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The Kingdom of Hoshido was famous for its lush, green fields, and bright, sunny weather.

Yet, as Corrin overlooked the countryside before him, he saw none of those characteristics.

Rain poured down from the heavens, striking the land with an unending boisterous sound that silenced the birdsong. It darkened the land with a cold hue, blurring the scenery and how far he could see.

When the first droplets started to fall, he had taken refuge underneath a small, abandoned shrine on the nearby hillside, sitting down on a lonely bench. He was now surrounded, unable to adventure out unless he wanted to let the weather consume him.

Even though the horizon was not pretty, he took in what sight remained. Chances are, this was the prettiest this land was going to look; a bloody future potentially awaited Hoshido.

Corrin used to have bright aspirations for the future. His home, the Northern Fortress, was a cold and dark place… but it was one full of loving individuals. He expected Nohr to be similar-- a rough around-the-edges country, but filled to the brim with people who strived for a better future. The soldiers of the nation? Stern, but protective. The king? Tough, but noble.

He had been so naive.

The country was a criminal’s paradise. The townsfolk who truly wanted to live in peace were a rarity. Those who excelled at their thievery were recruited into the army and allowed to live the life of pillaging they so desperately desired.

King Garon was to blame. Though his sons and daughters-- his siblings-- did their best to maintain the resemblance of a country not falling apart through chivalrous actions of their own, there was only so much they could do single-handedly, especially in a country that did not agree with their ideals.

Months ago, Corrin had made a momentous decision. He had the opportunity to return to Hoshido-- a land of tranquility and color-- or remain with Nohr.

He had chosen the latter. Back then, though he understood the nation was not as ideal as hoped it would be, he had not lost his optimism for a warm future. He was certain that, together with his siblings, they could do something to brighten their dark homeland.

He wasn’t confident about that anymore.

“...Lord Corrin?”

The Great Wall of Suzanoh had fallen days ago. Takumi was dead.

His brother.

Corrin breathed deeply, hoping it would dispel the dread in his chest. It didn’t.

What awaited them next was Castle Shirasagi. What further devastation awaited them there? Who would be the next to fall? Hinoka? Ryoma? What about the innocents? Would they rank in the hundreds? The thousands?

Despite everything… not all was lost. If everything went well, he and Azura would expose King Garon for who he truly was. A monster.

While he trusted Azura’s plan-- he truly did-- he could not help but feel despair at the bloody road they had walked to reach it. The amount of devastation he had witnessed was unparalleled and haunting.

“Lord Corrin.”

If it weren’t for the weather, he’d be able to see the capital one last time before it was besieged. Even if he could… well, he would not look. He did not believe he deserved to take in such a sight, not after everything he had done… and everything he hadn’t.

Perhaps this weather was a blessing. It would slow the army down, and give the citizens ample time to escape, and-

“Lord Corrin!!!”

The louder voice, and the subsequent poking of his face, snapped Corrin out of his thoughts. Startled, he instinctively reached for his weapon, but paused upon seeing who it was.

Standing before him was a sight for sore eyes… even if she had been drenched by the rain.

“Mozu…?” Corrin whispered, though not intentionally. His voice was weak… though what part of his body wasn’t weak? Anxiety had claimed him and wasn’t letting go, but seeing her… it was at least loosening that tough grasp. “What are you doing all the way out here?”

She took a step forward, gazing up at him with an expression that couldn’t decide whether or not it wanted to frown or whimper.

“You thought you could go disappearin’ on us, didn’tcha?”

Corrin had nothing to say.

He had left camp because he was tired of the noise. He was tired of hearing so much talk from awful individuals about how thrilled they were about the war… how thrilled they were to cause destruction… how thrilled they were to cause death.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was a drunken Hans. He had wandered up to him in a drunken ramble, applauding him for all he had done and how he didn’t expect them to be the same.

“We’re both slaughterers,” the vile man had said. “We both love the thrill of the hunt!”

It was difficult to hold back a retaliation after hearing that, but somehow, he had done it.

Corrin was not Hans, and to prove that, he had to keep his arm steady.

So he left.

The rain was tough and deafening, but it was far preferable to hearing such mockery. It was honestly a little soothing.

“I did not mean to cause any concern,” Corrin made it his priority to put any of her worrisome thoughts to rest. He had every intention of returning to everybody… eventually… but especially for her.

He sighed.

It was probably just as well he left. He needed a break. Some time to breathe and gather his thoughts, even if they weren’t particularly pleasant ones.

Mozu mumbled something quietly before deciding to sit down beside him, taking in the surroundings. She didn’t speak for a few moments, but when she did, he was baffled.

“Beautiful, ain’t it?”

…beautiful? That was not the word he would use to describe what he was seeing. Gloomy, maybe. A shadow of its former self, perhaps. Those were the kinder descriptions that came to mind.

