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(This story is Part 6 of my "Great Fairy Wars" series. Reading the previous parts isn't necessary to understand this story, but it will help make it more enjoyable.)


“...what do you think?”

Everything was too blurry, making it difficult to even see those surrounding you.

The cause? Not some inherent problem with your eyes, but rather a severe case of sleep deprivation.

But it was okay. You were fairly confident you weren’t the one being talked to, so you could at least zone out a little. The subsequent silence was unexpected, but welcome, for your ears weren’t exactly feeling wonderful either. The noise was a bit too much at times.

If only you could just fall asleep…

…well, that wouldn’t be the best of ideas. There was no sultry fairy present to make sure you remained in that state. It wouldn’t be good to slumber away and inevitably awaken feeling uncontrollably hor-

A poke against your face snapped your eyes wide open.



What was she doing here?

Where were you, anyway…?

Was your memory suffering too? How many hours of sleep did you get anyway? When did you even wake up in the first place?

The endless questions in your head were starting to make it hurt-- and you already had one heck of a headache.

“You almost fell asleep, didn’t’cha?” Askr's bubbly princess giggled, finding your situation amusing.

The sound of somebody sighing diverted your attention, and after rubbing your eyes, you realized her brother was staring at you too.

…alongside a handful of other heroes, notably tacticians.

“I thought Peony and Mirabilis were handling the summoner’s situation,” Soren scoffed, his attitude as gloomy as ever. “Are they slacking?”

“Far from it,” Robin provided more intel, sounding more understanding at the very least. “In fact, I’ve heard they’ve set up a guild of sorts, recruiting allies to help our friend’s cause.”

That was… weird to hear. It was only meant to be Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna who knew about the situation you were in, and more importantly, the solution. Since when did these two know?

“I am afraid I do not understand,” Soren sounded legitimately confused… which was a rarity. “The situation is that the Dökkálfr Triandra has conjured up some sort of nightmare curse, and that Peony and Mirabilis’s power to manipulate dreams can more or less fight the magic. Am I not correct?”

That wasn’t right. It was Plumeria who-

Alfonse cleared his throat, putting a temporary end to the speculation. “...we have the situation under control, do not worry. Let us end this meeting for now and revisit the topic once our summoner here is more conscious.”

…this was a war meeting?!

You genuinely had no idea! You didn’t even know how you got here.

You just wanted to go to bed.

The tacticians dispersed, leaving you alone with the royal prince and princess. They both looked a little sleep-deprived themselves.

“Sorry about that,” Alfonse apologized. “For the record, they don’t know the full details about your condition. What Soren said is basically all they know.”

“Yeah!” Sharena added to that, albeit in a way that was far less subtle. “They don’t know about all the girls that have been having sex with you in your sleep, so don’t worry about that!”

The look on her brother’s face was incredible. The widened eyes, the gasp, and the hasty turning towards her and resisting every urge to shout in a panic.

“S-Sharena!” Alfonse was not pleased, scolding her immediately. “Have some shame! I understand that you’re not… incorrect… but at least dance around the topic if you can!”

Right. Right.

You were starting to recall details now.

The girls. They did that. Peony and Mirabilis. Some others too.

It was a ridiculous solution to a ridiculous problem, but it worked.

At least… it was meant to… so why were you feeling so sleepy? The girls were meant to help you sleep well. It had been working for some time, right? So why wasn’t it now?!

You breathed deeply. Asking yourself questions wasn’t going to result in any answers.

“Alfonse, uh… has my condition gotten worse or something?” you asked, praying that the answer wouldn’t be a bad one. You felt awful. This was not how you wanted to feel every single day. “I do not remember feeling this horrible in a meeting before…”

The questions in your head were back with a vengeance. There were meant to be a lot of girls, right? They all took turns too, so what exactly had gone wrong? A scheduling issue, perhaps? Some of them did wake you up when they weren’t supposed to, sure, but you always slept well after all was said and done. Those moments were arguably preferable-- you got to have some fun too!

“It’s not your fault,” Alfonse dodged the question. “It’s complicated, but it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Although the prince did not wish to elaborate, someone else did.

“It’s because some princesses weren’t following the rules!”

