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A wedding day was one of celebration and joy… or rather, it was supposed to be.

Nah suspected she was probably the only individual not feeling cheerful. Everybody surrounding her was either already married, or too young to get married, or at the very least in some form of meaningful relationship.

Her only form of solace throughout the day had been a crying baby, but when she realized she was relating to an infant, the depression bared its fangs once more.

Today was her little sister’s wedding day.

Morgan had found a wonderful man and was happy, and while her older sister was naturally overjoyed for her sibling, it was hard to latch onto that feeling even though it was genuine. After all, it was yet another reminder.

A reminder that she had nobody.

Every single person she came to the past with had married!

Nah had tried-- she really had. She had a crush on one guy, but then he turned out to be an asshole. She then had a crush on another guy, but then he ended up marrying one of her friends! Hooray!

There was a third guy who almost tricked her into believing she had a chance; he was kind and considerate and didn’t seem to mind who she was, and they had a lot of fun spending time together!

But when she asked him out, he declined.

He just wanted to be friends.

Despite the numerous setbacks, she refused to give up! She figured somebody out there would at least have a manakete kink or something! She was a rare species!

Eventually, she learned why many weren’t interested in dating her when a potential partner decided to be brutally honest.

She just looked too young.

Morgan had lucked out, inheriting plenty from her father’s side. Her sister had developed wonderfully, boasting a solid chest, incredible hips, and luscious thighs. Nah didn’t particularly enjoy checking her sister out, but she couldn’t help but make the comparisons.

Nah looked just like her mother. She was flat-chested. She had a round, pinchable face. She was short and easy to pick up. Those were not desirable qualities!! At best, she had some nice curves, the only proof that she was an adult and not a gremlin who belonged in the ball pit with the other kids.

The reason she existed at all was because her mother was confident and not afraid to show off her body.

She was NOT her mother. She was NOT going to resort to wearing risque outfits in a desperate attempt to attract a mate, even if it would doubtlessly increase her chances.

Would it have killed her genes to give her even a small chest? She could have worked with that!

Earlier, somebody had mistaken her as Morgan’s little sister when it was the other way around! She had never felt so embarrassed.

She was in her twenties, for crying out loud!


The only person she knew who was into girls like her was her father… which meant she was doomed. Fathers did not like their daughters that way… and well, daughters did not like their fathers that way either, obviously!

Interestingly, her dad seemed quite distraught about his daughter’s wedding, putting to rest her belief that she was the only one. However, considering he was the bride's father, they were probably joyful tears. He liked the groom. He was a good guy. If anything, her dad was just sad she wasn't going to be around as often since they were going to be moving north.


Nah wondered if it was best she left early and found a forest far away to vent out her frustrations. A little destruction, while not the most ideal way to silence her envy, was something that did work to better her mood. Nobody would care about a burning forest in the middle of nowhere, surely?

Then again, it would mean she’d have to leave all this delicious food behind. That was a good thing about this wedding; Yllise’s tactician’s daughter getting married was the closest you could get to a royal wedding without it being a royal wedding, meaning there were plenty of amazing things to eat! On the other hand, seeing all these couples enjoy their meals together was putting off her appetite. Why did everything have to be a reminder?


A pinch to the cheek snapped the manakete out of her thoughts, and she retaliated immediately. “M-Mother!” she resisted the urge to growl and make a fuss, not wanting to draw any attention herself on her sister’s big day. “What’s the big idea?!”

“Well, you weren’t responding,” Nowi crossed her arms and huffed. “But it did confirm my suspicions!”


The last thing she wanted was for her mother to start being nosy!

At least they were alone at the table. Her father was busy talking to Morgan, looking quite sulky, and everybody else was spending quality time with their loved ones. Though she loved her father and mother dearly, she would have loved to have come with a date or something rather than tag along with them.

“Nothing’s wrong, if that’s what you’re asking,” Nah scoffed, but upon realizing such an answer never worked, she improvised with something that sounded somewhat believable. “Fine. I didn’t sleep that well last night, so I’m a little cranky. It's loud and it's bothering me. There.”