“Y’know, back home, we loved the rain,” Mozu reminisced, and while he wasn’t sure what point she was trying to make, he had no intention of interrupting a potentially happy memory she was sharing. “Folks used to say a good downpour was the secret ingredient to healthy crops. Always said it beat the stuff we collected from the river, that it was like… more pure, or somethin’ like that.”

Mozu’s village… that was another reminder of his failures.

Though he was not the one responsible for the Faceless ransacking her home, he couldn’t help but wonder at times… what if he had just been there a few hours earlier?

Then she’d still be with her family.

…though that would have meant she wouldn’t be here now, by his side.

Was it horrible to feel happy that horrible circumstances led her to his side?

Her support… it meant everything to him. There had been a few times where if it weren’t for her…

…he dispersed those thoughts immediately.

Still, there was no doubt her life would have been happier if she had been able to remain with the people she knew and loved. She hid it well, but she too was struggling.

What if…?

“Truth is, they only said that to us kids,” Mozu continued, and he was thankful. The last thing he needed was for the serpent to eat its own tail; once the what-if questions started to overwhelm his mind endlessly, it was hard to escape that cycle. “Made us appreciate the rain instead of whinin’ about it, Can’t complain’ when it meant better food on our plates, hah.”

He wished he could like it more. Though it relaxed him, seeing this land shrouded in a dark hue unsettled him.

“But I think there’s some truth to what folks said.”

Mozu shuffled closer to him, gently clutching his shaking hand. Despite trekking all the way here, hers was still warm. It calmed him.

It also nudged him to respond. He had been unnecessarily silent during this whole ordeal, doubtlessly making her worried. She deserved better from him, even in this sorry state.

Corrin exhaled quietly, clearing his throat for good measure. “How come?”

“This land ya see here?” Mozu gestured to the horizon. “It’s a sea of crops,” she chuckled, finding her metaphor amusing. “See, we might be tramplin’ over some of them, but everythin’ else will turn out all fine and dandy. That secret ingredient ain’t going anywhere, after all.”

Ah. So that was what she was trying to say.

Desolation awaited everything that came into contact with the Nohrian army. Villages had been ravaged. Forests had been burned. Historic structures had fallen apart.

But Hoshido was a vast region, and their destination was the capital. Once there, this conquest would end. The rest of the land would heal.

…even so, innocent lives were still going to be lost. Too many innocent lives.

Corrin understood everybody miraculously surviving was impossible. He understood that well, and while he understood why she was saying all this, it didn’t do much to dampen that feeling. He had the power to stop many of those deaths… yet he did nothing. He deliberately chose not to do anything.

He had to maintain loyalty to Nohr. Garon had to sit on that throne. He had to be exposed. It was the only way.

…curse that curse.

Mozu was the only one he had told the truth to, at least somewhat. He hadn’t mentioned how he had come across the truth about the king, but she trusted him unconditionally… and that meant the world to him. If only he could have that confidence around his siblings. Everything would be so much easier if he could just… tell them.

Elise…? She’d be apprehensive, but would probably believe him after a while.

The other three, however? Not a chance. They would not turn their weapons against their father despite knowing he was cold, cunning, and cruel. Corrin’s story would sound like some rhetoric from a heretic, and rightfully so. It truly did sound fabricated.

Well, there was a way to tell them the truth, but it would require…

“Lord Corrin,” the touch of Mozu’s hand on his put those dark, brewing thoughts to rest. She always knew when his mind was in turmoil, and she always knew how to cleanse it. Corrin truly had no idea what he’d do without her. “Can I tell you another story?”

“Of course.”

Corrin had no idea what she was about to say next, but he knew focusing on her tale was far preferable to the heinous thoughts clouding his mind. He needed to be distracted. Desperately. If listening to her childhood stories was going to do it, then he’d listen for hours. He’d listen regardless of his mental state. He loved listening to her.

Rather than avoid eye contact, he opted to maintain it. Throughout everything… she was still smiling. He had no idea how she was able to do it, but he couldn’t deny it was making him feel a little better.

“Some nasty crop-eating insects invested a field once,” she started, her tone indicating this wasn’t a particularly happy memory. “We had to do somethin’, and fast. Otherwise, they’d start crawlin’ all over the other fields.”

He listened intently, not wanting to miss a single detail while learning all he could. “What did you do?”

“We had to act fast,” she answered. “Once we segregated that field, we burned it.”

“Really…?” Corrin was baffled by such an escalation. “Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

Mozu shook her head. “You might think so… but it was our only choice. Our village is way out in the countryside. We had no fancy tools to get rid of ‘em.”

That was true. Mozu’s village was close to Hoshido’s border. They had avoided it on their way to the capital because of this, which was good. Mozu did not want to return.

How many other small villages were out there? How many were even knowledgeable about the war? He hoped they were going about their lives in peace, oblivious to the greater conflict. He prayed that the fate that befell Mozu’s village was not something that repeated throughout those lands.

