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“C’mon! Why are you being so secretive?”

Corrin’s persistence was something to behold. So too was her impatience.

Corrin was very eager to learn what you had planned for her. Too eager.

You couldn’t blame her for being worked up about it though. You had mentioned you had something special in store for her at an undisclosed location. That would be enough to pique anyone’s curiosity! It certainly hadn’t helped that you mentioned it at the start of her birthday party, promising to only reveal the full details after the event had ended.

The vagueness of the promised surprise had really gotten to her, and now, she was giddy with anticipation. It wasn’t like you to be so mysterious with her, but she seemed to be a fan of this new development! Of course, it wasn’t your intention to build up a massive amount of suspense; you just wanted to make sure she knew you had plans for her, lest someone else try to snatch her away for the evening. It was ultimately a thoughtful decision, as indeed many had tried.

“I have my reasons,” you answered with a whole lot of nothing.

Corrin groaned in frustration. While you weren’t in a position to see her expression, you were confident she was pouting. “Then share them! C’mon… you know you can share anything with me, right?”

The tender tone almost got to you, but you were determined to remain resolute, especially after keeping your mouth shut the entire day. You were confident you could last a few more minutes, even if it was beyond tempting to let something slip. You’d see that serene smile you adored so much before long anyway.

“No can do.”

“Aw… at least give me a hint…” she mumbled, though she wasn’t doing a good job at selling a negative emotion. After such a magnificent day, not even trying to force disappointment and sadness could disguise how happy she truly was.

Corrin’s birthday party had been spectacular. This was her first one in Askr, so that meant the attendance included not only her family, but all the friends she had met here too. It was a packed event. It was a miracle there was enough food and drink to go around!

The star of the show miraculously hadn’t lost her voice either. Many wanted to chat with her as they participated in the festivities. It was a blessing in disguise, for it often distracted her from playfully pestering you for answers on your planned surprise.

It was no wonder she was so excited. It was a good thing you had decided to take the shorter albeit less scenic route. You weren’t sure if she would have survived that.

“Not much further now,” you repeated for about… the sixth time? You weren’t exaggerating either-- she had asked six times within the last ten minutes or so.

What you said wasn’t a lie. There was still a bit of an uphill trek to go through these woods, but any exhaustion she accumulated ultimately would fade. While the birthday party had gone on for a while, you were grateful it ended before sunset. You weren’t confident in your navigation skills in the darkness.

“Hey, you said that a few minutes ago!” she mumbled once more, this time deciding to gaze up at you, revealing the predicted pout.

“Yes, and also a minute before that.”

Corrin made an agitated sound that was music to your ears. The reason you were confident she wasn’t actually annoyed at you was simple-- she had latched onto your arm ages ago and was refusing to let go.

Ironically, it had somewhat slowed you down. You weren’t going to mention that though.

The clinginess was nice.

“C’mon… are we there yet?”

You were ready to give her the usual response, but a light in the distance changed your tune.

“...we actually are.”

It took the princess a few moments to actually comprehend that you had a different answer for her!

“Wait, really?”

Corrin would have noticed if she was paying attention to her surroundings, but she had subconsciously trusted you to guide her so she could focus on trying to get an answer out of you. You were glad she was so giddy. It put to rest most concerns you had about whether or not she’d like her present. Would it be the best thing she had received today? Now that you weren’t too sure about… but you were confident you had a good shot! It would be notably rewarding after all the things you had to do to make this happen.

Were you completely doubt-free? Absolutely not.

But Corrin was the type to accept even the simplest of gifts with a beaming smile on her face.

…and this? This was something she wanted, but wasn’t able to have… until now.

Corrin finally decided to assess her surroundings, and what she saw perplexed her.

“It’s a… cabin?”

She sounded curious and confused, an appropriate feeling considering the location. A remote cabin in the middle of a random forest? She wasn’t sure what to think.

“It is, and we are borrowing it for the night,” you offered more context. “But the cabin isn’t what’s important here. The real surprise is what’s behind it.”

You still hadn’t given her a direct answer, but she now knew where to find it.

“Well, what are we waiting for? I want to see!”

Her eagerness reaching unprecedented levels, Corrin finally released herself from your arm and rushed forward, beckoning you forward. She almost looked like she was about to barge through the door, but then she remembered that you were probably the one with the key.

While she was interested in what the cabin had to offer, she hadn’t forgotten about what supposedly rested behind the house. She followed with bated breath as you headed through the central passageway toward the back door…

…and she was immediately mesmerized by the sight before her.

“Wait… a hot spring?!”

The expression on her face… and the sound of her voice… it was filled to the brim with complete and utter ecstasy. It was exactly how you hoped the scenario would play out!


“But… how? I thought…”

“I worked very, very hard.”

That was your story for now. You could provide details on how you managed to get your hands on a cabin for the night, let alone one with a personal hot spring… later on. It may or may not have cost an arm and a leg.

