challenge. Sometimes the design has dipped into fantasy monster territory and others it has started to looking like someone's RPG character. This represents an approach that is more elemental, which is where Angelarium designs tend to live.



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