“Hmmm…” he murmured, momentarily distracted, but it at least wasn’t the fault of a troublesome thought. When he realized he wasn’t hearing Mozu’s voice, he was quick to realize it was probably because she was waiting for a response. “S-Sorry… uhm, did it work?”

Mozu smiled, clutching his hand more tightly. He was grateful she was patient with him during these weaker moments. “It did,” she answered. “And sure, we had to all do our part and eat a little less for a while after that… but we survived, and soon enough, it was all in the past.”

Corrin returned to observing the land, and this time, he did not feel as much despair.

Hoshido was vast. Their path of conquest was but a small wound across the land-- a wound that would heal.

By no means did he feel cleansed of guilt… but he had found a new perspective thanks to the person he adored above all others.

“Mozu,” he focused his attention on her, a warm smile forming on his face. “I love you.”

Mozu smiled back… albeit a little embarrassingly as indicated by her fidgeting. She was still not used to that phrase being said to her… but she loved it nonetheless!

“I love you too, Corrin.”

This wasn’t the first time his wife had saved him from the depths of despair, nor would it probably be the last… but he vowed he was going to make it up to her once this war came to an end.

While their marriage had helped them both, it was not yet public, with only his closest retainers and his siblings being knowledgeable about the relationship. It was a safety measure, lest King Garon decide to force him into ultimate obedience by threatening his wife.

But once the war was over, they’d reveal their relationship to the world, and they would celebrate properly. It was another reason to see this war through to the end, no matter what it cost.

But first…

“We should head back,” Corrin advised. “We don’t want everyone worrying about us.”

“You’re right. Let’s-”

Mozu was not able to finish her sentence, for it had been interrupted by a certain somebody locking their lips with hers.

Corrin knew it was an impulsive move, but as soon as the idea got into his head, he couldn’t help himself! She had warmed his heart, and with that, came a desire to thank her for all she had done.

Though Mozu was understandably shocked by the sudden smooch, it didn’t take long for her body to relax and subsequently return the embrace.

It was gentle and calming, and for that singular moment, their troubles were no more.

“...sorry,” he was apologetic once it concluded, realizing he probably should have warned her ahead of time, or at least initiated more slowly. “I just wanted to-”

This time, he was the one to be silenced, albeit by a finger on his lips.

“I’m not complainin’, dear,” she chuckled. “But y’know… we aren’t headin’ out until tomorrow, right?”

“That’s right.”

Mozu scratched her chin, her expression painting a strange mix of enthusiasm yet nervousness. “That means, tonight… to ourselves… maybe…?”


Well then!

He liked that she wasn’t quite able to ask for that without feeling a little embarrassed. It was adorable.

The only issue was that he was scheduled to attend a war council in the evening.

But it wasn’t an important one… and even if it was… he’d think up some excuse!

She was worth it.

“That’s a good idea.”


Corrin was initially not looking forward to returning to the base camp. The reasons for this were borderline endless. Thankfully, since he now had something to look forward to, he was able to ignore his anxiety.

Strangely enough, nobody commented on his absence when he returned, though it made more sense when he gave it some thought. The Nohrian Army hadn’t forgotten how enraged he was at Fort Jinya; they understood that the king would not retaliate-- let alone care-- about the prince striking down an annoying pest or two. They knew not to get on his bad side.

Of course, the more likely reason was that his disappearance had been kept quiet by those in the know. Regardless, he couldn’t deny he liked the idea that they feared him. Sure, it wasn’t the noblest of gratification, but it wasn’t like those criminals deserved anything better.

The main reason for returning to camp so soon was to let Xander know he was safe. Corrin had caused a bit of a scare for the crown prince once a lookout soldier reported his disappearance. Fortunately, his elder brother had opted not to mention it to his unaware siblings. The last thing they needed was a chaotic uproar, and besides, he was confident his sister-in-law would bring him back to them.

Xander was glad to see his brother return, stating he would have searched himself had Mozu not volunteered. Corrin was glad he didn’t-- his brother had too much on his plate as it was! He couldn’t even spare a moment to return to their secluded castle in the astral plane anymore, especially now that King Garon was here.

In fact, it wasn’t often he could depart to his personal sanctuary either. He and his siblings were always expected to be present throughout the day, and while he understood his decision to vanish went against that and could have caused complications… well, he wasn’t exactly in the right mental state to really consider the consequences. He made sure to earnestly apologize to his eldest brother because of that.

But the sun was beginning to set, and that meant everybody would soon be returning to their tents. Xander still had plenty of military business to attend to in preparation for the invasion of the capital, and while Corrin was usually a part of those last-minute conversations as well, his brother stated he’d make an excuse for him and that it would be better to spend some quality time with his beloved.

Corrin was thankful for that. It saved him the trouble of thinking up a good excuse! He wasn’t very good at those. It also gave him a lot of spare hours to work with! That was rare!