That… was a new voice too! It sounded bubbly and cheery, not too different from Sharena herself, but it was not the same person.

“I’d follow the rules,” that was Sharena, saying some especially wild.

“Sharena, you are forbidden from-” Alfonse started before pausing, breathing heavily. He was not having a good day. He sounded unbelievably stressed, and though you weren’t feeling tremendously wonderful either, you wouldn’t want to trade positions with him.

Sharena giggled in response. “I’m just kidding!”

Was she?

You weren’t sure anymore.

“Don’t worry, Sharena,” that other voice spoke up again. “I’ll tell you all the details later.”

“Oh, please do!”

Alfonse and Sharena departed, leaving you all by your lonesome-- at least, that’s what it felt like. A tap on your shoulder captured your attention, and honestly, you weren’t sure how you hadn’t spotted the adorable individual standing behind you beforehand.

Princess Elise was not dressed in her ordinary attire, instead boasting an adorable pink dress decorated with flowers. More importantly, there were some purple wings behind that were fluttering gently, their rhythm hypnotizing even to your sleep-deprived vision. Though your memory wasn’t perfect, you recalled exactly what an outfit like this symbolized.

“Ah, fuck…”

You were starting to piece everything back together now. Princesses who weren’t following the rules, hmm? You knew exactly who that was referring to now-- a certain triumvirate of terrors who had refused to allow you to sleep, having taken advantage of their abilities to live out a fantasy that had completely wrecked your body.

…and it was amazing.

The aftermath, however, not so much.

“You look disappointed,” Elise noticed the reaction, though it didn’t do much to ruin her cheerful mode. “But don’t worry, okay? I’ve been trained well for this!”

“That’s not the problem, Elise,” you appreciated her enthusiasm and her desire to help, but there were more pressing matters to attend to.  “I want to sleep.”

You honestly believed you needed an entire day’s worth of sleep to catch up on the amount you had missed.

“And I’ll let you sleep, silly!” Elise chuckled. “I’m here to make sure you don’t wake up until you’ve gotten the sleep you need!”

Ah. Right. You were cursed! How could you forget?

That was the reason you were so fucked! Those three princesses had succumbed to exhaustion and slumbered happily in your bed, which wasn’t good when their job was to keep your urges occupied while you slumbered.

You had awakened a lot of times due to their lack of support, needing to nudge one of them awake so you could find relief. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing during the moment, but it wasn’t fun to wake up so frequently and miss out on crucial sleep. You had certainly felt the consequences later on.

But it was okay now. Elise was here. She wasn’t the type to get carried away… right?

“Alright,” you accepted her proposition, making her grin grow. “Let’s return to my room, alright?”


Elise took hold of your hand, happy to be the one to escort you back to your quarters. The gesture was appreciated; you weren’t confident you could make it back before collapsing at some point on the way there.

The Nohrian princess was an adorable thing. Her light humming, the way she walked so excitedly, and the constant fluttering of her wings… it painted an image of complete innocence.

But that wasn’t the truth-- her presence and attire confirmed that.

She had been enlisted because she had agreed to take care of your cock while you slept.

…and this just had to be the one time you needed to stay asleep! You would have loved to awaken to the sight of someone so adorable doing something so lewd between your legs.

“Alright, here we are!” Elise had taken you back to your room surprisingly quickly, perhaps in a haste to get down to business. “We’re told to come into your room while you’re sleeping, but right now, we have to get you to sleep first!”

That wasn’t going to be difficult. Just seeing your bed was enough to make you strip away your usual outfit. Elise’s presence didn’t matter-- she was going to see everything no matter what anyway. What mattered most now was just getting into bed!

It was bliss.

Nothing could eclipse the sensation of climbing into bed whilst feeling incredibly fatigued. Nothing!

…well, aside from a cute fairy girl getting into bed with you and cuddling up against your body not long after. That was pretty damn good too. Especially because she was naked. When had that happened?