What mattered now was that you could finally breathe. The doubts were gone, and it felt great.

…and what better reward than to relax in the hot springs with the most beautiful woman in the world?

To think… this had all originated from a random comment one day! The conversation was on romantic dates, and Corrin mentioned that she’d love to spend a private evening with you while resting in the comfort of the hot springs. Of course, she went ahead and dismissed such a notion, and for good reason.

Askr's hot springs were a ridiculously popular attraction. With the number of heroes increasing weekly, so too did the number of people wanting to use the warm waters.

Now, that wasn’t necessarily a problem for somebody who just wanted a soak, but she had specifically mentioned a desire for a private relaxation session.

Those could be booked… if you were willing to wait half a year, sure.

But this conversation had only occurred around a month before her birthday, and while you could have theoretically put your name on the booking list… it would have been far more special if she was able to enjoy this wish on her most special day.

It was what the most precious person in your life deserved, and it was befitting for somebody who was the princess of not one, but two kingdoms!

How you managed to start dating such a special person was a completely different story, but it was absolutely fantastic being her significant other. She was a phenomenal girlfriend, and it was even more reason to treat her well on her big day.

“This… this is perfect!” her awe was steadfast. “It’s so large too!”

She looked just about ready to jump in. Her enthusiasm was very justified, for the warm aurora of the water was tempting you too.

“I’ve been asked to stay clear of the second floor,” you shared some additional information about the cabin. “But the first is all ours. We have a guest bedroom, a personal bathroom, and access to the kitchen if you’d like me to whip up something.”

“Wait-- are you saying we’re going to stay here overnight?!” Corrin was simultaneously shocked and thrilled by the notion

And you knew why. “It also means peace and quiet.”

She giggled a little uneasily in response, dropping her enthusiastic facade a little. “Ah… I forget how well you know me, sometimes.”

Corrin loved her siblings and friends to bits. That was no secret.

But a full day’s worth of celebrations focused on a single individual, while all fun and good, would doubtlessly exhaust even the most extroverted of people.

It would make a quiet evening basking in the serenest of heat all the more rewarding though. It was the perfect conclusion to such a boisterous day.

Well, a potential conclusion. You did have other hopes, but this was her day first and foremost.

Her first order of business was not a surprising one. Having noticed the bathroom on her way out, she quickly fetched a towel to wrap around herself. Naturally, she used the moment of privacy to her advantage, discarding all her clothes.

Of course, you had seen her naked, but stripping within your presence was for a specific kind of mood. Tonight was for relaxation only!


She re-emerged surprisingly quickly, even for her standards. It soon became clear why, for her impatience was still strong, and this was demonstrated when she dashed out and jumped into the large pool of water.

“Oh my goooooshhhh!!!” Corrin was quivering in delight, making all sorts of exaggerated expressions and noises. “You need to get in here! This feels amazing!”

You were just as eager to jump into the springs as she was, so that was a request you were happy to accept. Upon following in her footsteps and retrieving a towel, you returned to the springs… but you exercised some degree of regard for your own safety and thus did not jump into the hot springs.

Upon feeling the luxurious heat of the water, you understood why she had reacted so vibrantly.

Now this was a hot spring!

“Aaahhh… I needed this soooo muuuch!!” Corrin’s enthusiasm was nowhere close to fading, nor was her grin.

“You know what? I think I did as well,” you confessed. Things had been tough lately, and not just in regards to sorting out all this hot springs business. If only being the Summoner meant you just had to summon…

Corrin was not oblivious to the things you had done not just for her, but for the entirety of Order of Heroes either. That was why, as soon as you ventured into the water and found a shallow place to sit back and relax, she was there.

She wasted no time clinging to your arm, having decided a few minutes separated was a few minutes too many. She subsequently rested her head on your shoulder, exhaling joyfully.

“Heeeey…” she giggled, humming a little to herself as your bodies intersected, a feeling that felt marvelous when paired with the surrounding heat.“Thank you for this. I really do appreciate it.”

The moment was pure.

Too pure for you to pay any attention to the fact that her huge breasts were pushing against your body.

You weren’t paying any attention to that at all.

Just to make sure, you breathed deeply.

“Happy Birthday, Corrin.”

Corrin squealed in delight upon hearing what you had to say.

It was the first time you had said those words to her today. You had purposefully held back saying it, wanting to reserve it for this special moment.

“You’re really wanting to make me reward you in some way for this,” she admitted with a light giggle. “I feel spoiled. Too spoiled! I want to give back!”

“It’s your birthday,” you replied. “Seeing you happy is the best reward I can ask for.”

Oddly enough, Corrin seemed to mumble in a slight disappointment in response, but she soon resumed her usual tone, albeit with a cheeky flick. “That’s very sweet, but are you suuuuuure you don’t want a reward?”