The safest option would be to just return to their tents, but a night spent away from the war sounded far preferable, and what better way to accomplish that than by returning to the astral plane? They didn’t believe calling upon Lilith and the transportation she offered could be traced, so they were optimistic everything would be okay, especially considering Iago was probably focusing on the war council.

When they finally arrived, it truly felt like they had escaped enemy territory. They were no longer on edge-- a feeling that they had not experienced for several weeks now.

“Feels like this is the only place we can breathe,” Mozu was happy to take in the calmer weather. “Though I’m thinkin’ we should get out of these clothes first.”

“You couldn’t have waited to say that? We’re still outdoors.”

“Hey!” she pouted adorably while he chuckled. “I’m sayin’ that ‘cause we’re drenched!”

Though she sounded a little annoyed at that comment, she was anything but! Mozu was honestly happy, and it wasn’t just because they were about to make the most of their privacy. Corrin having the courage to tease her was all she needed to know he was feeling mentally better.

Now that she knew he was feeling well, she could turn her attention towards amplifying his happiness… and hers, too, of course!

Returning to Corrin’s quarters took a few minutes, but the walk was not at all boring. They were both bursting with unadulterated giddiness, finally free from all their burdens, at least for a little while. The two held hands too, though kept a close eye on the surroundings; not everybody was aware of their relationship, and while they doubted it would be troublesome for a companion of theirs to accidentally learn, it was better to play it safe. Fortune smiled upon them, for they did not have to separate whatsoever.

Once they shut the door behind them, they both looked at each other with the silliest of grins, almost ready to start a much-needed cuddle session right there and then. However, Mozu stopped herself before she could do so.

“Clothes, darlin’,” she giggled, working on discarding hers before they got carried away. “Doubt it’ll feel nice when we’re so damp,” she offered a sound justification. “But naked body against naked body… that ain’t too bad.”

Corrin never needed any convincing to cuddle her, but she was definitely getting him more excited about it. He watched momentarily as she stripped, though soon realized he probably ought to do the same rather than gawk (as tempted as it was, though he knew too much of that could embarrass her, which was also tempting, but he decided he should be nice).

It felt good to get out of those soggy clothes, though not quite as good as it felt to see his beautiful wife nude and looking adorably bashful. He loved everything he saw: her smaller figure, her curves, her legs, her shoulders, that small scar she had on her chest that she got as a kid… pretty much everything! Anything that belonged to her, he loved, and that included her body.

Although intimacy wasn’t new to them by any means, Mozu still felt a little embarrassed about it. She had some insecurities about her body, and while his reassurance about how he loved her perfections and imperfections always made things easier for her, she wasn’t quite used to everything yet. After all, she was never too courageous when it came to new things, but that was a hurdle she was gradually overcoming.

Corrin was the one to free her from her turbulent thoughts this time, bringing her into that cuddle she craved. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes, focusing on nothing but this wonderful moment.

“We’re still a little damp, aren’t we?” Corrin chuckled. “I’m sorry if you’re cold.”

“I’m not,” she dispersed that concern. “When I’m with you… I’m always warm.”

She could hug him like this forever. She truly could.

But she had come to this room with something very special in mind, and the temptation of an eternal cuddle wasn’t going to stop that!

Mozu was the one to initiate the kiss, thrilled to catch him off guard. Though she didn’t mind that earlier ambush in the slightest, it felt satisfying to get some lighthearted and playful revenge.

Unlike before, she didn’t stay latched onto his lips for long. Her second kiss aimed a little lower than her initial target, and it wasn’t long before her lover was treated to a sensational barrage of smooches against his sensitive neck. Doing this required her to overcome quite a few nerves on her end, especially as it wasn’t like her to be so forward… but it was a small price to pay if it meant she could transform his depressing day into an amazing one.

“Mozu…” Corrin breathed heavily, already starting to feel disorientated by her touch. He needed this badly. It was the perfect distraction from life’s troubles.

“Let me spoil you, darlin’…” she mumbled, speaking swiftly so she could get right back to the smooches. “You deserve it…”

“You deserve to be spoiled just as much, my love,” he countered, for as much as he was enjoying this, she deserved kisses too! Many kisses!

Mozu hummed, targeting some weak spots purposefully once he tried to touch her back, hindering his efforts. “Just for a bit, Corrin,” she requested. “After that, you can make me feel just as amazin’ too. How does that sound?”

Corrin took a deep breath, still a little apprehensive to be on the receiving side of so much love, but her enthusiasm could not be ignored. Therefore, he nodded.

Truthfully, he still wasn’t feeling sure. The notion that he was feeling good while she wasn’t experiencing some sort of equal treatment in return just didn’t seem fair!

Yet at the same time, he really, really couldn’t deny just how good this was making him feel. Just being able to close his eyes and relish in these delightful touches and shiver-inducing kisses… it was a feeling he sorely needed.