Elise’s nude body was unbelievably soft, making you question whether or not its touch was more satisfying than the mattress. The girl was giggling lightly, doubtlessly enjoying her new responsibilities for the first time. Her silky hands were adventuring throughout your body, their warmth intoxicating against your colder skin. This princess was not embarrassed about what she was doing in the slightest. She was fueled by an unparalleled level of curiosity, and though she hadn’t adventured further down yet, just knowing she was sharing a bed with you like this was already an immensely erotic scenario.

“You’re really handsome…” she scantily spoke, though she still sounded thrilled to be here despite her dampened voice. “No wonder there’s so many girls who sign up for this…”

The registration procedure was not something you knew about, but it was entertaining to know that so many ladies were interested. You doubted it was you specifically they desired, but rather easy access to a dick without any strings attached.

But Princess Elise seemed to have an interest in you specifically… so that was quite nice.

You weren’t sure if a thumping heart was going to help you sleep any better though, but hey, it was nice.

And here you thought you wouldn’t get to witness any of the action! Well, technically, you weren’t, but you sure were feeling it!

Elise’s adventurous hands ultimately traveled downwards, taking hold of your erection. Her subsequent gasp was louder than yours, her breathing temporarily damaged by what you liked to think was the first time she was touching a man’s dick. It would explain the slow but breathtaking pace.

“...do you like this?” Elise asked an unnecessary question, but it was one you were happy to answer nonetheless.

“I do.”

“Then close your eyes,” she instructed. “Relax and fall asleep for me, okay?”

Elise’s wish was the easiest request in the world to grant. It was miraculous you hadn’t drifted off to sleep already, but you had wanted to focus on the handjob for a little while before you succumbed. Her hand was moving up and down your manhood slowly and steadily, but that was the perfect pace for somebody in your position. The sexual pleasure was not overwhelming and instead relaxing-- the perfect treat for somebody who wanted to experience that sensation in abundance.

It was great. It was really, really great…


The moment you next opened your eyes, you were immediately aware that some time had passed.

Elise was no longer by your side, but her presence was certainly felt between your legs. The unmistakable touch of a tongue was sliding up and down your shaft at a frantic speed, perhaps indicating a certain somebody had gotten a little carried away.

It would explain why you had woken up. Not even Elise could be graceful with her actions, it seemed!

…but it did not explain why you were feeling a similar sensation on your cock’s opposite side; it was like two individuals were smothering your manhood in their saliva instead of one, but that surely wasn’t the case.

Elise was just skilled. That was it. There was no way there was another girl.

…but it wouldn’t be the first time. That terrifying trio couldn’t be forgotten so easily. Was it a dastardly duo now?

Was it Sakura? The two princesses often spent time together. It wasn’t unprecedented to think Elise had roped her into this. The Hoshidan princess was a shy one too-- perhaps she had been waiting for you to sleep before joining in on the fun.

Or maybe it was Camilla? Now that was a woman who doubtlessly had some experience under her belt and could give her little sister a pointer or two.

Curious to learn who the new arrival was, you grabbed the covers and lifted them up, revealing who was tending to your cock alongside Elise.

…the answer was not at all what you were expecting.

Two pairs of gorgeous, violet eyes looked up at you, acknowledging your awakening. Even then, they continued to do what they were doing-- covering your cock in all the saliva they could muster.

You were used to a little mind fuckery in regards to these fairy girls, but since when had they learned to duplicate themselves?

Two Elises were worshiping your cock.

You had no idea how this had happened, but you couldn’t deny that it was… hot.

Yes, you were unbelievably confused, but it wasn’t like your cock disapproved of the multiplied treatment.

After a few seconds, their eyes had returned to the object of their desires, the thought of explaining the situation not even crossing either of their minds.

They didn’t want you thinking about it either; one of them took the blowjob to the next level, sliding their tongue up to your glans so they could lower their head and take it in.The heat from their mouth was not something that could be faked, making you doubt that this was a dream.

But you knew better. Dreams were an enigma in this world. They could feel real, and sometimes, they could blur into reality too.

“Elise… what’s… ahh…”

You wanted an answer, but it was hard to ask anything when the humidity of her mouth was this distractingly good! Elise alone sucking you off wildly like this would have been incredible, but to experience another pleasuring the lower half of your shaft that her doppelganger couldn’t reach too? It was magnificent. The teamwork was phenomenal too, and at no point did they need to pause for any reason. These two lookalikes were focused on nothing but making you cum-- nothing could distract them from it!

