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Alear had awakened early, something he was getting somewhat used to by this point.

He had yesterday’s festivities to thank for that. A wedding was bound to exhaust anyone-- especially the groom!

A substantial amount of time had passed since the war’s end. Many of his comrades had returned to their homelands, hoping to repair the damage caused by the Fell Dragon and the Corrupted. Alear’s wedding with Citrinne had brought everyone together again, and it was nice that they could reunite under peaceful circumstances. Many had opted to remain on the Somniel-- the natural location for the post-wedding celebrations-- rather than return home during the night.

It pleased him to know so many were around again. The Somniel had been too empty lately. Vander, Framme, and Clanne were always present, which he greatly appreciated, but this used to be a location where you could find somebody doing something around every corner. He missed that. Hopefully, he’d get to experience that atmosphere again this morning, which was part of the reason he was up so early!

It was unfortunate he had to depart so soon though! He and his wife were scheduled to leave for their honeymoon during the afternoon. The location was a resort in the middle of the ocean, the very same island offered to him shortly after they first met. Although he had rejected it back then, she had gone ahead and brought it anyway.

His wife.

He could actually call her that now! Citrinne. His wife. His wife!

He loved her so much. Even thinking about her was enough to make his heart thump, and make a smile form on his face, and-

Alear… may I have a word?

The Divine Dragon froze, the agitated tone of his beloved sending a shiver down his spine. His wife did not sound pleased with him, and he suspected he knew why.

Alear had awakened sooner than Citrinne, and because he was feeling a little hungry, he thought it wouldn’t hurt to sneak out of bed while she slumbered to grab a snack. He'd get to converse with anybody awake too, and then, he could return to bed to ensure she woke by his side. Unfortunately, he had made too much of a stir when leaving the bed.

“Citrinne, I-”

Citrinne wasn’t wearing the most pleasant of expressions, but fortunately, it was quick to dissipate when she couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “You are not good at sneaking out of my bed, my love. I thought that on the dawn of our marriage, I would awaken to the embrace of my husband, and yet… hmmm… you will make this up to your poor wife, won’t you?”

Make it up to her, huh? He never needed an excuse to spoil his spouse, always eager to match the tally she had been building up on her end. Of course, he understood she wasn’t speaking seriously about the proposition-- merely teasing him-- but he was curious about whether she had something in mind or not.

"What would you like me to do, darling?”

Citrinne took a moment to respond, and for some bizarre reason, she found it difficult to maintain eye contact. He didn’t have to wait too long for her answer though. "You and I… are going to get changed and enjoy the pool.”

That was… fine? Alear didn't mind a swimming session, but he expected her to request something more extravagant than that. He was prepared to take on any outlandish task!

Still, if all she desired was to swim alongside him, then he’d deliver.

As he returned to his room with his beloved, he half-expected her to change her plan and push him onto the bed, cheekily demanding something they were far too tired to do during their wedding night.

Ever since the unorthodox proposal that led to their relationship, the couple had enjoyed a healthy and frequent sex life, getting up to all sorts of things behind the scenes. Citrinne had been quite frisky the previous night, but exhaustion and having a little too much to drink meant they couldn’t do much.

However, Citrinne simply retrieved her swimsuit without even hinting that she wanted something more, so he did the same. Even as the two discarded their clothes and they briefly got to see each other in the nude, there was still no indication she was interested in anything sexual.

…which was fine!

Alear was truthfully feeling in the mood, wanting to experience their first lovemaking session post-marriage, but he wasn’t going to act if she seemed disinterested. He was sure they’d get to have some fun at their private resort later anyway.

“Alear, dear,” she spoke to him once her swimsuit was on. It was ordinary swimwear he had seen many wear on the Somniel, but it naturally looked the best on her. His wife was gorgeous. “I want you to go on ahead. There’s something I need to prepare before I join you.”

What preparation had to be made for swimming beyond, well, putting on a swimsuit? She was clearly clothed for the occasion, and she could swim, so no accessories that helped with that were needed.

“Is it something I can help you with?” Alear asked, doubting it was something she had to do on her lonesome. They were married! He wanted to do everything he could to prove he was going to be a good husband! He didn’t have any doubts that he wouldn't be one, but he still wanted to prove she had married the best man she could ask for. The post-marriage high he was experiencing was thrilling, and he wanted it to last as long as possible.