Ah. Ah!

Now you knew where she was getting at.

You decided to play along. “Well, what do you have in mind, hmm?”

“We’re all alone-- which we haven’t been… in a while.”

“Mmm, you’re right about that.”

Frankly, it had been difficult to spend time with your favorite princess lately. There had been too many battles to oversee on your end, and too many to fight on hers.

“Which means…” her voice trailed off, as if she was expecting you to answer for her.

But just because it was her birthday didn’t mean she was going to be free from a little playful cruelty.


There was a reason you were being oblivious.

Corrin had a tendency to get quite flustered whenever engaging in lewd talk, especially if you weren’t getting the memo. The consecutive expressions and noises were always a joy to see and hear, and that was precisely why you decided to be a little cruel.

“...y-you know…” she murmured, mumbling more after.

Under the water, you could see the faint outline of her moving hands, making you wonder if she was tapping her fingers together nervously.

You weren’t able to verify, however. Your eyes really liked getting distracted.

Amusingly, all this girl had to do was slither her hand to a certain spot and she’d be able to call your bluff! Whether or not she’d have the confidence to do that was a whole other story though.

You swallowed quickly, hoping to dampen any fluctuations in your voice caused by the feeling of her breasts against your body. “...I do?”

“Y-Yeah… you know… it’s… uhm…”

…this was… more difficult to keep up than you thought!

The close proximity, the adorable voice, and the alluring yet teasing view of her chest… it was maddening.

It wasn’t just the hot springs making you feel all hot and bored, that was for sure.

“I… I… I want to…”

“...w-want to…?”

She did not notice that stutter. Thank goodness.

Corrin stayed silent for some time, undoubtedly her mind ablaze with all sorts of volatile thoughts, but ultimately, she came to a very firm decision.

If she couldn’t tell you, she was going to show you.

Without any warning, she let go of your arm and stood up. There was no opportunity to sneak a peek at her nude body, however, for she promptly turned around and sat back down… this time, helping herself to your lap.

Once she felt your dick slip between her thighs, she hummed, the feeling a surprising but welcome one.

Then she realized what that signified.

“...you bully!” she couldn’t decide whether to use an upset or annoyed voice. “You’ve been hard this entire time!”

“Sorry, you’re just really cute when you get like that,” you were honest.

Corrin leaned forward, desiring a hug as payment for your treachery, though it was also so she could hide how flustered she had actually become.

You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her closer, amplifying how amazing her divine body felt against yours. Even when half-submerged in the waters, it was tranquil to the touch, and that especially applied to the breasts currently pushing quite heavily against your chest.

This was the kind of cuddle you wouldn’t mind lasting for hours.

“Bullying your girlfriend on her birthday, are you?” she mumbled, leaning back and revealing the most adorable pout you had ever seen. “I didn’t know you could be such a meanie…”

Maybe you were being a little cruel.

You proceeded to pat her head, though you knew that wouldn’t be enough to rectify things. Thus, you decided to give her an influence on the matter. “How can I make it up to you, my love?”

Corrin grinned very mischievously, giggling quietly as many inappropriate thoughts came to mind. While there were still signs of hesitation, they stood no chance against this new rush of courage. This confidence wouldn’t last, however, so she was sure to give her answer quickly.

“Let me suck your big cock.”

When you throbbed against her thighs before you could even give her an answer, she snickered even more.

“Alright,” you breathed heavily. “Shall we go to the bedr-”

“No,” she shut down that idea quickly. “We are doing it here.”


Such a proposition was always a possibility, though you weren’t too sure if she’d want to fool around within a place meant for relaxation.

Then again, wasn’t getting up to lewd mischief also relaxing in its own right? It did wonders towards satisfying a hazy, horny mind.

While she enjoyed feeling your cock against her thighs, it did also mean it wasn’t anywhere close to her drooling mouth, and that was no good! Corrin promptly shuffled off your lap, sinking to her knees in front of you so she could access her next birthday treat. She had stuffed her mouth quite a bit during her birthday party, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have room for more.

You leaned back and spread your legs, making it easy for her to make herself at home between them. Thanks to your erection, your member stood proud and tall above the water, and it wasn’t long before she was bombarding it with teasing licks and the occasional kiss. This was by no means the result of her earlier fluster. That was long gone, consumed by a relentless stream of arousal.

It was honestly surprising she was starting so slowly considering that, but perhaps she understood that good food was best savored

The only part of her not focused on slobbering over your shaft was her eyes. Those were linked to yours as she scanned her expression for any shifts, and there was a lot of change. The feeling of her tongue against your glans and the quivers invoked by her kisses wasn’t something you could just externally ignore.