Nowi leaned back into her chair, humming a little. “I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t care if you don’t.”

She was not in the mood. Hopefully, her mother would realize that and decide to leave her-

“You’re envious, ain’tcha?”

Nah resisted the urge to bite her lip in agitation.

Her mother could be such a child sometimes… but she could be shockingly observant! Worst of all, she was a good listener when she wanted to be, and it looked like today was one of those times. It was her daughter’s wedding, after all. Even Nowi knew she had to behave.

Even though it was tempting to confess her concerns, now was not the time nor place, nor was she certain she was in the mood to have a heart-to-heart.

“I’m not.”

Her answer was simple, sweet, and stern. Perhaps this time, her mother would-

“I know what you’re feeling, you know. Your father does too.”

…that was not the answer she was expecting to hear.

What did her mother mean by that?

“Nah, I want you to enjoy the rest of your sister’s wedding,” Nowi offered no insight, at least not initially. “But once we get back home, I want you to pay a visit to me and your father in our bedroom.”

Nah was beginning to suspect her mother had no idea what was going through her mind. How would something like that help? It was clear they wanted to chat to her in private about something, but her troubles were not something meant to be discussed with her parents.

"Yeah, dad, I'm upset that boys don't want to kiss me let alone put their cocks in me. Ha! Isn't that funny? Maybe you could help me with that! I’m sooo desperate! Haha!"

She could only imagine the look on his face.


Nah complied with the suggestion, understanding it would get her mother off her case for now.

Besides, she was right about something. There was no point in sulking on her sister’s big day. While it made her happy and sad to see Morgan so happy with the man of her dreams, she decided it was best to focus on that former feeling. Her sister deserved that.


Several hours had passed within the blink of an eye. Nah was now home safely, sitting on her bed and contemplating many things. Overall, she felt… OK?

Was she still frustrated at the lack of romance in her life? Undeniably. Was she still frustrated at the lack of confidence she had in her body? Unbelievably. Was she also frustrated at this abundance of frustration she was feeling? Unbearably.

But against all odds, she had a good time. Her sister was happy and now away on her honeymoon, and she had eaten a lot of food, so her mood was better. Not perfect by any means, but better!

That wouldn’t last long though. She’d go to sleep, wake up, and remember how alone she was!

She hated this. She really did. It was so trivial! Romance? A lack of body confidence? These were meaningless matters! There were far more pressing matters to worry about, such as… uh…

Usually, her answer would be 'saving the world', but they had already kind of done that. Besides, she had come from a desolate future and had no right to complain now that she belonged to a family that actually appreciated her.

Great. Now she was feeling even shittier.

Maybe she’d luck out and dream well tonight. Perhaps her mind could conjure a scenario where she met a handsome man at the wedding. They'd chat and hit it off, maybe! He'd then come back to hers, and they would spend the night together. He’d worship her body and tell her how much he loved everything she had to offer, all because it belonged to her.

Sure, she’d wake up and probably cry about how it wasn’t real, but she’d at least have a good night’s sleep.

Gods, she felt pathetic.


Oh, right. She had forgotten her mother wanted to chat about her issues. This wasn't a conversation she wanted to have, but she was confident she could make it short and sweet. Therefore, she stood up, stretched, and started to slowly head over to their room.

She still believed neither of her parents knew what was going through her mind, but there was no harm in humoring them and reassuring them that all was well, even if it wasn’t. They were good to her (even her mother when she wasn’t being annoying) and she didn’t want them to worry about her silly little troubles.

Especially her dad! She did not want him to know about her insecurities! She could honestly imagine him explaining why he found her mother attractive and she wasn’t sure if that was a conversation she wanted to listen to. She had heard about the proposal and the romance, but she did not need to hear anything that could even remotely link to their sex life.

