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(This is the third chapter of the "Under the Scorching Sun" series. You can read the first two parts here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41082102)


It was too damn hot!

Frankly, you weren’t sure why you were still here. Your little refuge under the parasol did dampen the incinerating heat against your skin somewhat, but shade could only do so much to soothe the situation.

Princess Elise’s offer was a tempting solution to this little problem. The cabin would be cooler, but you’d know that adorable girl would interpret your arrival as a desire for a second round. Naturally, you wouldn't oppose the offer, but that was the problem!

You were exhausted! Apparently, having sex with two different women would do that-- who could have guessed? The intensity of both sessions had completely drained your energy. That was the reason you decided not to return to the cabin. Elise would probably be disappointed in your lackluster performance, and the last thing you wanted was to make an adorable girl like her sad. Besides, intercourse wasn’t exactly the type of activity that would cool you down. That was what you needed more than anything else.

How ironic that you had come to this beach to relax. From the smoldering heat to the unexpected frisky encounters, you were starting to doubt you’d ever get to feel something even remotely resembling relaxation.

“Yune, wait!”

When a little orange bird came flying in, landing close by, those doubts were solidified. Even as its head twitched, it stared at you with a bizarre intensity.

“Finally, you stopped!”

The voice was a gentle one, belonging to another member of your personal squadron. Micaiah ran into the scene, looking like she had run multiple laps.

Yune, the mischievous birdie, chirped a few times in response.

“I’m so sorry for the intrusion,” Micaiah apologized, though she really had no reason to… especially with how she looked bending down while she held her knees and breathed. You were a monster. “Yune took off in a panic earlier and I’ve been chasing her since. I’m not sure what spooked her, but it looks like something about you has calmed her down.”

That was strange. It was also awfully convenient. Micaiah had been in view when Elise approached, and when things started to get touchy-feely, you had completely forgotten about her presence.

You gazed at the bird. It looked like it was smiling.


Nah. It was just a silly little bird. It surely didn’t know anything.

What was its name again…? Yune…? Wasn’t there a hero with that name from Tellius?

Ah, probably a coincidence.

“That’s not a problem,” you saw no harm with her being here… so long as she didn’t notice any evidence of the earlier shenanigans. Besides, any distraction from the heat was a good one. “How has your summer vacation been?”

“It has been wonderful… for the most part,” Micaiah answered, that latter part prompting an irritated inflection to her voice that she was quick to discard. “I foresaw that the ‘winds of paradise’ would be something I would soon experience, and when we first arrived, I understood it was the soothing breeze of these isles. Alas, there is not much of a breeze now. This heat is starting to make me feel a little faint. I cannot say I’m a fan.”


Finally, somebody else who disliked this abnormal weather! Elincia and Elise hadn’t commented on it whatsoever, likely too occupied with figuring out how to get fucked silly to worry about the temperature.

“The heat… it almost feels a little unnatural,” she piqued your interest with that comment-- you had never considered that the weather was potentially artificial… assuming that was what she meant, anyway. “Considering that… well, never mind that.”

Yune chirped, flying up suddenly and landing on Micaiah’s shoulder, receiving a gentle rub underneath her chin despite her antics.

“Are you finally behaving now, Yune?" Micaiah scolded the little critter, though she was unable to sound genuinely annoyed. "It all started a little after Queen Elincia left. She just completely lost it. Poking trees, flying in circles, and making all sorts of noises. It really did concern me, but I’m happy to hear she’s gotten everything out of her system.”

A little after…


Probably a coincidence.

"You're welcome to rest here," you offered. "Frankly, I wouldn't mind the company. I've had a hectic day too."

"That would be wonderful," Micaiah seemed relieved at the suggestion, like she had contemplated asking but lacked the courage. She subsequently sat down, breathing deeply while she recuperated.

Yune continued to stare at you, making you ponder whether or not she had seen things she was not supposed to see. It mattered little-- it wasn't like a bird could talk about it.

Rather than stare back at the bird, you brought your attention to the owner.

Micaiah looked enchanting. Her body was shimmering with sweat, she was breathing in a hypnotic rhythm, and the exhausted expression that kept her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open perfected the view. Something about it tickled the mind just right! Although she wasn't as busty as Elincia, her swimsuit showed a lot more cleavage, adding to the wonderful sight. She really was beautiful.