The unexpected collaborative blowjob brought you to your climax in no time. Your cum erupted into the one giving you head, and though she stopped what she was doing, she did not recoil whatsoever even when you filled up her mouth. The view was magnificent, for the other continued to slobber all over your shaft, like she hadn’t noticed what was happening to her partner. However, she did eventually acknowledge the orgasm… when her companion smashed her lips against hers and the two started making out fiercely, exchanging the prize they both deserved.

Elise… was kissing herself.

It was very strange, but by no means did that take away from how hot it was to witness. Two girls sharing your semen like this was one thing, but to have both girls be the exact same person?!

They kept going at it for a while too, as if they wanted to give you the necessary time to burn such a view into your memory forever.

Truthfully, you wished they would stop; the orgasm had brought forth an immense sense of relaxation to your body, triggering a temptation to close your eyes and fall back asleep.

You didn’t want to do that! You wanted to see how this would end! What would they do next? What would… what would…


Once again, your eyes opened to a completely different sight.

There was still a doppelganger, but this time, their presence was especially rewarding. They were doing something only a duo could do, and while it was an unusual act, it was an immensely pleasurable one.

Both girls were straddling your lap and facing away from each other, having pushed their bubble butts up against your cock. They did not remain idle, moving up and down at opposing paces so they could constantly keep it smothered between their rears. The friction of your sensitive shaft constantly being pushed up against something so soft was a unique but captivating form of pleasure.

It also looked extraordinary; Elise had one heck of a fat ass for someone so petite, and it looked even better now that there was a doppelganger. Watching it faintly jiggle as she moved was addicting to your eyes, and though they weren’t making much noise in response to what they were doing, their cheeky smiles indicated they were having a lot of fun.

You weren’t sure whether or not they had noticed you were awake, but you didn’t mind. You were more than happy to sit back and watch them playfully play with your cock with just their asses alone.

The constant sensations were amazing, but more importantly, too much. Their consistency led to a hasty build-up on your end that you couldn’t ignore whatsoever, especially when the thought of letting it all out over their butts entered your mind.

So that’s what you did. Your cock erupted like a fountain, spraying both girls equally with the semen they craved so much. Neither princess changed their strategy despite the orgasm, simply continuing to move just as they had always done, though the growing smiles on their face showcased their acknowledgment and approval.

Once their rears had done their job, the girl on the right backed away while the girl on the left remained in place. The initial Elise turned and leaned back in, helping herself to your cock. This wasn’t a mere cleanup blowjob, but also an opportunity to dig into her doppelganger’s ass and lick up all the cum that had sprayed over it. Once she was satisfied they had done so, they switched positions, repeating the same cleanup procedure. It was an incredible scene to watch, and most importantly, you were able to witness it all without nodding off.

But you were pretty damn close to succumbing to slumber…

As if noticing that, the two girls laid back down and gradually shuffled up, treating you to a sensational smoothness from both sides rather than one. It was weird that they weren’t speaking at all, but you imagined they wanted to be quiet so they wouldn’t wake you up. Therefore, you closed your eyes and embraced the tranquility.


When you next awakened, it was to quite the majestic sight! Although it wasn’t nearly as strange as the scenarios before it, goodness did it feel inconceivably good

Elise had returned to being a singular individual-- probably because only one could ride your cock at a time.

Unlike the previous encounters, she wasn’t holding back her voice in the slightest; the adorable Nohrian princess was moaning frequently while she rode you with immense haste. At no point did she stop bouncing up and down, not wanting to risk anything that could hinder the breathtakingly fast cadence she had built up.

The best part? She was facing away from you.

Elise’s fat ass was jiggling endlessly as she slammed her hips up and down, treating you to a scene that was somehow more erotic than the previous one. The deciding factor was witnessing your cock constantly sink inside her and feeling it hit her deepest parts.

It was honestly miraculous she had taken it in at all. She was very tight! Those fleeting moments whenever your cock pushed up against her cervix, invoking pleasure so incomprehensibly good that it almost hurt, were entrancing.