Because, like many things, it would be a reminder. A reminder that the one person who appreciated girls on the shorter and thinner and more youthful and not as endowed side just haaaaad to be her father.

Nah wondered if it was best to accept that her problem was doomed to stay… well, doomed. Maybe it would give her some acceptance on the matter and maybe she could be a little happier and-


“You took too long, dear!” Nowi was scolding her husband. “I wanted her to walk in on me sucking your cock! It's not every day we get to spook a daughter like this.”

“Look, the suit is tight. I can’t get it off at a moment’s notice. Give me a little warning next time.”

“Oh, please. I’ve seen you take off heavier clothing in no time whenever I’ve suggested having some fun! Speaking of which…”

Nowi proceeded to sink to her knees, gobbling up her spouse’s cock enthusiastically, well aware she was being watched by her daughter. She did not hesitate to take in everything he had to offer, humming joyfully before she started to bob her head back and forth.

The daughter in question was flabbergasted-- and that felt like an understatement.

On one hand, it was nice to be freed from those unpleasant thoughts.

On the other hand, it wasn’t particularly fun to know that the cause was walking in on her parents being indecent with each other. More importantly, it was NOT fun to know they WANTED this to happen.

What. The. Heck. Was. Happening?!

Nah could not say anything beyond her initial spontaneous reaction, nor could she move. She was completely immobilized by shock, and so, all she could do was watch.

She did not want to watch! She really didn’t! She hated this. This was her mother and father. She did not like this. She didn’t want to look at this. Her father’s cock was huge. She was freaking out. She didn’t want to be here. She wished she was in her mother’s place. She was going to have a mental breakdown. She was disgusted. She was…

“Nowi,” Robin already sounded worn out, and it was evident that the wedding was not to blame for his exhaustion. “I’m starting to think this wasn’t a good idea. The poor girl’s stunned.”

Nowi refused to answer her husband for some time, preferring to demonstrate how skilled she was with her lover’s cock by deepthroating him once again, keeping his cock wedged down her throat for an astonishing amount of time. She eventually decided to pull away and respond, though what she had to say did not improve the situation-- partly because she hadn’t given herself time to breathe and sounded like a mess. “I knowww you’re… ah…  u-upset Morgan can’t… ah… suck your cock a-anymore, dear, s-so… fuck… I’ll m-make up… for her absence… by l-letting you use my m-mouth… t-twice as much!”

Nah needed a moment to process that new information, and who could blame her? She was still processing that she was watching her mother suck off her father…. and liking it.

Why was she liking it?!

“O-Or… ehehehe… w-we could let Nah…  take up Morgan’s r-responsibilities instead, hmmm?”

Nah froze.

Was this what this was?

She had wondered what her mother meant by claiming her parents felt envious towards Morgan’s marriage.

Was it because they couldn’t fuck Morgan anymore?!


Morgan had been involved in this?! MORGAN?!

It had taken some time to comprehend such a revelation, and now, her bafflement had reached a level she did not think was possible to reach.

But there was one thought reigning supreme in Nah’s mind.

Why hadn’t she been invited?!

Nah, ever the loner, denied the opportunity to have any fun at all… and apparently the least favorite child! Not even her father’s adoration for girls her size was enough for them to invite her to their bed, apparently!

…why was she upset that they hadn’t invited her?!

“What do you say, Nah?” Nowi turned her attention to her daughter, noticing she still looked dazed. “See what I mean now? You’re not the only one feeling saddened by Morgan’s marriage! She can’t be in our bed anymore! But YOU can be! You want a man who can appreciate a petite figure? Well, you have one right here.”

Nah thought this whole thing was utterly ridiculous, and though it was difficult to ignore how strangely arousing it was, she couldn’t help but read the writing on the wall. They had only bothered to ask her for a singular reason.

“...so I’m a replacement for her, is that it?”

“In a way,” Nowi admitted quickly. “But not for the reason you’re thinking..”


Nah's mind was in turmoil, and her mother opting to continuously smother her father's cock in licks and kisses while they conversed wasn't helping with that.