“Hmm… you could…” Citrinne contemplated the suggestion, but she then shook her head. “But it will be more fun if you don’t.”

“I don’t understand,” he wasn’t sure how to handle the vagueness; she was usually so direct with him, so what was with the secrets? “What do you mean, Citrinne?”

“My dear, I promise you, it’s nothing to worry about!” Citrinne recognized his concern, putting it to rest with haste. “It’s a surprise. A post-wedding gift, shall we say. Trust me, okay? You are going to love it.”


After a comment like that, he knew everything was going to be okay. He was being a bit of a worrywart, sure, but knowing this beautiful and incredible woman was officially his wife was making him feel more… protective than usual, he supposed? Married life was going to have to take some getting used to, apparently!

Alear departed, heading towards the pool as promised. The sun was only beginning to rise, meaning they had limited time to enjoy their swim before others showed up, but he didn’t mind that inevitability. He gradually got into the pool, the chill of the night making the waters a little cold, but he knew he'd adapt shortly.

He waited patiently for a few minutes, attempting to theorize what Citrinne was doing, though none of his ideas made any sense within the context he had been given. Alear didn’t want to be so worried, knowing too much could be off-putting, but gods, he really loved his wife. She was living in his head rent-free! If she wasn't already filthy rich, he'd be paying her!

Seeing her in that bridal dress, walking down the aisle, and ready to marry the love of her life-- him-- it was something he was never going to forget. She had never looked so beautiful, and watching her take every step was a reminder that they were going to share their lives together. He was like a smitten puppy, and that was a little embarrassing to admit, but he liked feeling this level of love.

He wanted nothing more than to hold her, and kiss her, and should she desire it, take her.

Alear was a man deeply in love, but he was also very horny. They had slept nude together, and because they were unable to do anything the previous night, he had been tempted to wake her specifically so they could make love. Although it pained him, he was glad he hadn’t; she looked so peaceful sleeping so soundly, and it would have been heartless of him to disturb them.

Course, he still did, albeit unknowingly… but he was at least about to make it up to her.

“Sorry for the wait, Alear,” Citrinne apologized when she finally arrived, looking strangely red in the face, though that was probably because she felt guilty about keeping him.

Citrinne really did look incredible in a swimsuit. The bikini she wore perfectly highlighted her curves, her breasts, and those hips! He badly wanted her to turn around and showcase that bubbly butt of hers, but he had to remain resolute! This was just going to be a swim. Nothing more. Nothing less.

His beloved entered the waters, finding the chill slightly uncomfortable, but an embrace from her husband hastily fixed that.

“It’s been a while since we’ve swam, hasn’t it?” Alear held her firmly, focusing entirely on how much he loved his wife. He loved her. He wanted to fuck her. N-No, that could wait. Right now was a time for loving, NOT lovemaking! This was their first day as a married couple! It had to be romantic!

“Mmm…” Citrinne sounded… distracted.

Alear didn’t want to come across as too worrisome, but that wasn’t a pleasant tone to hear. “...is everything alright?”

“Y-Yes… I am just… a little nervous,” Citrinne confessed. It was useful information, but it did not elaborate on the cause, something she recognized after a few moments. “Alear, if I tell you now… that I’ve been dishonest to you about something… will you think badly of me?”

“No, of course not.”

He did not hesitate. Though a married couple were not supposed to keep secrets from one another, he’d be a hypocrite for mentioning that; he hadn't exactly mentioned how badly he wanted her right now! Fortunately, the seriousness of the situation was keeping his mind focused.

“I… do not want to swim,” she elaborated… which honestly made everything more confusing for her spouse. She looked incredibly bashful about this revelation, something he couldn’t decipher the meaning of. Luckily, he did not have to wait for an elaboration on the elaboration. “I… in this pool… I want… I want you to take me.”


“I’m sorry,” she added. “We keep everything in the bedroom, so wanting something like this… it was embarrassing for me to admit, so I lied about what I wanted, and then I felt so awful about it. We’re husband and wife now! I should be completely honest with you, so please, forgive me for this...”

Although they had been together for ages now, hearing that she desired him in such a way… it still made his heart beat so frantically.

“Then we’re equal,” Alear knew exactly what to say. “I’ve been feeling in the mood ever since laying my eyes on you this morning, but I thought it was best to keep this day romantic, so I never confessed what I wanted. I am sorry too.”