Mozu wasn’t content with just his neck, either! Satisfied she had smothered it in smooches, she started to travel down his body. Although his chest and stomach were nowhere near as sensitive, he still appreciated the tender care he was receiving. He knew where she was heading too, and his excitement for what was to come was increasing by the second. It was a phenomenal build-up.

Due to the war, their love-making was infrequent, and even when they had an opportunity to be intimate, they usually didn’t have a whole lot of time. Because of that, they often skipped the foreplay.

Today was going to be different. They had been granted precious time to appreciate everything the other had to offer. They owed Xander their thanks.

Though she had done well so far, Mozu was beginning to feel anxious regarding what was expected of her next; she was used to his penis being between her legs-- not right in front of her face! It looked a lot larger like this too, and it was already gosh darn big…

But she couldn’t ask for a more patient husband! He understood she struggled with doing new things and that she needed to adapt at her own pace. To aid her, Corrin sat down on his bed and gently stroked her hair for some time, putting to rest some of her brewing anxiety while she mentally prepared herself.

Corrin refrained from telling her that she didn’t have to do this. She didn’t like being told she could back away because she sometimes would and that wasn’t good! Mozu wanted to conquer this weakness of hers.

He believed she could, and so did she. It was going to be a slow and arduous process, but she’d make it.

The fact they had already been intimate was a huge step in the right direction towards her courage. She had already done so much and couldn’t be more proud of her accomplishments! Her husband was just as proud too.

If there was one thing working in her favor,  it was that she could feel her body yearning for the taste of his cock. She had been curious about it for quite some time, so seeing it so up close was making her salivate. Though she wasn’t convinced she could take it into her mouth just yet… she had started a parade of kisses across his body, so she figured it wouldn’t be challenging to keep that momentum flowing across his shaft instead. It was practically the same sort of thing!

Mozu wrapped her hand around his dick, clutching it firmly but not too tightly. Thankfully, she was used to touching it even if the point of view was new. Therefore, she was able to move her hand and build up a rhythm in no time, gazing up to watch his mesmerized expression, and it was exactly what she needed to see to take her to the next step.

Not letting his enamored expression leave her mind, Mozu leaned closer and closer, managing to plant the gentlest of kisses against his glans. The squishy texture and the taste of his pre-cum intersecting with her lips was unusual, but not unpleasant. She was actually glad it was only a little salty and that there wasn’t a particularly distinct taste aside from that! One of her concerns was that she’d react badly to the taste and be unable to please him, so not having to worry about that any longer was a boon!

“Mozu…” Corrin’s voice was hushed. “You’re doing amazing…”

Corrin was enjoying this a lot. Every kiss sent a spark of satisfaction running up his spine! It was a fleeting feeling, but her continued pace made certain that whenever one jolt faded, another was there to immediately take its place.

Mozu was surprised at how fun this was to do! Every kiss against his most sensitive area made her feel a little naughtier, but that was certainly not a bad thing when it was a dramatic boost to her confidence. She accelerated her antics, smothering his shaft in all the wet marks her lungs would allow before she had to inevitably take a breather.

She considered taking this further, a desire to amplify his pleasure encouraging that temptation, but it was also enough to rejuvenate her nerves.

But she didn’t need to fight against them. She had taken a good first step towards something new and that was enough for now. Besides, if making him feel even better was the goal (which it was), she knew exactly how to contribute to that objective without worrying about, well, worry!

With a final kiss on his tip, she pulled back, smiling at him. Her expression was warm and cozy, showing her satisfaction with a job well done.

Well, she hoped she looked that way; she couldn’t deny there was a good chance lust was painted over her face.

Mozu had planned to straddle her husband and experiment with a position she had never been in before, and while she was able to accomplish that first part, the heat of the moment had made her forget her husband’s tendencies. He wrapped his arms around her, securely holding her while a high frequency of kisses converged against her neck, shoulders, and breasts. The unexpected reciprocation and sensitivity of it all startled her, but it wasn’t unwelcome.

“C-Corrin…” she mumbled, her breath already rugged. “I said… I’d make you feel amazin’... not the other way ‘round…”

Her husband was quick to respond, thankfully giving her a chance to recuperate from the sudden ambush. “You said I could return the favor, right?” he rationalized his actions. “So that’s what I’m doing.”

“Y-Yeah… but I said… after a bit…” Mozu knew her defense was falling apart as she recalled what she said and how she should have been more specific! Understanding she couldn’t do anything to stop the ecstasy he had planned for her, he did not bother with another response and instead relocated his hands to her thighs, resuming the constant kissing of whatever was in reach.

Mozu mumbled, trying her best to sound playfully frustrated, but she couldn’t sell a believable tone.

“Hmm… fine… go on then…”

He knew her weak spot!! How could she say no after he had targeted it so efficiently?