“Your father is a strong man,” her mother did as her daughter requested. “But even somebody like him could barely handle two cock-starved manakete. If we were to add a third to the mixwell, we weren’t sure if he’d be able to live to tell the tale.”

Nah wasn’t sure what to say. It sounded stupid… but also believable.

It explained why her father was so tired all the time! She recalled complaining to Chrom a few times about overwhelming her dad with workload even in times of peace, and his answer was always the same-- Robin’s responsibilities were next to none! She had always assumed it was some sort of fabricated lie that Robin had prepared Chrom to say so Nah would get off his back, but now…

Gods… he was so tired all the time because a pair of dragon girls wouldn't leave his manhood alone!

Nah should have noticed, but she was always out of the house! She was either on dates or trying to find one, oblivious to the fucking happening right underneath her roof. They were probably doing it whenever she wasn’t present, which was practically always!

She was mad-- mad at this forbidden degeneracy, and mad at herself for wanting to be a part of it.

In the end, this was what she desired the most. Romance was obviously something she wanted too, but she couldn't deny that her motivations were fueled primarily by her desire to get dicked down. Manakete had strong sexual urges that needed to be quenched, but her approach had been too modest and she was too stubborn to change that.

So here she was, resorting to her father to satisfy her needs.

How pathetic.

Ah well. A cock was a cock.

"Move aside," Nah gently nudged her mother out of the way. "I want a taste."

Nowi was startled by the sudden assertiveness, but she wasn't against it. Her daughter's approval put a giddy smile on her face. "Ever sucked a cock before, Nah?"

The confidence and audacity her mother had to say such a thing… well, she couldn't scold her much for it considering what she was about to do.


"Want me to teach you?"


Nah did not need to be tutored. When a big juicy cock was finally within reach, she knew she could rely on an old friend-- instinct.

She started with her tongue, timidly dabbing it against her glans. The intersection did not intimidate her, instead encouraging her to start thinking less and allow impulse to do the work. It wasn't long before she was slobbering all over her daddy's dick, losing her mind to the taste and the scent.

Morgan wanted to get frisky with another man, hmm? That was okay. Her father could now rely on her for his needs, and soon, she'd prove through her determination alone that she was a far better cocksucker and lovemaker than her little sister!

These entertaining thoughts were disrupted by her mother's reappearance, sabotaging how much dick she could access by claiming a side to herself. "Don't forget, Nah," Nowi giggled. "Your father's dick was mine first. I'm willing to share, so long as you behave and don't keep it to yourself, okay?”

Nah was frustrated to hear that. She wanted nothing more than her daddy to claim her and make love to her without her annoying mother's interference!

But when the alternative was no cock to enjoy at all, she knew she had to compromise… though that also meant she could compete!

Nah was so fucking horny. She had never seen a cock until now. It didn't matter that it belonged to her father. If anything, it intensified her arousal, knowing she was about to enjoy something that was supposed to be forbidden. She was never able to think rationally whenever feeling these urges, but she didn't care. All that was on her mind was daddy's dick.

Eager to prove herself, she trailed her tongue upwards, preparing to take that monstrosity of a cock inside her mouth. She knew she wouldn't be able to deepthroat like her mother, but with time, she would learn. For now, she hoped her mouth's humidity would be enough.

"Look at her go, Robin," Nowi continued to kiss and lick her husband's shaft, though  it was clear to him that her focus was on discovering her daughter’s capabilities. "One look at your dick, then a minute of thinking, and she’s down bad. Your cock is already making her lose her mind! Just like her sister, right? Brings back memories~"

"Y-Yeah…" Robin couldn't answer as coherently as he would have liked. He was not used to Nah of all people pleasuring him like this, and though it was clear her technique was all over the place, her passion was enough to make him feel amazing. "Gods… it feels so good…"

Robin had an obvious weakness. Nowi knew how to make him feel phenomenal, Morgan had been taught how to make him feel phenomenal. Nah seemingly already knew how to make him feel phenomenal.