“Ahhhh… it feels so gooood!!!”

The princess was in a trance-- a cock-addicted trance that she didn’t want to leave anytime soon. Sweat was dripping down her body everywhere, yet even that wasn’t enough to put a halt to her speed. It felt phenomenal to hear her too! Those doppelgangers were content with smiling away, but they hadn’t made much sound.

That bubble butt was too tempting. You reached out a hand simply to grab it, and upon doing so, her instability worsened.

“H-Hey… you’re… ahhhh…” she started, looking back at you momentarily as her rhythm died down, but you quickly resumed the previous pace by slamming your hips upwards. The expression on her face was ecstatic, with a healthy amount of shock in there thanks to your ambush.

You hoped you were actually awake this time. Everything felt as real as it had done moments before, but there weren’t any strange anomalies this time. Just a beautiful princess riding your cock. An average thing to wake up to after everything you had been through, honestly!

“C-Close… your eyes… please…” she requested. “You weren’t supposed to… ahhhh…”

So you were awake!

Did that mean the lookalikes were part of a dream, one she had constructed? It wasn’t unprecedented that Peony and Mirabilis had taught her a thing or two about manipulating a dream. Elise was skilled with magic.

“I can’t,” you declined without hesitation. How were you meant to sleep now? You were having sex with a gorgeous girl, and while that wasn’t anything new, it was still as amazing as ever! “Unless you make me cum.”

The post-climax exhaustion was the only thing that could kick you back into the dream she had created.

Elise’s reaction to your condition was to exhale messily, following it up by beginning to build back up the rhythm she had lost herself to only moments before. To control her embarrassment, she faced forward again, but that wasn’t a problem when there was a big butt to focus your eyes upon.

Her frantic bouncing indicated something else too. Elise could have easily transitioned to a blowjob and fulfilled the criteria by swallowing your cum or letting you splash her face with it.

But she hadn’t.

That meant she wanted to be creampied.


You wanted to cum inside her too. The only other satisfying option would be to pull out and cover her rear in semen, but that fantasy had already been fulfilled thanks to one of her crafted dreams.

It did not take long for her efforts to pay off, but it wasn’t surprising in the slightest. Elise’s pussy was as ridiculously compact as ever; therefore, there was only so much friction, humidity, and squeezing your sensitive shaft could take. When you felt the signs, you took hold of her hips and jolted your hips upward. You wanted to make sure you were firmly inside her while you let out your load. Her womb deserved nothing less, and she deserved an enhancement to her pleasure too! Elise almost screamed at the sudden sensation, her voice crackling as the warmth of your seed entering her deepest parts triggered an orgasm of her own.

So long as this girl didn’t get too cocky, you were going to sleep soundly after this.

“Wow… you came so much…” Elise giggled, looking back with a surprisingly smug-looking smirk. “You must have really wanted to get me pregnant!”


…you weren’t sure what to say in response to that.

“Aw, don’t worry,” she said. “It’s a good thing this is just a dream!”


You weren’t sure what to say, let alone think.

When had this happened again?

You recalled a few incidents of doppelgangers… but not like this!

“C’mon! Hurry up with her! I want a go!” Elise was not patient. It was a familiar sight-- you recalled the Elise you were currently inside being just as whiny.

It felt good to be inside her like this. She was on all fours. Your hands were on her hips. You were fucking her so wildly. How could you not? Her pussy was divine. It took considerable effort to push into her deepest depths, but that compactness made everything especially ecstatic. Had you mentioned the view yet? She had such a fat ass!

…and so too did the girl lined up next to her, and the one lined up next to her!

…and probably the one to your side watching all the action, but you couldn’t see her butt. It was a safe assumption though.

There was another one behind you freshly creampied. She had such a great body too. Her tits were small but amazing to suck on while you were busy pounding another one of the princesses here. That had happened not long after experiencing one of the girls sucking your cock while two of them tended to your shaft and another worshiped your balls.

You were in heaven.

How many Elises were there?

Too fucking many.

But you loved it. You loved it so much! There were so many Elises to fuck!

At first, there had been three to tackle, and then you think you fell asleep again, and then there were four!