Mozu’s body was the definition of sensitivity, but this especially applied to her thighs and butt. Something about them being touched evoked mini-spasms and a tingly feeling she was arguably addicted to. It was her little secret that only her husband knew about and he was not afraid to be cheeky and exploit that weakness, it seemed! When his hands slid behind her and grabbed her butt, allowing him to pull her closer so he could kiss her even more effectively, she could do nothing to stop herself from moaning.

To some extent, it was embarrassing to let such a noise escape her lips, but she couldn’t deny she wanted him to know just how good she was feeling!

Corrin treated his wife with the utmost care; worshiping and touching her sensitive spots was important, but he couldn’t get too carried away lest it proved too much for her. Her breasts were his primary target, and it wasn’t just because they were a sensitive spot. Mozu was a little worrisome about her smaller size at times and whether or not he truly liked them despite how much he insisted he did, so he made an effort to prioritize them to prove he was telling his truth.

Her concern wasn’t helped by the small scar she had between them either. It wasn’t a notably apparent mark, but when it was present for most of her life, he understood why she’d factor that in.

But he loved her scar too, and that was why he made sure to kiss it many times.

Mozu hadn’t received this treatment in a while thanks to the limited time they had. In a way, she was glad for the large gap between these kinds of sessions-- it made this worship she was receiving now all the more sublime. His kisses were dazzling, his touches were mesmerizing, and the sweet nothings he occasionally whispered to her made her heart race.

Yet… it was making her crave the main meal so badly! The smooches she had given him, and the smooches he had given her… it was fun for both, but they did prioritize one’s pleasure over the other. She wanted to do something that would make them both feel incredible!

This time, they could take their time with it. They could melt into each other’s arms. They could take it nice and slowly.

“Darlin’, just a moment…” she tried to put a pause to the endless pecks, and while it did take him a moment to do so, he fortunately did hear her. “This is amazin’, it really is, but I want… well…”

She paused.

Mozu wasn’t the paragon of confidence. Sometimes, she just couldn’t speak her thoughts.

“Me too,” Corrin understood what she wanted, continuing the conversation so she didn’t have to say embarrassing words. “How would you like to…?”

“Well, uhm…” Mozu hesitated, for while she originally had a position in mind, she was feeling a tad exhausted after all that smooching, so maybe… “On my back, but just for a bit. Is that okay?”

“Of course it is, my love.”

Mozu took a moment to stand, feeling a little wobbly-- partly due to his response-- but her husband’s patience was still as abundant as ever. She sat down, taking a moment to get her bearings together before shuffling backward until her head met the pillow. She spread her legs, communicating her readiness without saying a single word.

She still really wanted to try riding him… but that could wait until she had given her muscles a chance to relax. Just because they had made love numerous times didn’t mean her body was built for this sort of thing.

Not yet, at least!

It was a gradual process, with each session improving her stamina and endurance, but she still needed moments detached from the intensity to recover.

Corrin recognized this as he got into position, opting to refrain from pushing his cock inside her just yet. Rather than ask her questions that would take energy for her to answer, he reached a hand out toward his beloved, and she firmly intertwined her fingers with his.

“Darlin’...” she whispered quietly once a moment of tranquility had passed. “I’m ready.”

He nodded, keeping his hand glued to hers while using his other to position his member against her crotch. The intersection between their privates caused her to exhale, and her high adrenaline intensified once it began entering.

Mozu wasn’t sure if she’d ever get used to how overwhelming penetration could be; she was a lot shorter than him, and well, he packed quite an impressive package down there! It wasn’t an ideal combination, but she was committed to inevitably taking him all regardless. In the end, it would feel phenomenal.

Corrin took his time, monitoring how securely she held his hand while he sunk his manhood deeper inside. This was a common routine for the both of them, and there were times he’d have to pause whenever he was too hasty. However, since Mozu had gradually gotten used to this feeling and he had learned what pace suited her, she did not experience any discomfort whatsoever. With time, she was able to accept everything he had to offer.

Speech wasn’t too common for either of them from this point. Their body language and actions were enough. In this instance, a demand for her other hand to be held, paired with a sultry expression, told Corrin everything he needed to know.

With both hands strongly secured within his embrace, he finally started to move his hips, progressively building up a rhythm that respected her petite frame but did not belittle her either.

Not once did Corrin take his eyes off of his darling wife… partly because he was so lost in what he was seeing! Those narrowed eyes, and that light smile paired with the grinding of her teeth against her lips-- it was hypnotizing!

Mozu was not afraid to showcase a little lust whenever things escalated this far… and he adored that.

So he did everything he could to keep her in that trance, maintaining his current rhythm at all costs. Corrin’s thrusts, while slow, reached deep inside her, tickling all the many sensitive spots she had down there. He could tell his movements were effective too; the moans coming out of her mouth were increasing in frequency, and so much more sweat was dripping down her face and body. The grasp she had around her hands also tightened, but this time, it wasn’t a signifier of displeasure. Far from it.

How Mozu was acting wasn’t any different from how she usually acted during intimacy, but there was something about this particular encounter that made everything somehow feel better than usual.