You'd usually feel guilty for staring so inappropriately, but it appeared to be annoying her little companion. You had no idea why-- nor did you care-- for it was amusing. The bird in question started to chirp endlessly, looking like it was ready to depart from its perch and have another temper tantrum.

"Hush, Yune…" Micaiah mumbled, having enjoyed the momentary silence. "I'm trying to relax."

The bird did not take the comment well, almost looking like it was about to act out, but it ultimately decided to hold back. Instead, it closed its eyes and relaxed, almost looking like it had drifted off into a sudden slumber.

Micaiah appeared to be meditating, completely oblivious to her surroundings while she recuperated from all the running around, making her little companion’s restraint impressive.

“It is quite obvious you have been staring,” Micaiah suddenly spoke up, adopting a tone that sounded strangely bold and foreboding-- a far cry from her usual soothing voice. It was deeper too, sounding more mature.

That was the least of your problems though.

She had realized what you were doing, and unlike the two ladies before her, you doubted this would lead to a happy ending. That was not a pleasant inflection to hear.

“But this bikini is in the way, is it not? You poor thing. Go on then-- take a look.”

You were not given even a second to comprehend the implications of what she was saying. Micaiah had hastily removed the straps of her bikini top, setting her breasts completely free without a single shred of hesitation.

What prompted her to do such a thing was beyond your understanding… but goodness, it was difficult to care at all when they looked so amazing! Being able to witness them jiggle as they were set free from the prison, revealing they were perfectly sized for greedy hands-- it was an unexpected and unreal experience The temptation to reach out and feel them was unbearable, but you held back, even though the smirk on her face suggested she wouldn’t mind a little assertiveness.

Had some sort of switch flipped internally for her? This didn’t feel like something Micaiah would do-- at all!

Then again, you could say the same about the other girls who had been in your company today. Everybody was just really damn horny on this island, or something.

Micaiah’s crimson eyes were slanted, doubtlessly finding much amusement in your flabbergasted face.

“What a delightful reaction~” Micaiah giggled. Even her laugh sounded different, but it was strangely alluring. “Your body-- completely immobilized yet quivering. Your thoughts-- plentiful but disorderly. The hunger within-- escaping containment. How long will you hold back? Why not give in? Claim what you desire… lest you miss your opportunity.”

It was challenging to respond to that.

Therefore, you merely observed. Micaiah’s breasts looked so soft, juxtaposing the hardness of her nipples. Her expression was gleeful, though transitioning into something that resembled agitation. The elocution, while unusual to hear, was elevated by how sultry and seductive it sounded. It was all selling you on this unanticipated change of pace.

Micaiah disliked your idleness, expressing her disappointment with a sigh. Careful not to disturb her slumbering partner, she quickly held Yune and placed her aside. Satisfied she was safe and secure, she got on all fours and crawled towards you at an astonishingly absurd pace.

She did not stop-- not until she had you tumbling down onto your back so she could tower over you. It was a breathtaking few seconds, and when she swiped her long, silver hair out of the way, she was breathless and blushing maddeningly. She genuinely appeared controlled by lust, on a level that her predecessors had been unable to reach.

None of this made any sense! Where had this recklessness come from?! Where had this… everything… come from?!

Had she seen you with one of the other girls? Was she secretly prone to intense jealousy?

Now, you weren’t exactly against the notion of being pinned down by an absurdly aroused topless woman! However, it was difficult to grasp that the individual doing this was Micaiah.

Nonetheless, it was not a complaint! Surprises were fun!

“Confused, yet aroused all the same, is that not that right, bonecage?” Micaiah seemed to… insult you…? You weren’t sure-- there was a word in there you had heard anybody use before. “This island reeks of chaos, intentionally brought forth by somebody who wished to sow it. But do not look at little old me. I am an innocent bystander! Be that as it may, I cannot deny I am certainly enjoying how it has given many the necessary… push… toward their wishes, shall we say?

“...Micaiah, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

…and that was strangely arousing. Was this how she acted when she was horny? Did she completely lose her mind? Was the tender personality a ruse?

“Micaiah? Goodness. Too dazzled by a woman’s breasts to realize what is happening? Look into my eyes, oh collection of chemicals.”

The breasts were captivating, yes, but did she not realize her vocabulary was not normal?

Regardless, you did as she requested. Understanding your eyes were locked on her, she closed them. When they next opened, they were not the same color, instead a gorgeous gold.

…which now that you gave it some thought… that was her actual eye color! Which meant…

"I…" Micaiah mumbled. Though she had said a single word, you could tell she had returned back to normal. "You… You…"

…oh dear.