Once satisfied she had seen enough of your squinted eyes and trembling lips, she decided to put her teasing to rest. As her lips curled around your tip and she pushed her head down, opening up her inviting mouth, you started to wonder if the warmth of her mouth would exceed that of the hot springs. Corrin’s insides were always humid. Whether or not that had to do with her secretly being a dragon was unknown, but you were grateful for it nonetheless.

Naturally, she wasn’t satisfied with just the tip. Though her approach was slow and steady, it also meant there were no signs of her slowing down anytime soon. You always did like her strategy here, for the apprehension and curiosity regarding when she’d finally stop were always thrilling. Sure, this wasn’t wasn’t anywhere close to the first time she had given you head, but Corrin was the type of girl who always wanted to improve her skills. That applied off the battlefield too.

However, she ended up pausing a lot sooner than you expected.

The reason soon became clear.

Most of your cock was above the water. Most. Corrin’s lips were on the verge of touching the water, and to descend even further would mean she’d have to dive below.

“Corrin, do you want me to stand up so I-”

The offer of an easy way out was not what she signed up for.

Dispelling her hesitation, Corrin did something that looked and felt astonishingly good. Watching her head drop below the water while she attempted to deepthroat you was mind-boggling. Whatever pressure and discomfort she was feeling, if any, did very little to slow her down.

It wasn’t long before the tip of her nose tickled your submerged crotch.

Though you were surrounded by an immense warmth, you couldn’t help but shiver. It felt that good.

Having achieved her objective and given you a good few moments to appreciate the unique feeling, she ejected your cock, re-emerging into a brief coughing fit.

“Corrin… what the hell was that?”

Your tone certainly contained some confusion, but it communicated ecstasy too.

“Ehehehe…” she breathed densely, doing her best to calm her throat. “Did that feel good?”


It was a feeling you wanted to experience again.

Right on cue, your favorite person read your mind. “Can I do it again?”

“Absolutely,” your arousal prompted a hasty answer, but despite everything, you were still able to think somewhat rationally. “Just don’t overdo it, okay? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“It wasn’t that bad, I promise!” she reassured you, but upon noticing you didn’t look convinced, she chuckled. “Look… it was new, so it ended a little messily, but I think I’ll be okay! I do have a bit of affinity with water, after all. The only person I know who can hold their breath longer is Azura!”

That was… honestly a pretty convincing argument. She did use water-based attacks in her dragon form! Apparently, that translated into being able to handle sucking cock underwater. Why not?

Just recalling what she had done was messing with your head quite a bit, but you couldn’t deny your eagerness for more.

Corrin resumed the blowjob, respecting her throat’s need to recuperate by taking it easy for a while. She focused primarily on kissing and licking it for a while, but her impatience was just not something she was good at controlling.

Well, she actually was typically good at keeping herself in check.

Just not when there was a surprise in store or a dick to suck.

When you start feeling your manhood itch the back of her throat, you felt a little concerned whether or not it was too soon to be going overboard again. At the same time, it was hard to care when it felt this good! The humidity? Immaculate. The heat? Perfect. The mere knowledge that it was your dick was buried inside such a cute mouth? The best.

But when you were just beginning to get used to how it all felt, she ejected everything without warning, not even sinking beneath the water this time!

That was fine though. Maybe she recognized she hadn’t recovered enough yet. Maybe-”

“Hey,” she spoke softly, wiping her mouth with her hand. “I have a request.”


Strangely, some of that earlier embarrassment was beginning to resurface. It was unprecedented to see a lack of eye contact and fidgeting hands after the lewd business had begun. You wondered what had caused it to come back.

“I would like you to… when I’m under there…” she gathered her courage and continued, speaking almost silently. “...to wrap your legs around my head… and trap me.”

You stared at her.

“Uhm… you want me to suffocate you?”

“No, no!” she was surprisingly eager to correct you. “I’m already suffocating on your cock by that point! What I want you to do is to stop me from freeing myself while I suffocate. Get it?”

Corrin was always a little monstrous when in bed. That was a good thing, of course! Some rough fucking? Targeting the backdoor every now and then? Those were things you could get behind.

But this… this was…

…unbelievably hot.

“How long for?”

“Indefinitely!” she answered, and upon seeing your eyes widen, she chuckled. “I’m only kidding. Let’s go for about… thirty seconds?”

Thirty seconds?!

Well… uh…

…she did say she was good at holding her breath… so…

You swallowed.

“...alright then. It is your birthday, after all.”

Corrin looked ready to jump into your arms, but she restrained herself-- there was a dick in desperate need of being wedged down her throat first!

She once again initiated things with some licks and kisses, but it was safe to say she was at peak arousal. Therefore, it took no time for that wondrous humidity to envelop your member again.

Once she reached the water, she paused briefly, doubtlessly physically and mentally preparing herself. The moment was short-lived, for she once again delved into the depths, deepthroating your cock with little effort.