Citrinne was initially taken aback by what her husband had to say, but as it processed in her mind, she couldn’t help but giggle. “Alear, my dear, how is wanting to make love to your wife not romantic? A good wife provides for her husband’s needs, just as a good husband provides for his wife’s needs. The only reason we desire each other so desperately is because we are madly in love and cannot get enough of each other, right?”


That was a good point he had not considered. Of course, it wasn’t a perfect point-- it would be selfish for either of them to demand each other for sexual fulfillment on a constant basis, and-

Alear’s thoughts came to an abrupt close when Citrinne suddenly kissed him very passionately. The embrace was startling, but he could never refuse the touch of her lips. He kissed her back with a matching level of energy, only pulling away after he felt the need to breathe.

“My dear-- you’re thinking too much,” Citrinne joyfully chided him. “There’s only one thing that should be on your mind… and that’s making love to me. Don’t forget I have a surprise in store for you too~”

He hadn’t forgotten. It was a post-wedding gift, supposedly, and from what he understood now, it appeared to be a spicy one. He still wasn’t sure what it was, but he decided it was best to not think about it and instead look forward to when she was ready to present it.

Alear listened to her advice, this time returning the favor by being an initiator of a swift and sudden kiss that caught his spouse by surprise. Eager to prove how badly he wanted her, he did not hesitate to slide the hands currently on her hips in opposite directions. One rested on her chest, while the other greedily groped her ass. The sudden pressure made it easy for him to dominate the kiss for a time, though she reciprocated the gesture promptly when her hands found their way around his erection.

Touching was all well and good-- and so too was kissing-- but there was so much more they wanted to do. Citrinne was the first to voice what she desired. "Sit up from the pool, my dear. I want to suck your cock."

Citrinne was ordinarily bashful about saying anything lewd, but when lust was coursing through her veins, she lacked shame and a filter. Alear adored how direct she could be during these moments. Of course, he was happy to do as she asked. Even as he sat up, she was already pulling down his shorts, eager to release his manhood. Citrinne opted to bend over, resting her hands on his thighs before she stuck out her tongue to get a taste.

Alear understood the position was very purposeful-- he now had an incredible view of not just her mouth smothering his cock, but also that heavenly ass that he loved. He had burned the sight of it jiggling whenever he fucked her from behind into his memory by this point. Although he was able to vividly recall such an incredible scene in his head at any point, it could never compare to seeing it in person. Once she was done, he was going to take her that way. He was curious to learn whether the violent splashing of the water would make their naughty act even hotter.

Though he was having the time of his life, Alear was honestly not sure which view to keep his focus on.

He adored seeing her play with his cock, especially with how mischievous she looked doing it. Seeing those slanted, mesmerized eyes while she worshiped his member gleefully was a scene he’d never take for granted.

On the other hand, Citrinne had a habit of subtly wiggling her body from side to side, causing her ass to jiggle faintly but very hypnotically. His wife was boasting quite the volume back there too, making certain the wobble did not fade quickly.

Alear was prepared to focus on her butt, wanting to let it continue to captivate him. However, when Citrinne decided then and there to take his manhood into her hot mouth, he found himself back in that dilemma.

It was an amusing problem to have. He no longer had to worry about the war. Instead, his worries were deciding which sexy sight to appreciate more.

“Citrinne… this feels… ahh…”

She was doing amazingly! She always did amazingly, but something about today’s performance was especially amazing! Alear wondered if it had anything to do with that surprise she had prepared for him. Although he wanted to ask what it was, he wasn’t confident he could articulate a sentence any longer; her bobbing was speeding up frantically, lust completely consuming her body and mind as she dedicated her energy to sucking him off.

Until now, he had completely forgotten they were doing this in an accessible location. The rising sun revealing itself within the corner of his eye was a reminder of not just that, but also that they would probably have to speed things up, lest they get noticed.

Strangely, Alear did not mind the prospect of getting caught. This was his home, after all! He could only begin to imagine the looks on Framme and Clanne’s faces once they caught him getting up to some mischief in the pool.

Knowing them, they’d probably end up watching from a discreet location.

Knowing them, they probably already were.

Alear scanned his surroundings for any sign of the stewards, though there was no indication they were present. Admittedly, it was hard to look carefully when the consistent pinches of pleasure from Citrinne’s blowjob were too pristine to ignore. She was really going at it, showing off the skill she had been accumulating ever since their relationship began. At first, she wasn’t able to take a whole lot in, but now she was consistently deepthroating him at a breathtaking pace. She looked addicted.