She sounded upset. Very upset.

Did this girl have a split personality disorder, represented by a differing eye color? Was she about to lash out at you for something her alter ego had done?



Micaiah backed away suddenly, having processed the position she was in. Her strange bird chirped a few times, flying a few laps around her owner's head. You weren't sure when it had woken up, but it was as vibrant as ever.

As for her owner, she needed a few moments to realize she was topless. Upon discovering that revelation, she hastily covered her chest with her arm while she searched for her discarded bikini top.

"I am so, so sorry," she apologized, making you breathe a sigh of relief. You truly expected her to be furious at you! "Yune, she's… well, it's hard to explain, and…" she paused, taking a deep breath while closing her eyes momentarily. "She knows I need a cock and wants to help make that happen."

That voice… was not hers.

Well, it was… but then it wasn’t!

Micaiah suddenly shook her head rapidly. "Yune, do not possess me without permission!"


Was that what this was? That little bird… could possess bodies?

That was terrifying.

Not as terrifyingly arousing as it was to hear the subsequent heresy coming from that bewitching voice, of course.

"I am giving you the push you need! Have a closer look at the shorts of the meatling. That hormonal creature is maddeningly erect over your body. Why not check out what he has to offer?"

Micaiah sounded like she was talking to herself, but now you knew that was far from the truth.

"...I'm… ah…"

Something was really fucking wrong with this bird.

You kinda dug its vibe though.

The poor priestess was not having a good time. She was dominated by a rush of emotions that she couldn't comprehend, and you were certain the surrounding heat wasn't helping her current condition. She was barely paying attention to the arm over her tits too, for one of her nipples had slipped out.

You felt for her, you really did. You also really wanted to feel her too.

That damn bird…

Horny thoughts aside, the least you could do was not make things worse for her. She was a friend-- a beautiful friend-- but what mattered first was making sure she was okay! Therefore, you gently called out to her.  "...Micaiah? Uh… are you alright?"

"...I'm… really sorry…"

"It's okay," you saw no reason for her to apologize. "You have a bird that can possess your body and say ridiculous things. Honestly, that's not the weirdest thing I've seen during my time in Askr."

"I'm… not sorry for that," she muttered, facing away in shame. "What I'm apologizing for… is that… well-- Yune-- she’s right. I need… uhm…" she paused, a familiar set of actions occurring that prepared you for what was to come. "Show us your cock."

Okay. Nothing could have prepared you for that.

Micaiah strangely didn't seem too annoyed by the sudden possession. She breathed deeply, and said something sensational. "Yes. That… is what I'd like… if that's okay with you."

Right. Cool. There was something really wrong with this island.

One girl wanting your cock was abnormal, but not impossible. Two girls in a single day? Unprecedented. Three?!

Ludicrousness aside, were you going to pass up the opportunity? Of course not! Exhaustion be damned-- all the girls on this island were beautiful and you wouldn't say no to a single one.

"...this isn't Yune talking with Micaiah's voice, just to be sure?"

Micaiah lightly shook her head and Yune twittered, serving as your confirmation.

"...alright then."

You gripped your shorts and pulled them down in a single swoop, revealing that Yune's observation was correct and you were indeed at full mast.

Micaiah exhaled in shock at what she was seeing, but by no means did she appear disappointed. Since you had shown what you had to offer, she did the same, letting you gaze at her breasts once more when she stopped blocking them with her arm. Even that silly little bird seemed happy to see the goods. You just hoped it didn't want any action-- not in that form, at least.

As that frightening first step had been taken (with a helping wing), Micaiah seemed more confident and willing to indulge in what she wanted. She took a few steps forward, wrapping her hand around your member without any reluctance. Although you didn't have an opportunity to see if this was Yune's doing, the lack of possession-freed surprise seemed to indicate this was all Micaiah. The little birdie wasn't lying-- her owner wanted a cock, and that was precisely why she was stroking you so excitedly.

"You're… ah… so big…" she purred, her face mere inches away from yours, letting you feel her hot breath against your face.

It was surprising she hadn't kissed you yet. Perhaps there was still some subconscious hesitation on her end preventing that? A few lingering hurdles? No matter the cause, you lacked any restraint. That was why you did not hesitate to ambush her lips by smashing them with yours.