Your cue to act was when you felt her nose touch your skin. As promised, you carefully wrapped your legs around her head, maintaining a good degree of strength that not even a powerful dragon such as her could easily free herself from.

Corrin was already beginning to quiver, but you remained resolute. Keeping a mental note of the time in your head, you allowed this exotic feeling to send powerful shivers throughout your body. The back of her throat had never been tighter, nor had it been quite as hot.

It was too much. It didn’t matter at all that lewd things had only just started. This was the quickest you had ever been brought to orgasm… and what a way for it to happen!

Without warning, you let loose what felt like endless ropes of cum against the back of her throat, and it was a sensation that Corrin was NOT expecting to feel while on the verge of literally choking.

Despite the most amazing pleasure coursing throughout your body, you hadn’t forgotten about the requested length of time. The thirty seconds were up midway through your climax, and as soon as you removed the leglock, Corrin returned to the surface.

She was coughing. A lot.

But that didn’t mean she was down for the count. While her throat had taken quite a beating, her mouth was still warm and inviting, and she was quick to return your manhood to its embrace once her need to cough became ignorable enough.

After all, she wasn’t going to let all that cum go to waste. Her efforts were rewarded as she was able to savor the taste of your fading orgasm, receiving enough of your seed to cover her tongue and swirl it around her mouth. When your moans started to dampen significantly in volume, she finally pulled away, spending some moments slowly swallowing her treat.

“That was…” she started, pausing so she could breathe very deeply. “...intense.”

It was time to ask the important question. “Did you like it?”

Unfortunately, you couldn’t really tell. She looked a little uncomfortable, but it was hard to read the expression of someone submerged in the water.

“Yes! A thousand times yes!!” Corrin was keen to respond with haste, caring not for how shaky her voice sounded. What an answer that was! “That feeling of suffocation… and just knowing I wouldn’t be able to escape… and then you came… it was so overwhelming! I loved it!!”

She had the biggest grin on her face.

“I enjoyed it too,” you admitted. “Though I suppose I don’t really need to tell you that, do I?”

Corrin cackled like the adorable gremlin she was.

While she had done something very exhausting and you had reached your orgasm, that didn’t mean things were over just yet!

“Heeeyyy~” she leaned closer, her smile so wide it was almost distracting you from that adorable little fang she had. “I want to reward you for that! Can I?”

You weren’t against such a proposition by any means, but there was something she was forgetting. “Corrin, it’s your birthday. I feel like I should be rewarding-”

The gentle nudge of her palm against your face silenced your speech, communicating so much. You placed your hand on hers, enjoying the calming moment.

It was amusing that such serenity could occur after such depravity.

“I am being rewarded, silly,” she said. “It just so happens that my idea of a reward is also a reward for you! That’s the best kind, don’t you agree?

Well, when she put it like that…

“Lead the way.”

Corrin closed her eyes and smiled one last time. It was a sight that could mend the most broken of hearts. For one that was already beating so frantically, however, it was threatening to make it burst out of your chest. Not good!

A much-needed distraction came when your favorite person shuffled forward and subsequently lifted her breasts with her hands, aligning them with your crotch. You were still feeling a little drained after that moment of unreal intensity, so if this was her idea of a pick-me-up, you were all for it!

The softness of her boobs enveloping your member was more than enough to prompt an exhale, and as she playfully jiggled her tits around your sensitive shaft and giggled endlessly, you could feel your vitality restoring quickly.

“Ohhh… still raring to go, I see?” Corrin adopted a cheeky aura-- one that was well-earned. “You know… a lot of people like to stare at these… but it makes me feel good knowing you’re the only one who gets to play and suck on them~”

So you weren’t the only one who had a little pride in that fact, hmm? Corrin was beautiful and sexy. It was an indisputable fact. She had her admirers, but it was nice knowing you were the only one who got to actually be intimate with her.

Corrin continued the titfuck, making sure you were suffocated within her warmth at all times. The heat at the base was especially intense thanks to the hot water, and due to her boobs being soaked already, it was effortless for her to jiggle them around. There was no uncomfortable friction whatsoever. There was just… heaven.

You could sit back and enjoy this for hours. You really could. It already felt so hot within these waters, so to have that temperature amplified by the smothering of her breasts? Sublime.

“Does that feel good, darling?” Corrin inquired. You nodded, simply wanting to let this rush of pleasure and relaxation envelop you. “Ehehehe… I’m really happy to hear that. You know, I forgot to mention something earlier.”

Your conversation skills were probably going to be jittery due to how tranquil you felt, but you weren’t going to ignore her. “...and what is that?”

“I ate a lot of good food today,” she elaborated, and while it seemed it was an off-topic statement, it very much wasn’t. “But they all paled compared to how juicy your cock was~”

How could she say that with such a joyful face…? Corrin could sometimes look so innocent while saying some terrifyingly arousing things.

Which was hot.

“Is that so?”

