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My friends here is some news...

I've been thinking a lot these last few days about what I want to do with my life.

Can I continue in my path? Do I see myself ending up as a porn producer?

What about the legacy I would leave to my children?

Unfortunately, the answer to the question "Should I continue?" was obvious to me...


More seriously!

I finished the renderings today for all the scenario stuff.

It's a little bit more than 500 renders (at least for those who didn't exclude any content).

Now comes the crunchy part if I may say so...

My goal is to arrive by the end of April/beginning of May to:

  • Post treatment/retouching.
  • Proofread and correct typos.
  • Model the gui (small buttons for the interface) for the map.
  • Code the map and the related events with a system including several phases in a day.
  • Select the music and mix it (a funny part I must admit).
  • Translate the game in French (I know that most of you don't care).
  • Compressing the images (or else the game would be about 4go...).
  • And last but not least, debugging......................................................

Then there is the uploading of the game for windows/linux and for Mac, which with my connection takes no less than 2 days (yes seriously and think that I have to upload it to be tested by friends and that if there are serious errors, I have to correct, redo the packages and re-upload...)

Concerning the gui, I make them myself and don't pump anything from other games. I can be inspired by them but not more.

I also worked a lot on the map and it turned out to be complicated.

Thanks to a combination of software, I was able to achieve a satisfactory result but the city remains schematic and everything is not necessarily to scale.

I didn't want to add a simple plan like in Lunar Choosen or a city picture like in Midnight paradise. (I'm not criticizing the games mentioned but I'm using them as an example. I could start comparing myself to them the day I reach their level of success).

In short I lost years of life on this f****** map!

I won't say more to not spoil the fun but it's crunch time for me...

And to thank you for your patience and support, a little leak just for you!


I love you guys!

(no homo)



Love you too, (no homo)