Dragons! They were in a league of their own.

He was a terrible parent for letting this happen, but the mother of his girls was equally to blame. Still, it was difficult to feel bad when they were so good at pleasing him!

He also couldn't forget that while he was unbelievably happy about Morgan’s marriage, he had been selfishly sulky about it too. Of course, he knew he’d genuinely miss her presence, always adoring how she tried to be a better tactician than him… but he was also saddened that she wouldn’t be a part of their special love life anymore!

He was concerned the house would end up empty without her too! Nah was almost always out the house, though now he was beginning to wonder if there was no reason to fear such a possibility…

Nah struggled to take his manhood into her mouth, feeling her gag reflex kick right after passing his glans. The gentle caressing of her crown from her father indicated she was doing superbly, however. Robin was happy to take in this wonderful view, witnessing the moment his daughter truly embraced this new degenerate life. For a first-timer, she was doing a sublime job, giving it her all even though this was blatantly overwhelming for her.

Though Nah had been greedy by taking it in, Nowi decided to give her daughter some time to shine, tending to her husband’s balls. The gentle caressing from her tongue was a wonderful juxtaposition to the rough and rumble blowjob his daughter was giving him. After such an emotional day, having two small horny dragons tend to him like this was an amazing relief. Although his wife had only suggested incorporating Nah into their antics earlier in the day, her sudden inclusion felt right, and frankly, overdue. Robin wondered if it was a poor decision on their part to exclude her, but he also understood that his cock would have not survived three of them.

Then again, trying to stay alive could have been fun too.

Regardless, he felt compelled to make it up to her, and what better way to do that than by fucking her silly?

Shortly, of course.

Nah was having the time of her life sucking a cock for the first time; it would be rude to not let her experience the taste of a man’s semen for the first time either! That moment was quickly approaching, especially as she continued to experiment with how much she could take in and how fast she could move her head back and forth. Nah was breaking her limits shockingly quickly for a beginner. She was going to be terrifying once she got used to this.


“You’re gonna cum soon, ain’tcha, Robin?” Nowi could always tell, recognizing even the most subtle of signs. “I bet you can’t wait to cum inside another daughter’s mouth, right? I know you imagine fucking her all the time. A cute little dragon girl living in your house and not riding your cock? That’s heresy to you, isn’t it? Don’t think I’ve forgotten how excited you were earlier! The mere possibility that you could be pounding Nah silly tonight got you so hard!”

Although Nowi was somewhat exaggerating everything, her words were doing wonders to not only her husband, but also her daughter. Nah couldn’t believe the notion that her father had been lusting after her too and holding back, but in a way, had she not been doing the same? He often appeared in her thoughts, only to be shooed away by the belief that thinking about her daddy dearest was wrong… and well, now that she was here, leaping-- not even walking-- over that forbidden boundary.

This whole situation turned her on so much, and to prove it, she fought back against her urge to breathe and accelerated her cocksucking dramatically. Nah was constantly breaking her own records, fueled by nothing by her lust. Finally, she was rewarded for it.

"Nah, I'm going to cum… where do you-- fuck!”

Robin attempted to warn his daughter about his impending climax; however, he was cut short when she opted to take in even more cock. It was a sudden pulse of intensity that he couldn’t ignore, but he knew what it signified. His daughter craved his cum, and that revelation brought him over the edge.

Nah had not anticipated his seed to be so warm and salty as it hastily filled up her mouth. She’d typically find a taste like that to be unpleasant, but because she knew what it was… she wanted to drink it forever!

She swallowed and swallowed, barely able to keep up with the flow of cum swimming down her throat. Against all odds, she persevered, the only remnants of his orgasm being a string of semen connecting her lips to his cock when she pulled away. Nah quickly acted upon noticing, enjoying the little extra sample as she separated the connection.


She knew her mind was dominated by lust. She knew she'd look back on this with embarrassment too.