They hadn’t spoken a whole lot at first, but over time, they started to make sounds and actually communicate, albeit in a very needy way. You knew this was all some sort of manufactured bizarre dream, but you didn’t care, not when it was constantly improving! Its creator was getting more and more skilled, as demonstrated by how naughty these girls had become!

You finally came, filling up Elise with what felt like a week’s worth of semen. It certainly looked like it! At some point, you were confused about how you were able to fuck and fill up so many, but then you remembered it was a dream. There were no rules-- or rather, preferable rules. Exhaustion after an orgasm? That wasn’t needed. That wasn’t desired.

So it didn’t exist.

The Elise next in line finally had her wish fulfilled, and as you gradually pushed everything inside her, you watched as another Elise helped herself to the one that had been freshly creampied. It was like they wanted you to get even more turned on! Such a thing was possible in this dream realm. You were always hard and raring to go, desperate to feel the snugness of a certain princess’s pussy at all times.

It was good. It was so good.


An Elise was currently laying down with another Elise stacked on top of each other, their pussies completely aligned, but rarely both devoid of a cock. You took turns, treating them fairly for being so patient.

These two princesses had been waiting for an awfully long time! Five of them had been smothering your cock for a while, making sure each inch had a dedicated tongue, and that each of them had an independent orgasm to swallow.

…and that was after one of them had been especially greedy and rode you until she was creampied twice! That Elise was still unconscious, unable to deal with the extraordinary pleasure and her pussy being subsequently eaten out.

“It’s my turn!” yet another Elise cried out. “I’ve waited so long for your cock! I want it so badly! It feels so good inside me!!”

“Nuh-uh! I’ve been waiting longer!”

“No, I have!!”

You tuned out the complaining. You were about to cum anyway, so they’d get what they desired soon or later.


How long had it been?

An eternity?

Perhaps longer?

How many Elises were currently slumbering? Dozens? A few dozen?

How many had you fucked? A lot more than that, that was for sure.

There were only a few left. One was currently on her back, getting treated to some gentle but loving sex while another rode her face, satisfying her urges somewhat until it was her turn. The other…?

Oh, there wasn’t another!

It was just the two of them left.

Once they had all been filled up, you could…

…well, you weren’t sure what you’d do?

Probably wake one up and see if they wanted their wombs filled up again?




“Mirabilis, don’t fall asleep!”

Peony and Mirabilis had been watching for a while now.

The reality of the situation was that absolutely nothing was happening in the Summoner’s quarters.

You were sleeping soundly with an adorable princess cuddled up with you. In fact, it had been that way ever since you both entered the bed.

But the two Ljósálfar saw more than that-- they witnessed a variety of dreams, daydreams, and some that were a blur between the two.

“...but if I sleep… I could join in…” Mirabilis attempted to justify her slumber, only to get her cheeks pulled in retaliation.

“You will wait your turn, just as everyone else has to,” Peony scolded her, sighing quietly. “I’m glad they’re sleeping though. The curse can’t strike them like this. Princess Elise has done a great job. It took her a while to get used to the magic, but she’s an honorary Ljósálfar if you ask me!”

“That’s nice… zzz…”


“S-Sorry, sorry!”

The two ladies departed, having seen enough evidence that all was well. Nothing was theoretically stopping them from staying to make sure, but even Peony couldn’t deny she would have been tempted to join too…

Princess Elise of the Nohrian Kingdom opened an eye once she was confident they had left, smiling warmly. She reached a hand down her body, observing the mess between her legs.

A new rule had been put in place ever since the Magvel Princesses Incident: All helpers were no longer allowed to have sex with the Summoner.

Instead, they had to utilize potent dream magic and do the naughty deeds within them. That way, the mind could be tricked into thinking it had been satisfied, even when it hadn’t.

Elise had not signed up for that!

Therefore, she decided to take matters into her own hands! She had maintained many dreams while gently riding her lover to orgasm, wanting to feel what a creampie really felt like. It had taken a lot of effort and the dreams weren’t perfect-- she wasn’t able to speak in them initially for one.

But she had succeeded in her task. There was a warmth in her tummy and it had gone undetected!

Celebrations could come later-- she still had some dream-fucking to commence with!


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