CItrinne’s efforts were beginning to bring him close to his peak, but that was something she had learned how to detect. Rather than bring him to an early climax, she pulled away suddenly, smirking cheekily at him. “I got a little carried away there, didn’t I?”

“You did, but I’m not complaining,” Alear answered. “We ought to speed up though-- we wouldn’t want anybody to see us.”

“Is it bad that I wouldn’t mind?” Citrinne’s response was very unexpected, and from the way it made him throb, she knew he wasn’t entirely against it. “Of course, I’d rather we weren’t caught… but the thought that we could be at any moment… it’s making me quiver-- in a good way.”

Alear couldn’t deny his intrigue; his reaction from down below had forfeited any denial of interest on the matter. It was scary to think about though. He couldn’t deny that the notion that his stewards were potentially watching had caused some concerns, and that he breathed a sigh of relief upon concluding they weren’t around. It was important he did not forget that momentary dread.

There was some fun to be found in the fright though, and it was an appeal his spouse seemed to share.

Regardless, one question remained. “Is this meant to be the surprise?”

“Oh, this thrill? No, not at all,” Citrinne replied, but she didn’t leave him hanging, understanding he was keen to learn what she had been hiding. “If you rejoin me in the waters, I’ll share~”

That was precisely what he wanted to hear! Carefully pulling his shorts up (even though they’d inevitably be pulled back down again, but they had to be prepared for an unexpected intrusion at all times), Alear gently lowered his body back into the pool.

Citrinne looked nervous to share what she had in store, but her arousal was aiding her resolve.

“...you really like my ass, don’t you, my dear?”

“Of course I do,” Alear did not even hesitate. He had shown his appreciation for her rear time and time again. He loved everything her body had to offer, but goodness, he couldn’t deny he was an ass man.

“...do you… want to fuck it…?”

Alear’s heart skipped a beat. He remained silent momentarily, taking a moment to process that question.

But his answer came as swiftly as it could be.

“I’d like-- no, love that, CItrinne,” he answered her. “But… only if you’re sure you want it too, you hear? I, uhm, don’t know much about it, but I know it needs preparation, and-”

He paused.


Citrinne was anticipating a positive answer and had already readied her body for the dirty deed! That was why she had asked for some privacy by requesting he headed here first.

“I’ve had a feeling you’ve wanted it for a while,” Citrinne confessed. “There’s only so much cheek-spreading a man can do before his significant other starts to wonder.”

Alear chuckled. She had him there. He had always been curious about what it would be like, and he also very much approved of the view.

“Well then… let’s get started, shall we? Truth be told… I’ve been dying to have your big cock inside my ass.”

His naughty spouse was quite the degenerate, but so was he!

Citrinne chose the ideal position for their environment, leaning over and resting her arms on the poolside, sticking out her beautiful bubbly butt for her hubby to enjoy. Though she would have loved to discard her bikini in its entirety, that was practically asking for them to be caught. It was okay though-- it was easy enough for Alear to slide the fabric aside to reveal the hole she desperately wanted him to fuck.

She had been planning to enjoy this form of sex on their wedding night to make it extra special, but a bit of drunkenness and exhaustion had halted her original plan. The delay didn’t bother her though; the waters would help ease the process and make the sex all the more spicy.

“...be gentle with me, my dear,” Citrinne knew he would, of course, but she was feeling nervous and wanted to reassure herself. “Treat this like you are taking my virginity for the first time again, since in a way, you are.”

Alear nodded, getting into position. The pool wasn’t too deep, allowing him to stand, but it was still an unusual sensation that was taking some time to adapt to.  Even so, he could feel the softness of her butt pushing against him as he poked her rear entrance. The sensation caused a shiver on her end, likely the anticipation to blame, but he was determined to take this very gradually. It mattered not that they were pressed for time and it wouldn’t take long for people to show up. Her comfort came first.

“Alright… I’m going in…”


Unsurprisingly, Citrinne’s asshole was a resilient thing, not wanting to accept a foreign object such as his cock so easily.

But Citrinne had adequately been preparing for this day and had worn down her backdoor’s defenses, making penetration challenging, but not impossible. Alear’s cock eventually found its mark after a few attempts, his head beginning to slip inside and open her up.