“Mm-hmm,” she giggled. “Though I’m still feeling hungry.”

You opened your mouth, ready to ask her what she wanted to eat… but then something devilish entered your head.

Thus, you went with that instead. You weren’t done teasing her yet! “Shall I start calling you ‘Ilyana’ now?”

“Hey!” Corrin poked your face. “Meanie! I’m trying to be cute here.”

“You’re always cute.”

Corrin, always weak to compliments from you, pouted to hide her instinctive desire to smile.

There was nothing wrong with a healthy amount of cruelty in a relationship.

…so long as you made it up to her in the end!

“Hey, Corrin,” you called out to her calmly, the gentle tone intriguing her enough to look at you again. “Remember how you were sitting on my lap earlier?”


“I want you to do that again,” you continued. “Though try not to miss the mark this time, hmm?”

You just couldn’t resist the urge to continue the teasing, but it was enough to rile her up. She was going to give you exactly what you wanted.

And what she wanted too, of course. It was a struggle for her to sometimes admit she wanted sex. You’d playfully tease her for that, but since it was her birthday, you figured you’d cut her some slack by giving her the motivation she needed to act.

Now aspiring to fix her former mistake, Corrin carefully climbed onto your body, using a hand to keep your dick aiming skyward. As she lowered her body, it became clear she was committed to not missing her target, as if wanting to prove she could return your member to one of its homes with the utmost ease.

You were used to many kinds of heat. The surrounding environment emitted a specific form of it, as did the radiance that was her body. The heat from within her pussy, however, was probably your favorite type.

But to feel it once again while simultaneously experiencing the warmth all around you?

…hopefully, it wouldn’t be a challenge to arrange further private nights at this cabin!

Well, that was hopeful thinking, considering who actually owned this place… but there was nothing wrong with a little optimism!

“Aaaahhh… I needed this…” Corrin purred, nibbling her lip as she took more of your length inside her.

Unlike with the blowjob, there wasn’t any need for her to take her time whatsoever. Her pussy was more than used to the feeling of your cock opening it up, and it was once again happy to accept it all.

It felt phenomenal to finally feel your manhood resting against the entrance to her womb, and that was a feeling shared by your beloved… perhaps even on a grander scale! It would explain why she had clutched your shoulders so firmly, not noticing her nails were digging in a little. Those minor pinches were easily ignorable thanks to how amazing literally everything else was.

Although she looked satisfied with remaining still and enjoying this feeling of fullness, you were not quite as content. She had used her boobs to restore your vitality for a reason, after all! If she wasn’t going to move, then you were!

Taking charge was easy. Your hands dived underneath the water, clasping her bubbly butt. You hadn’t given it any attention so far, but the night was still young and you could make up for that in due time. Grasping onto it tightly to reinforce her posture, you pulled back your hips as much as you could. It wasn’t enough to free your cock by any means, but it wasn’t meant to. A quick thrust upwards moments later, and your lover yelped, seemingly not anticipating the sudden force whatsoever.

Corrin wanted to relish the feeling of your dick fully inside her for a while, but you figured you had earned the right to be a little impatient.

“Ehehehe~” she giggled. “Did you like me teasing you just now?”


So she was expecting you to lose your patience, hmm? How cheeky.

“You do know you’re asking it, right?”


…well, a little cheekiness from the birthday girl could be forgiven, especially when she was essentially asking you to fuck her silly.

So that’s what you did. You resumed the thrusts immediately, ramping up the intensity with each motion for some time. The water reacted violently to the movement, causing loud splashes that made you grateful this place was quiet and out of the way. You weren’t sure if you could get away with this in the usual hot springs!

Corrin did what she could to contribute, causing some disruption to your rhythm while she moved as well, but it didn’t take too long for the joint cadences to adjust and align. While feeling your length sliding against her walls was a familiar albeit welcome friction, it was enhanced by the harmonizing heat of the steamy surroundings.

“Ohhh… this feels… ahhhh…!!”

You liked to think that loud hum was due to simultaneously hitting a weak spot while taking a nipple into your greedy mouth.

Her tits had been dancing wildly in front of your face the entire time. It was miraculous you hadn’t started playing with them earlier, but it wasn’t as impressive as how your lover was able to maintain herself despite the additional pressure.

Burying your head within her bosom while you fucked her was the stuff of dreams… but this was reality! It was a reminder that all the work you had put into this tranquil evening was worth it.

“Aaahhh… please don’t stop… don’t stop…” Corrin moaned and moaned, having not accounted for her nipples being targeted. They were sensitive to such strong sucks, and it was only thanks to the position that she was able to keep riding effectively. The clutch around your shoulders had never been tighter. If she didn’t have that support, she would have collapsed by now.

You could tell she was on the verge of losing it.

…and that was good!

Corrin had already brought you to orgasm. It was only fair you returned the favor, for she deserved nothing less on her special day.