Was it the time they had to spend together?

Was it how much they had worshiped the other?

Was it being able to take their mind away from everything that was happening in their lives?

Corrin suspected it was all of those, and many other little things, but he chose not to give it too much thought. The semantics ultimately didn’t matter. But making his wife feel captivated by pleasure? That certainly mattered.

…and making himself feel good too! He couldn’t forget that! She’d pout at him if she knew he was prioritizing her!

Though, admittedly, it was difficult to do that currently. He was feeling magnificent, and so was she!


Mozu knew her voice sounded crackly and crumbly, but she had something very important in mind that she had to speak about.

“You… can… ah… f-fuck me f-faster…”

It was embarrassing to say that… but it had to be done! She wanted him to stop holding back so much! She understood why it had been necessary until now, but she was ready to take things to the next level! The gentle care was undeniably divine, but they had time to experiment with different things and she was not going to let the opportunity go to waste!

Corrin took a moment to comprehend what she was trying to tell him, mainly because he wasn’t sure if he had heard it right… “A-Are you sure…?”

Mozu nodded.

“I’m not asking ya to go crazy or anythin’, just so ya know…” she clarified, hoping he’d understand that she wanted him to stop holding back… just not completely. After all, he was a dragon and had inconceivable strength and agility thanks to it. She… was not a dragon. “But a bit faster… mmm, I think I can do it!”


While he was concerned, he saw no reason to decline. He trusted Mozu. If she said she was ready for this, then she was ready.

“Oh, and, uhm… hands on the legs, please~”

Corrin scoffed in amusement and grinned. The handholding was nice, but it was built suited for something slow and tender. If his hands were on her legs though…

Relocating them to her thighs made her gasp strongly, likely due to their natural sensitivity and the sudden warmth against her cooler muscles if he were to guess. Either way, it was a pleasant and arousing sound…

Mozu giggled in anticipation, her shaky breath making her giddiness sound particularly cheeky. Satisfied she was ready, and with a nod on her end to confirm it, Corrin resumed his motions. At first, he maintained his usual rhythm, but slowly but surely he escalated his thrusts. The changes were minimal at first, but eventually blossomed into something stronger that his lover began to notice.

She was used to feeling full whenever he was inside her, but something about the swifter thrusts made that sensation far stronger than usual, as if he was somehow reaching further inside. It was overwhelming… but in a good way! She was just about able to handle this… and once again, a feeling of pride was swelling inside her.

One concern Mozu had was that rough play would make her tear up. Their first time, while magical, had been a little messy on her emotions. Would taking their love life to a higher level repeat that? Intimacy wasn’t all roses no matter how much effort and preparation was put into it.

She had ultimately decided to voice her desire despite that worry. If she did cry, he’d comfort her, and she’d reassure him it was never his fault. It would be okay.

Thankfully, everything was going brilliantly!

Her beloved husband was doing a spectacular job with his cadence, giving her the good time she craved while still respecting that she had limits she had yet to overcome. They were taking small steps rather than leaping, and it was working!d

Mozu liked this. She liked this a lot.

Corrin liked this a lot too! There was absolutely nothing wrong with the slow but tender approach, but being able to let loose and lose his mind a little to lust was a refreshing sensation. Mozu’s expression was tainted with lust, his wife barely able to keep her eyes open while pleasured groans after groans escaped her mouth and soothed his ears. He was understandably beginning to feel exhaustion bare its fangs sooner than the norm, but hearing her lose her mind to the utmost bliss distracted him from that creeping feeling.

“Mozu.. how are you feeling?” Corrin found the energy to ask. Of course, he knew the answer, but he wanted to hear her say it.


Overwhelming. Exhausting. Breathtaking.

Mozu could describe all these sparks of bliss with those words , and yet, it was not criticism in the slightest. She loved these feelings. If there was a single critique at all to share, it was that she really, really, REALLY wanted to ride him now! Her husband was putting so much effort and energy into this! It was only fair she contributed something that required just as much energy in return. He had impressed her so much and she wanted to do the same!

“C-Corrin…” she mumbled, trying to catch his attention, but her voice was too weak. Her beloved had gotten completely absorbed in what he was doing, but she couldn’t blame him! Feeling his cock nudge against her cervix so frequently felt astonishing, so if he was experiencing something familiar, she could understand why he had gotten carried away!

But she had to get his attention somehow…

Ah! Of course!

Mozu raised her hands, flapping her fingers against the palm of her hands rapidly to catch his attention… and it worked! Corrin immediately halted his advances, snapping out of his wondrous trance. She felt a little bad about it, but she couldn’t forget her mission! There was a surprise in store for him!


Mozu curled her lips into her mouth, looking away a little bashfully. What an awful time for nerves to resurface!

But they didn’t last long-- not when he felt his hands grasping hers.

“Honey… can I try somethin’ with ya?”

Corrin smiled. “Of course you can.”