Citrinne hummed, feeling no pleasure just yet, but she was thankful there was no pain either. Her fingers and a few toys had prepared her for this unusual feeling of fullness, though her arrangements lacked in size compared to her husband’s dick. He had girth and length, and as more of it slid inside her, that bizarre sensation amplified in intensity.

But… as strange as it was, she was beginning to develop an appreciation for the uniqueness.  He had reached this deep before with her pussy, but to experience it from a completely different hole was invoking similar yet different sensations.

Alear could not believe how compact this hole was. He should have anticipated that in hindsight, but by no means was he critiquing this discovery! Her walls were clutching hard against his cock, trying to force him out, but his offensive was stronger. The resistance was welcome, particularly as he sunk more of his manhood into her depths.

The view was spectacular too! He adored witnessing every inch slide inside her, this particular angle highlighting her ass so incredibly too. It really did look like her plump butt was swallowing up everything he had, and that was hot!

“Allleeeaaaarrrr…” Citrinne purred. “I feel it… it’s so deep inside me!”

At first, it felt so bizarre that she wasn’t sure whether or not she liked it, but now this feeling was ingrained in her mind… and she was hooked! He had bottomed out and was now gradually moving in and out, giving her plenty of time to adjust, not knowing she already had! Though this speed was blissful, she was starting to crave something higher on the intensity scale.

“It feels amazing, Citrinne…” Alear groaned approvingly. “I don’t know… if I can hold back…”

“Then don’t!” his beloved sounded desperate-- desperate for more. “I want you to… speed up, okay? Speed up… a lot!”

“A-Are you sure…?” Alear was not against the notion, the pressure so good that he desired to feel it in greater abundance, but he wasn’t going to put his pleasure before her safety. “I don’t want you to get hurt...”

“I’ll be okay, my dear,” Citrinne reassured him. “I promise you, okay? If it gets too much, I’ll say. So please… I want you to ravage my ass so badly.”

Citrinne was beginning to suspect she was weak to anal sex. She had never sounded this needy before, but it felt so naughty to essentially beg for it.

Alear compiled by tightening the grasp he had around her hips, ready to see that butt jiggle in rhythm with his movements. He accelerated gradually, enough to avoid overwhelming her, though not too slowly to give the impression he was going easy on her. If his wife wanted a ravaging, he wasn’t going back away from such a request.

The water had been fairly quiet so far, nowhere near boisterous enough to eclipse a certain lady’s moans. However, that was now beginning to change. Every time Alear slammed his hips forward, the friction caused a loud splash, something that was somewhat concerning as it would alert wandering individuals to their location… but at the same time, they didn’t care. They were far too into it!

Citrinne’s ass had surrendered to the might of his cock, his thrusts reaching terrifically deep and invoking unusual pulses of pleasure she couldn’t fathom. She knew one thing for certain though. She loved, loved, loved this. Alear was fucking her ass! Just thinking about it made her so horny.

Alear couldn’t comprehend how good this was feeling. His body was practically moving on its own, unable to get enough of how tight her ass was, not to mention how wonderful it looked while it was being fucked. He loved, loved, loved this. He was fucking Citrinne’s ass! Just thinking about it made him so horny.

The married couple, consumed by lust, were almost entirely oblivious to their surroundings.

So much so, that when they noticed commotion unrelated to the pool and the pounding happening within it, it was almost too late. Citrinne eventually noticed somebody was approaching and did her best to stand, disrupting her husband’s thrusts. Alear recognized the meaning of the motion and paused, wrapping his arms around her stomach instead, hoping to give the impression their intimacy was the wholesome kind. Nobody needed to know he was balls deep inside his wife’s asshole.

The culprit was Framme. She had arrived at the pool for an unknown reason. When she spotted the couple embracing in the waters, she squealed.

“Awww! Cuuuteeee!!!” Framme’s giddy tone thankfully suggested she didn’t suspect they were up to no good. The steward had declared that she was their number one fan a while back, always adoring whenever they were romantic with each other, and this seemed to be no exception from her perspective. “You’re holding Citrinne so tightly, Divine One! You don’t want her to let go at all! That is so CUTE! Clanne NEEDS to hear about this!”