Despite how restrictive the position was, that didn’t stop you from accelerating your thrusts, and it especially didn’t stop you from sucking hard on her nipples. Although she desired to contribute her fair share while she rode you, she was not physically or mentally prepared for the level of stimulation she was presently experiencing. Control was being wrestled away from her, and she was gradually accepting that inevitability.

It was strange to experience exhaustion while in the hot springs, but that creeping feeling was ignorable. Limits be damned, you were going to make this princess lose her mind no matter the cost.

You released one hand from her butt, using it to grope her other breast, knowing it would satisfy her further. It was only when having both of her nipples stimulated simultaneously-- one through a mouth and the other through fingers-- that Corrin started to scream out in bliss.

The endless cervix bashing, the breast fondling, and the encircling warmth… it was just too much for your favorite girl.

…which was good.

A few more thrusts, and Corrin was there. Her volume reached its peak as a surge of pleasure overwhelmed her body and her grasp on you tightened-- both internally and externally! She was NOT able to remain still despite this, and it was a view you were going to appreciate while it lasted.

“Oh… oh gosh…” she collapsed onto your body, her breath as startled as it was when she pulled that immaculate stunt earlier. “I feel so faint…”

“Do you want to take a break?”


Heh. You figured she’d answer like that. Breaks were not frequent with her.

“In that case,” you stroked her head calmly, making her purr. “Get on all fours for me.”

Corrin exhaled, the sudden authoritative tone sending shivers down her spine, but it was a welcome rush.

“O-Oh… w-why do I need to do that…?” she asked, wavering from side to side with a smile on her face that did not sell the oblivious question, but that was probably the point.

You placed a hand on her cheek, caressing it calmly and maintaining eye contact while you answered. “So I can fuck you properly this time.”

Corrin quivered once more, exhaling apprehensively as she undoubtedly thought about what was going to happen to her.

While it was an immense experience to have her ride you, the position was limiting and had a cap to the speed.

But if she were to get on all fours? She’d be completely at your mercy, and your pace would be determined by how rejuvenated you were feeling.

It was very fortunate you were in the hot springs! That momentary tiredness from moments before already felt like an eternity ago.

Corrin took a moment to snap back to reality, but when she did, she got into position extremely quickly. The water level was perfect for the occasion, for it left pretty much everything submerged… except for her head and bubbly butt, of course. It was a reminder that you hadn’t given her rear as much attention as it deserved. When you sank to your knees and pushed your cock up against her entrance, you made sure to grope and lightly spank her a little, making her eagerness for penetration unbearable.

“Stop teasing meeee…!!” she mumbled, though as always, she never sounded genuinely upset. “Please… put it in… put it innnnnnaaaAAAAaaaaaahhh!!!”

Her wish was your command, and you were happy to make it come true before she could even finish her sentence. The return of that magnificent pressure was welcome on both ends, especially when you wasted no time in accelerating.

Seeing her butt jiggle wildly instead of her boobs was not only a generally welcome change of pace, but a fantastic source of fuel for your efforts. Of course, there wasn’t any lack of that, but you weren’t against further reasons to fuck her senselessly.

This rapid fucking continued for some time, and gradually over that period, you started to notice how bad she was at maintaining her balance without something to latch onto. Your hold against her hips could only do so much.

“...h-hey…” she called out to you, her voice hushed by how dizzy she felt. You decelerated to hear her out. “If I… ah… end up falling, don’t worry, okay? Don’t forget I’m good… at holding my breath! Just keep fucking me~”

What an odd thing to say with such a massive grin on her face! You understood she didn’t want you to worry, but you were starting to suspect she was developing a fetish here.

Or maybe her claim was just that strong. In that case, maybe it wasn’t. Time would tell, you supposed.

“Alright,” you reassured her, watching her smile grow before she turned back to face forward.

That was your cue to return to your usual speed, and as you did so, it became blatantly apparent that Corrin was focusing less and less on her balance. It was like she wanted to tumble. Even so, you maintained a sturdy grasp around her hips, not wanting any plummet to disturb your rhythm.

Your objective was a simple one.

Corrin had gotten you off first. You had then returned the favor.

But these were two separate orgasms not connected whatsoever.

That was fine, of course… but the best sex were sessions that resulted in a simultaneous climax! You had every intention of filling her up, understanding she craved creampies and how they made her most pleasurable moments all the more exhilarating. Her love for that outcome was a bit of an unacknowledged secret between the two of you, for she hadn’t gone out of her way to actually confess her love for being cummed inside. That was just a little too embarrassing for her, but you couldn’t wait for the moment she’d finally lose it and beg for it.

A birthday creampie was on the agenda for today.

…maybe two, actually. Or even three! The birthday girl deserved to be spoiled.