The sudden embrace prompted a pleasurable clutch around your manhood from her silky smooth hand. Micaiah moaned into your mouth, taken aback but not against such a feeling, letting you dominate the intensifying kiss.

The warmth of the weather gradually became an afterthought, the warmth of her body and touch far preferable and pleasing. Micaiah continued to excitedly jerk you off, albeit with less of a rhythm now that she was multitasking with the kissing. Her pacing didn't get any better when you finally sank your hands into her breasts, purposefully targeting her erect nipples, correctly guessing they were a weak spot.

But a little smooch and playing around with your cock wasn't all she wanted to do. Far from it.

Micaiah broke the kiss, appearing disorientated and not quite there, but she was still conscious enough to know what she wanted to do next.

"Please… lay down with me… I’d like to rest… for a moment…" she murmured, and you complied. She was still drained from the marathon her mischievous bird had made her run. Jumping into this hadn't helped whatsoever, which was why she ultimately decided she wanted to cuddle for a while instead.

When it was Micaiah’s turn to join you, she did indeed lay down next to you, albeit not symmetrically. Her head was further up, taking advantage of a towel you had resting there. Just as you were about to join her, she wrapped an arm around you, trying her best to pull you in. She lacked the strength, but you followed through with the intended gesture, for it brought your head directly into the cushions that were her boobs.

"Sorry about this…" she apologized again, too out of it to notice what was happening, seemingly. "I need a moment…"

"Take your time. It's okay."

You hoped she didn’t notice you sounded a little muffled.

Regardless of the situation, sexy times were going to be put on hold. She needed to rest… and so did you!

…and what better place to rest than within her bosom, hmm?

Micaiah, despite her fatigue and understanding she needed to relax, still very much wanted to play. Her hand found its way back to your dick, unafraid to take hold and begin moving up and down at a sensational pace.

If this was her idea of recuperation, then there was something you could do in return. She had been kind enough to let you rest within her breasts, after all!

That was why you greedily took a nipple into your mouth without warning, relishing in how it made her yelp out in unexpected pleasure. Despite the shock, she did not back away. Satisfied she was a fan, you started to suck swiftly. Although there wasn't going to be any milk to enjoy here, you were going to enjoy the meal nevertheless. It was addicting to swirl your tongue around her nipple and suck hard. You could do this for hours.

Though her rhythmic motions had been disturbed, Micaiah still did her best to give you the handjob of a lifetime, seemingly understanding just how effective her soft hands were. You subsequently rewarded her by doing everything you could to stimulate her nipples, alternating between them and using your hand to pleasure the other, making certain they were always being attacked. Though they didn't taste like anything in particular, it mattered not-- the true feast was the increasing intensity of her voice.

Something like this was sorely needed after the intensive earlier sessions. Here, you could rest your weary bones while experiencing a quieter but sublime form of pleasure. When everything inevitably transitioned into more traditional intimacy, you had no doubt it would be gentle and caring.

…assuming that insane bird didn't get involved again.

Micaiah's moans were beginning to amplify suddenly, making you suspect she was playing with not just you, but herself as well. She wasn't concerned about her volume, though there was a good chance she hadn't realized how loud she was being. Nonetheless, it felt incredible to worship her breasts while she jerked you off. This too, was a feeling you could experience for hours without end.

But mere moments later, Micaiah paused, gently pulling her body away.

"...can you lay down on your back?" she asked quietly, not sounding shy in the slightest, though possibly a little uncomfortable with being direct. Fortunately, you had a suspicion you knew what she wanted to do next.

You did as she asked without question. In response, she stood, discarding her bikini bottom and finally revealing what she looked like completely nude.

Predictably, there was little opportunity to admire the view. Micaiah quickly got into position and crouched, aiming your cock skyward, preparing herself to sink into the depths of depravity. You had been told she wanted a cock and she was showing it!

However, she struggled to find the intersecting point, her haste and impatience disrupting her balance and making her too wobbly.

For a time.

Micaiah’s eyes soon turned a crimson red and her shivering came to a halt. A certain somebody was intervening in her affairs once more.

Yune, surprisingly, was merely offering a helping hand and not overstaying her welcome. She merely aligned everything before returning control of the body back to its rightful owner. Micaiah seemed a little startled by the momentary body-snatching, but she was able to focus on the task at hand once she realized how she had been assisted. Finally, she started to lower her body. Within moments, you started to feel a sublime form of heat and compactness around your manhood, and it was growing all the more intense.

