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Hi backers! I want to make this project the best as possible for you guys, so I wanted to run some stuff by you. Please respond with your thoughts. 1. Emails - I got some feedback that this campaign is generating too many emails, so I'm going to start packing rewards together into a single post for each tier every week so you don't get your inbox hammered but you'll still get notified when I upload new stuff. I have been holding work in progress images until the following week anyways, so I might just pack them in with the current week's finals. Also, do you get notified when posts I make for tiers you can't access? They don't show me what this looks like to you guys. 2. Mailing Schedule/Postcards - I'm going to start mailing out physical rewards immediately after the billing cycle. Some people dropped their pledges after receiving postcards and that's not cool. Please let me know if everything showed up okay and let me know if it met your expectation. 3. Livestream - I was experimenting with Livestream in order to help get more people involved but instead of bringing in backers, I saw the numbers dip instead. This made me worry that $5 backers were getting a bad deal when it came to early access to works in progress. I'm going to be holding off on doing more until I can get something figured out. I'm considering making access to live streams a backer reward but the format is yet to be determined. One of the ideas is just streaming every minute of the work process, but at the expense of providing commentary. What changes would you like to see me make to this campaign? What are you hoping to see me do in the future? I would rather hear from you than obsess about reading into the pledges that come in or go away. Best, -Pete




1. I don't mind the extra emails. Either option is fine with me. 2. I'm not an artist, just a collector, so I love the postcards. I was particularly happy with the first batch you sent out, because I've loved these paintings since I first saw them at GenCon. I'm looking forward to receiving more, so you can count on my continued support. 3. I missed the Livestream but would be interested in seeing future videos.


1. It would be great if the emails were condensed more. Perhaps 2 posts for different levels of pledge. 2. It's definitely better to give out rewards after the payments is processed. I think there were many concerns about this from other patreon users. 3. I probably won't be able to attend any livestreams, so if they were an option to watch later that would be great.