But she didn't care. She loved his cock. She loved it so much. She wanted it inside her next.

"That was amazing, Nah," Robin complimented her. "You blew my expectations away. Ah, sorry, pun not intended."

Nah crossed her arms and scoffed, but she couldn't help but smirk mischievously. "I bet you regret not inviting me sooner, don’t you?”

"Well, with a performance like that, I'm honestly not sure if I'd be able to survive."

Robin was genuinely exhausted after such an incredible orgasm, though not to the extent that would prevent him from going for a second round. It was a skill he was forced to develop, all for the sake of filling up both the ladies in his life.

Nowi hadn't said anything in a while, though for good reason; she was currently in the middle of fingering herself, a sight familiar to her husband. His wife loved seeing him fuck Morgan, and unsurprisingly, that kink applied to any daughter.

"Roobbbiiinnnn…" she purred. "I want to see you fuck her so badly. Don't you wanna take another daughter's virginity? C’mon! Ehehehe~"

Robin never scolded her for saying such degenerate things. He loved to hear it. "What do you say, Nah? I understand you’ve been needing this for a while. I would be a bad father if I didn’t help out my adorable daughter.”

Nah hesitated. Her answer was painfully obvious, but a wave of insecurity had struck her unexpectedly.

Would her dad even like what she had to offer?

She knew he would, obviously…

Then again… did she offer anything unique that differentiated her from her mother? Surely, even somebody like him with preferences would appreciate some variety? What if he thought she was a downgrade compared to Morgan? Her sister obviously had assets she lacked… while she was practically just a copy of her mother when it came to her figure!

"Nah," Robin noticed she appeared uncertain. “What’s gotten you so worried? Are you having second thoughts? It’s okay if you-"

“N-No, it’s okay,” she interrupted him. "I… I just don't know if my body is… exciting enough for you," she confessed the truth. "I am petite, and it's good to know you like that since I'm just like mother, but…"

"Let me be the judge of that, okay?" Robin’s answer was swift. "I have a suspicion you're more different than you think."

Nah bit her lip anxiously, not convinced by his claim, but she ultimately decided to put her belief in her father. After taking a deep breath, she started to strip, discarding the dress she had worn for the wedding effortlessly.

It was amusing that being naked in front of her father wasn't what was making her experience despair. Instead, it was the fear that she wasn’t unique enough. How ironic-- she was with a man who loved her kind of body, and she was still feeling insecure about her figure!

But when she gazed up at her father, she was astonished to see him look… well, astonished, but in a good way!

When she heard her mother mumbling and turned towards her, she started to understand… and it made her feel so silly.

Nowi had stripped too, revealing that while the mother and daughter had more similarities than differences, there were still plenty of the latter!

Her mother wasn't completely flat-chested for once, something she wasn't anticipating and was oddly happy to learn. She could see that she was curvier than her mother too, and that transitioned into her having a bigger butt that daddy dearest was not afraid to grab.

"Ahhhh… d-daddy…" she cried out, not even comprehending the words instinctively coming out of her mouth. "That's… ah…"

"Oooh, nice discovery, Robin!" Nowi sounded strangely pleased. "Wow! That's one fat ass! I thought Morgan had inherited all the boingy bits! Apparently not!"

Nah felt dizzy.

Everything she had done up until now, including what was presently happening, was starting to properly process. Nothing could have prepared her for this! Her parents were checking her out! They were commenting on her body! They loved what they were seeing?!

"Fuck! I need to see how much that butt jiggles when you pound it Robin!" Nowi, the kinkiest thing in existence, said something appropriately inappropriate. "What do you say, Nah? Do you want your daddy to fuck you silly? Please say yes! Please!!"

Nah always knew her family was strange.

Apparently, she had inherited that weirdness, as she was all for it.

"Y-Yes… I want it…"

She needed to be fucked. She needed it yesterday. She needed it weeks ago. She needed it months ago. She needed it YEARS ago.