It was that degenerate thought that you latched onto, using the adrenaline called forth by such an idea as a means to fuck her fiercely. As you intensified her treatment, so too did the volume of her moans and the splashing of the water. For a moment, you pondered which was the highest.

A victor was declared quickly, for Corrin’s volume came to a screeching halt.

As she had warned, she had tumbled below the water, leaving you with nothing but the sight of her bubbly butt while she rested her head against the submerged ground.

Trusting she’d be okay, you kept up your cadence. Moments later, however, something was beginning to threaten it.

Corrin was beginning to tighten up. A lot.

…so this was a fetish, huh?

Of course, nothing was completely confirmed, but there was a devious way to test your theory.

You leaned forward as much as you could without disrupting your rhythm, freeing a hand and reaching to where her head was before sinking it beneath the water.

Upon feeling your hand rest against her head, effectively sealing her in place, she started to feel immensely hot from inside her pussy.

…heh. A fetish indeed.

Thirty seconds was the time limit she set earlier. Therefore, you kept to that same schedule, fucking her firmly while preventing her from ascending.

It was when you finally let go that any doubts about this being a kink were dispersed. Corrin grabbed your hand and forcefully returned it to her head, not wanting it to leave anytime soon.

Now you really hoped you could arrange further visits to this place. You had a feeling Corrin would start demanding it…

Not that you’d be against that, of course. She had tightened up so much! She had never reacted this incredibly to something before, and though it was not doing any wonders towards your pacing, it was a challenge you were eager to overcome.

This was starting to feel too good. Her walls had an astonishingly strong grasp, squeezing your shaft in all the right ways. It felt especially good when you bottomed out, and it was during one of those slow but strong thrusts that the pressure became too much. Effectively sealed deep inside her, you came, painting her womb white while her walls milked all the cum it could out of your cock.

The timing couldn’t have been any better. Corrin was beginning to spasm and move uncontrollably, doubtlessly experiencing an orgasm unlike any other alongside yours. Ironically, you were on the verge of collapsing now, but you remained resolute, not wanting to risk pulling out early.

Your objective had been achieved, and while the moment was fleeting, it was still enough to awaken something within yourself as well. Just knowing she was down there, completely at your mercy, even if it was by her own choice…

Corrin finally surfaced, panting immensely as she immediately rushed into your arms, desperately desiring support.

Despite how ravaged she looked, she promptly gazed up and grinned, making sure you knew all was well.

“That… that was… so, so hot!!” Corrin was extraordinarily excited! “You know… I was almost at my limit there, and then you came, and then I came, and then I started to feel so dizzy and like I was about to pass out, but that made everything feel so unreal! I LOVED IT!”

“It was something else,” you couldn’t agree more. It was not how you expected things to flow at all, but it was some much-appreciated spice! “You are one little devil, you know that?”

Corrin giggled, her hips shaking from side to side as if she was dancing while she clutched firmly onto you. “I do have one regret though.”

“...and that is?”

“I couldn’t beg you to cum inside me…” she answered.

These stunts had done wonders to her confidence, hadn’t they? That was an additional development you were thrilled to witness.

You hugged her nice and securely, letting her hum to herself for a bit. “There’s always next time, you know.”

“Next time, hmm? And when will that be? Ehehe~”

…she was still turned on, wasn’t she?

Well, you couldn’t blame her.

“Soon,” you reassured her. “But… I think we need to use these hot springs for what they’re actually used for, at least for a while.”

It wouldn’t have to be long. These waters mended exhaustion quickly, but you still need a breather.

“Mmm… I agree, actually,” she was content with that answer. “I suppose I don’t mind resting in your arms for a while…”

The subsequent purring suggested a stronger need for some cuddling.

“Happy birthday, Corrin,” you spoke softly to her, telling her the words she had heard from you already, but now they felt all the more surreal to hear. “I love you.”

The most beautiful girl in the world squealed in excitement.

“I love you too!”

You already knew by Corrin’s initial reaction to the hot springs that all the work into securing this cabin was worth it, but that relief was being relived all over again as you embraced her and felt nothing but the utmost comfort and love.

…you weren’t sure if you were ready to tell her how much it cost to rent Anna’s private refuge for the night.

It hadn’t come cheap, especially once the Commander learned it was meant to be for a special occasion, where she suddenly decided to add a few additional fees. Though you were paid well for your job, it required a LOT of saving.

It also didn’t help when Anna decided to retroactively add more requirements, such as spying on her fellow sisters for intel on their business practices.

But hey, it wasn’t all bad. Her latest schemes hadn’t worked out so great. It felt more like a donation, if anything.

Ultimately, it was worth it, and that was what mattered. You were going to try to secure a discount next time though.

In the end, Corrin was happy, and so were you.

“...hey,” she said suddenly and softly.


“By any chance… do these hot springs get any deeper?”

“They do.”

“Good… ehehehe~”


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