“Righty then…” she did her best to keep her composure. “We gotta swap positions. I need ya on your back. Is that alright?”

“For you, anything.”

Mozu squealed. Just a little. Or maybe a lot.

“...such a sweet talker.”

With their next position set in stone, Corrin gradually pulled out. He then calmly crawled onto the bed, mimicking his lover’s previous position while she stood and mentally prepared herself. She anticipated anxiety to strike back with a vengeance, but it could not do so in the face of overwhelming confidence! She not only wanted to do this-- she needed to do this!

So she did.

Mozu straddled her husband’s lap, revealing what she had intended for him. He looked like he wanted to tell her to be careful or that she didn’t have to do this if she didn’t want to, but he held his tongue. She was glad, for his silence instead signified that he was eagerly waiting for her to make her move.

With a single hand, she took hold of his manhood and aimed it skyward. Mozu then did the same with her body, positioning herself in such a way that it could intersect with her pussy. With one final breath, she lowered her body, letting it sink back inside her.

It was difficult. She had never been the one in control before and the slow pace was causing her confidence to waver.

But she was not alone.

Corrin was the one to reach his hands out this time, and she accepted his embrace without hesitation, using his support to help balance her movements. With his aid, she took more inside… until at last, she had taken everything.

Mozu breathed a sigh of relief, looking down at her husband with an exhausted expression, but a happy one. It was unusual to see things from this perspective… but she was a fan!

There was only one thing she wanted to know now.

“What’cha think…?”

“It feels good, and I love the view.”


“I love you too.”


Mozu put an end to his teasing by raising her body, experiencing the sensation of his cock slipping out of her inch by inch from an entirely new perspective.

But she liked it being inside her; therefore, she hastily lowered her body back down so it could return to its rightful home! She knew she looked giddy and silly doing this, but she didn’t care. She was happy! Unbelievably happy!

Holding his hands firmly to aid her balance, she started to build up a rhythm, one that she believed was impressive for somebody doing this for the first time.

Was Corrin impressed? Incredibly!

He hadn’t expected Mozu to suddenly want to ride him like this, but he was a fan! Her determination to see this through was remarkable, and her expression… her expression… he couldn’t avert his gaze whatsoever. That biting of her lip, and the narrowed eyes, and the way they wouldn’t stay off him either… it wasn’t just hypnotizing him anymore-- it was a level beyond that.

Mozu was the one losing her mind now. Despite how overpowering it was, she established a remarkable rhythm for somebody doing this for the first time. Bouncing on his cock was an exhausting activity, but she quickly learned there was much pleasure to be found by moving her hips in a circular motion. It also looked amazing.

At no point did their hands separate. Corrin and Mozu wanted to stay connected in more ways than one, and it did wonders for Mozu’s balance. She was putting in so much effort… and she was about to reap the rewards.

Corrin had felt his climax approaching in their earlier position, but his wife’s suggestion had postponed it. This did mean she wasn’t going to be able to ride him for long… but she could take pride that this orgasm was entirely thanks to her efforts.

“C-Corrin… I’m feelin’… ah!!”

…well, it seemed he wasn’t the only one!

“Me too, Mozu…” Corrin warned her in return, her smile growing as she heard the happy news.

“Let’s… ah… together!!”

The immense pressure from her insides around his manhood was phenomenal, but it was hearing his wife’s wish that finally brought him over the edge. Corrin came, letting out everything that had been building up inside the womb of his beloved. She accepted everything, his warmth causing her to climax and spasm dramatically. Even as they experienced the utmost bliss, their hands did not separate.

It was just as well that they both reached their climaxes so quickly! Mozu was drained, quickly collapsing onto her beloved. This position had drained her energy rapidly… but she could safely say she had succeeded in her mission. There was a reason she was smiling so gleefully. Well, a lot of reasons, but that was one of them!

“...that was, gosh…” she mumbled, chuckling at how messed up her senses were.

Corrin laughed too. “I know…”

Mozu cuddled up to her husband, not wanting to leave his embrace anytime soon. The thought of that… baffling! “Mmm… I think I could stay together with ya like this for-”

…until she suddenly shivered.

Corrin realized quickly why.

They had forgotten they had been drenched in rain only moments before. The heat of their intimacy had distracted them from that, but now that it was over… well, it was difficult to ignore, especially because they were nude…

“...I think it’s time we have a warm shower, my love,” Corrin suggested. “And after that… well, we have the night to ourselves, don’t we?”

“...that we do.”

Mozu laughed. An entire night spent with her beloved. What more could she ask for?

Corrin laughed too. An entire night spent with his beloved. What more could he ask for?

To them, the war was now on hold and far from their thoughts.

Right now, all that mattered to them was each other, and they weren’t going to let this rare moment go to waste…

…and maybe they’d get more time off considering it was very likely they had simultaneously caught a cold…

Hopefully, Xander could think of a good excuse to explain their absence…


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