Nah climbed onto the bed, getting on all fours and wiggling her ass from side to side, hoping to entice her father. He didn't particularly need encouragement; he was a manakete fucker, after all. Regardless, seducing her own father made her feel so aroused.

It worked. Robin was more than happy to get into position, adoring how his daughter looked from behind. From the front, she looked so flat, but not so much from the back! He liked that a lot!

"Let me know if it hurts, okay?"

Nah didn't care if it did. Any agony would succumb to the accumulating pleasure in no time.

"Please… put it in… put it in… dadddddyyyy!!!"

Robin complied, pushing his manhood up against his daughter's snatch. He wasn't shocked at all to discover she was soaking wet, making the intersection effortless. Her pussy accepted him without complaint, and though it felt overwhelming to experience a cock for the first time, it wasn't too bad!

Within a matter of seconds, everything was inside her, and it was blissful for both participants.

Even for the third! Nowi was having the time of her life playing with herself as she watched a second daughter succumb to her father's cock. She wanted to participate more, but this moment belonged to her daughter.

Robin purposefully paused momentarily so both he and Nah could breathe a bit, but Nah proved to be especially impatient, rocking her hips back and forth and communicating that she was ready to fuck.

Therefore, he answered her neediness with a mighty thrust.

Though his wife and daughters were greedy little things, he was the man of the family. If they wanted his cock so badly, then they had to play by his rules. Fortunately for them, they were easy to follow.

All they had to do was let him pound them. That's how he liked it, and that's how they liked it too. Though this rule hadn't been communicated to his oldest daughter, she understood it well, clinging to the bed sheets as her father ravaged her insides for the first of many times.

Nah was in heaven. Itches she could ever reach with her fingers and toys were finally being scratched, and the way his cock bashed against her cervix constantly was making her feel wonderfully faint.

This was what it was like to be fucked!

She loved it. She even loved that she had to resort to begging her daddy for his dick! The lack of cock in her life had been driving her insane! If only she realized the cure was so close!

But receiving the medicine so late made her subsequent recovery all the more satisfying. Every thrust messed up her breathing, or made her moan, or made her heart skip a beat…

Her daddy was ruthless too! He didn't care that he was being so rough with his daughter! Maybe he was so frantic because he was fucking his daughter!

Nah came fast. It was miraculous she had withstood the pressure as long as she had, but she embraced the sensation, relieved to experience the utmost tranquility coursing through her veins.

But did her daddy stop there?

Of course not.

He continued to pound her, completely lost to lust. It made her wonder if she had inherited that trait from him. Probably both parents!

Nah climaxed again.

Her daddy continued to fuck her.

She then climaxed again.

And again!

And again!!!

By the time she heard her daddy's moans start to intensify, she had lost count, but she was somehow conscious enough to understand what was about to happen.

"Dadddddyyyy!!! Cummm inshhhhiiddeeee meeeeee!!!"

Nah wondered if her daddy would seal the deal on this degeneracy, and she was pleased to learn he was more than happy to! The warmth entering her womb was sensational, triggering yet another orgasm. Nah's senses were beginning to betray her, but she was somehow still able to latch onto the feeling of her daddy's semen shooting inside her. She loved it. She loved it she loved it she loved it!!!

Unfortunately, her love could not stop her from passing out.



It was the next morning.

Nah remembered everything. She needed time away to think, and probably destroy a forest or two while she did that.

Robin and Nowi were understandably concerned they had made a mistake. Their daughter was NOT happy about the previous night.

…though she wasn't angry about it earlier.

"We'll always be here, whenever you're ready to talk, okay?"

Robin felt especially awful. Just because one daughter had gotten addicted to his cock didn't mean the other would too!

Nah found their concern amusing.

"...I am coming back, you two," she couldn't help but giggle. "What, you think I'm upset about the sex?"

They nodded.

She shook her head.

"I'm upset that I passed out so quickly! What, you think I'm going to pass up on experiencing such an amazing cock again? Hah!"


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