“Good morning to you too, Framme,” Alear tried his best to sound ordinary. Considering his cock was currently throbbing inside Citrinne’s backdoor, he was doing an alright job! “What brings you here so early in the morning? I was hoping Citrinne and I would get to enjoy a private swim together, though you’re welcome to join us.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to disturb! Vander sent me to pick up a crate of drinks that were left here from last night’s celebrations. The Somniel needs cleaning!!” Framme explained her presence. “If you like, we could make sure the pool is off-limits for you lovebirds!”

Alear loved his stewards. They were so smart! He should have considered just asking them to keep guard!

“That, Framme, is an amazing idea.”

“I’ll see it done! Enjoy your swim, Divine One, and you too, Citrinne!”

“Y-Yes, thank you, Framme…”

Citrinne was not sounding as normal as her spouse, but fortunately, Framme didn’t seem to notice. She was already heading off with the drinks, and once she was far enough away, the couple sighed with relief.

“Allleeaaaarr…” Citrinne sounded whiny, and for good reason-- a certain somebody still had their cock buried inside their ass and was not fucking it! “You should have kept pounding me even when she was here…”

Alear opted not to remind her she had reacted before him to Framme’s presence, though that was mainly because he wanted to resume their antics as soon as possible. “I’ll keep that in mind if there’s a next time, my love.”

The conversation was forcefully concluded when Alear pulled back and swiftly slammed his hips forward, repeating this act rapidly and ramping up the pace each time until he was outright pounding her backdoor as fiercely as he was moments ago. Citrinne maintained the same position, her husband showcasing his approval by playing with her breasts while he ravaged her rear.

Citrinne had experienced the thrill of almost being caught and it had amplified her arousal tenfold, and here her husband was, losing his mind to the pressure of her ass coiling around his cock!

It was miraculous she hadn’t lost her mind either.

She wasn’t far from that feeling, however. A familiar sensation was building up, all but confirming her weakness for this specific act. She was about to cum from anal sex!

Alear wasn’t far from experiencing his equivalent; there was only so much compact ass his manhood could handle, especially when he was able to completely submerge everything inside her.

This simple curiosity of theirs had awakened a new form of sex they were going to engage in a lot from this day forward. They had no doubts. Alear loved fucking her ass, and Citrinne loved having her ass fucked. It was a match made in heaven, as expected from a loving couple that felt that way about their relationship too.

“A-Alear… I’m…!”

She couldn’t handle it anymore.

“M-Me too…”

Neither could he.

“Q-Quickly, then! Fill my a-ass before somebody else s-shows up!”

She wanted him to cum inside her so badly.

He wanted to cum inside her so badly.

Both of their wishes were granted.

With one final thrust, Alear was there, filling up her rear with his semen for the first time. He loved cumming inside her, so it wasn’t shocking to discover he loved flooding her ass too.

Citrinne was familiar with the warmth of his seed, but to feel it inside her butt instead was an incredible feeling-- more than enough to make her cum too. She couldn’t believe she was actually climaxing from anal sex! It was heavenly.

Alear remained inside her as their orgasms concluded, not ready to depart from her ass quite yet. He relocated his hands to her stomach, holding her firmly as they bathed within the comforting waters.

“...that was…” he attempted to describe what had just happened, but…

“I have no words.” Citrinne was experiencing the same thing.

“I do,” he said. “I love you so much, and I’m so happy that you’re now my wife.”

Citrinne was glad he was facing away from him. She was very flustered to hear such a comment.

“...t-that is quite the declaration to make to the woman currently warming your cock with her ass,” she playfully scolded him. “But I love you too, my dear. I’m so happy you’re now my husband. I can hardly believe it.”

Alear chuckled. “Our honeymoon has a pool, doesn’t it?”

“I believe so, yes,” Citrinne answered. “Why do you ask?”

“Do I need to answer?”

Citrinne scoffed. He did not. Thinking about a second round was getting her back in the mood, but they had to exercise patience! There were people to meet and thank before their departure.

But when they finally arrived at that island…

Well, they were going to make the most of all that outdoor space.

Citrinne took a moment to observe the two rings she now possessed. On one hand, was the pact ring, the symbol of their relationship’s beginnings. On the other, was her wedding ring, symbolic of the lives they would share together.

She was happy. Unbelievably so. She was married! To the man of her dreams!

…and he still had his cock in her ass!

“...are you ever going to take that out, my dear?”

“In a bit,” he answered. “It’s warm, just like you.”

“Well, if you’re going to say it like that…”


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