Unsurprisingly, Micaiah was soaking wet, making it effortless for her to take in everything. Not once did she signify any discomfort, instead looking dominated by the sensations she was experiencing. Yune’s assistance had helped substantially, but nothing could have prepared her for the pleasure being too good! Micaiah was unable to maintain her position, ultimately falling forward and resting upon your body. You weren't opposed to the tumble, delighted in feeling the entirety of her body against yours.

“Sorry… I'm still a little woozy…” Micaiah apologized again, but she really didn't need to! You were just happy to be here, having a beautiful woman riding your cock.

Since she wasn't all there, and neither were you-- though feeling her divine body against yours was admittedly very rejuvenating-- you decided to take charge. Placing your hands on her butt for reinforcement (and personal satisfaction), you started to move your hips. You kept the motions minimal at first, understanding she'd need time to get used to these sensations. Micaiah reacted well to the strategy, humming approvingly while resting her head on your shoulder.

Despite the earlier incidents during the day, your sensitivity was as strong as ever. Micaiah's pussy was the perfect level of humidity and compactness for your cock too. So long as there was nothing to distract from this rhythm, you were confident you'd cum in no time. Hopefully, so would she, and considering she was moaning a chorus into your ear, you were optimistic about the odds.

Wanting to hear more of her song, you ramped up the pace. What was a slow melody transitioned into something fierce and difficult to keep up with, but you persevered and maintained the melody to the best of your ability. You were outright pounding Micaiah right now, and while you would have loved to see what it looked like from behind, seeing her tainted expression was the next best thing. She was consumed by bliss so strong that you couldn’t fathom it. That was the only explanation for such a beautifully degenerate face.

Surprisingly, Micaiah started to move her body to match your cadence. It was a struggle at first, but she was proving that she hadn’t completely surrendered to your movement. However, it was a worthwhile decision; the moment your rhythm synced with hers-- it was inconceivably good. You hit deep, itching sensitive spots she doubtlessly had never scratched before. Though the sudden pressure gave her all the reason to call it quits and let you do all the hard work, she still did everything she could to keep up. It was a struggle, but those sublime moments became more frequent over time.

There was only so much of those that you-- and her-- could take.

Micaiah was the first to reach her climax, a nudge against her cervix bringing her over the edge. The ensuing tightening of her pussy then triggered yours, and though you were beginning to understand it probably wasn’t a good idea to creampie all these girls… you couldn’t resist the allure. Supposedly, neither could they!

The moments beyond those grand ten seconds of heaven were a blur.

It was a giggle that made you open your eyes fully, for it was a mischievous one.

“Micaiah is sleeping,” Yune had taken control. “The poor thing! You exhausted her! Goodness, you filled her up so much too! I can feel it all! You have no idea how badly she needed that.”

“Yune,” you said weakly. “You are a terrifying bird.”

Yune-- controlling Micaiah’s body-- stood up, freeing herself from your cock. It was an intriguing act, for you were half-expecting this girl to start riding you until the sun started to set.

“I would love to have some fun too,” she said, putting the bikini back on behalf of the body’s original owner. She also took great care of the sleeping bird, placing her gently on her shoulder. “But possession of an exhausted being makes me feel exhausted too! Aren’t you lucky?”

“I am very lucky.”

You were not going to survive an encounter with a goddess.

To be granted mercy… it was a dream come true.

“I must tell you something though,” Yune continued, sounding bizarrely excited, more so than usual! “Do you recall what I said earlier? There is something at play here-- an outside force influencing things, seemingly in everybody’s favor. Is that not fascinating? Will you investigate and discover the cause? Or… will you take advantage of the chaos? I am looking forward to witnessing your decision!”

Yune then left, amused at what she had said, and how little you had to say about it.

How were you meant to respond to that?

An outside force…

It would explain a lot…

Elincia, Elise, and now Micaiah…

Then again, everything about those encounters-- excluding the insanity that was the bird-- felt genuine. It didn’t feel like anybody was under a spell. Elincia had acted strongly regarding her desires… and then fallen apart. Elise… well, you were arguably the one who had seduced her! If there was an outside force at play, it hadn’t done an amazing job of making these girls throw themselves at you… assuming that even was the cause…?

Hmm… perhaps the silly bird was right. An investigation was in order!

…because, frankly, there was currently no alternative; you did not have the energy to fuck yet another woman.

What a hilarious problem to have.



This was really great! I loved all of Yune's dialogue, she was really fun!