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You had understandably been called a fool for desiring to be an adventurer, especially during a turbulent era of Hyrule’s history where even the lush green fields were filled to the brim with patrolling hostile Guardians.

You had rightfully been called a fool for deciding to adventure into the smoldering heat of the Gerudo Desert as a compromise. Not only were the monsters of the dunes ferocious, but the temperature was not something a typical Hylian was acquainted with. But hey, there weren’t any Guardians, so that was a plus.

You had undeniably called yourself a fool for actually going through with this. Pride be damned-- the desert was a terrifying beast, with or without the ancient Sheikah tech roaming around.

Yet, against all odds, you had persevered.

Though it would be idiotic to dismiss lady luck’s involvement in your survival. There had been many close calls-- too many to keep track of!

Your luckiest moment, however, was not some close victory against a diabolical monster.

It was somehow befriending a young Gerudo girl.

…and not just any Gerudo girl! This girl was the chieftain of the entire Gerudo tribe!

How this came to be was completely and utterly embarrassing as well. You had arrived at Gerudo Town, but were denied entry because you were a voe. You didn’t press the matter any further, not wanting to invoke their wrath, especially as they were kind enough to shoo you away rather than kill you on the spot.

A nearby sand seal trainer took pity on you, offering lessons so your trek would at least be worth something. In hindsight, it was all a ruse-- the teacher wanted you to fail miserably for a quick laugh, and amusement was indeed what they received.

But miraculously, the chieftain had chosen that moment to leave the safety of the town’s walls, wishing to spend some time with her sand seal, Patricia. She then saw your poor control over the seal, scolded her subjects for using you for entertainment, and offered to teach you as compensation for their transgressions. Her personal guards had naturally protested, but she had convinced them by stating this was a good opportunity to learn about voe in a controlled environment.

Thus, your strange little relationship with the Gerudo chieftain began… under the strict supervision of her bodyguards, of course. Despite their presence, you managed to hit it off rather well, becoming fast friends. The ruler of the Gerudo was young and inexperienced, but she was on the verge of blossoming into a strong ruler for her people. You offered tales of your adventures outside the confounds of the desert, and in return, she shared much about the culture of her people, secrets to surviving the region, and her worries for Vah Naboris slowly but surely getting closer to her people’s refuge.

“I have a proposition,” Riju shared one day amidst sand seal training. You were starting to get pretty good at it, but you weren’t quite on her level yet. You were probably the best Hylian sand seal rider, at least!

“Hmm? What's up?” you acknowledged her, though you were more curious about her tone than whatever she was about to suggest. She sounded a little hesitant and quiet. In fact, she had seemed awfully distracted in general today. It wasn’t like her, and it had ironically been distracting your concentration quite a bit too. It was lucky you hadn’t made any mistakes.

“I wish to end today's training early,” she shared a peculiar idea. It was an odd proposition for sure, but it wasn’t difficult to conclude her mood had something to do with it. It was understandable; what was the point in continuing the training if she wasn’t able to focus on teaching? “There’s a place I wish to show you, and I would preferably like to reach there before night falls.”

She wished to take you somewhere…? Well, there was no reason to deny that request, but it was strange it had occupied so much of her thoughts. You were almost ready to comply, but there was one concern holding you back. While her guards had ultimately concluded that you were no harm to their chieftain, and thus, no longer accompanied her to the training site, they still requested she always returned to Gerudo Town before sunset.

Riju was suggesting something that might call forth their vengeance upon you… and that was not a pleasant thought.

“Don’t worry,” Riju noticed your troubled expression. “I’ve informed Buliara that I will be returning later than usual. She will know where we will be too, should we take too long to return.”

Well, that was a bit reassuring. How Riju managed to convince her overly-protective captain of the guard to cooperate was quite the mystery, however. Training together without supervision required much insistence on Riju’s end, and this was an activity that took place not far from town!

That suggested she probably wanted to take you to a location further out, and seemingly wanted to stay there after the sun had set…?

Well, it did mean you’d get to spend more time with her, so you weren’t against it. It was still so mysterious though! You didn’t want to pry though-- there was fun in not knowing what to expect.

“In that case then, lead the way,” you agreed to her proposition.

Riju smiled, looking very satisfied with that answer. Very satisfied. She almost looked like she was about to jump for joy, but she managed to hold back.

The destination Riju had in mind was fairly far away, but it wasn’t a difficult location to reach while riding a sand seal. About fifteen minutes later, you had arrived at a small but secluded oasis. The sun was low in the sky, which was usually an indicator you had about half an hour left before you had to return the chieftain safely to her home, giving you enough time to then return to Kara Kara Bazaar before nightfall.

…but it seemed there was a chance you’d be setting up camp here tonight. Only Riju knew how long this journey would last, and she unfortunately didn’t seem to be in a talking mood. That absent-minded look she had been wearing for a while was a little concerning, but you had faith she’d be alright. Whatever she was planning was dampening her confidence, so it was best not to say anything that could hinder it further.

Riju observed the oasis for a moment, saying nothing as she seemingly admired the scenery.

Then, she sighed… and you swore you saw her quickly curl her hands into fists and bring them up to her chest, as if she was cheering for herself…? Even if she wasn’t, it didn’t change a simple fact: you were even more confused!

Seriously-- why were you here? The oasis looked nice and all, but there were many like it. To ask, or not to ask… it was a decision you just could not make.

“I want you… to stay put for a while,” Riju suddenly spoke up, sharing another request. “I will return… shortly.”

Riju had adopted an unusually nervous tone.

What was this girl planning? Okay-- you desperately wanted to find out now!

But she did say ‘shortly’... so you stayed put.

It was very fortunate that you were generally a patient person… as she was taking her time!

Riju had ventured forth into a small cave within a cliff overlooking the oasis. Patricia had gone with her, so you had no reason to doubt her safety, but what was she doing in there?

You watched the surrounding area in the meantime, counting the number of leaves on the lonesome tree nearby. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon by this point.

The temptation to take a peek was starting to become considerably strong. What was her definition of “shortly”? It was different to yours, that was for sure.

…the lack of anything was starting to become worrying. Was she actually okay? She hadn’t been ambushed somehow, surely?

No-- certainly not. She was strong, and so was her sand seal! Patricia’s teeth could shred a Bokoblin to pieces if-

“I’m back,” her voice snatched you away from your thoughts, and thank goodness for that. The mental image that had just entered your head was not a fun one, so you were glad to watch it fade.

…and its replacement was an endless void.

Sometimes, things left you speechless, but it was rare for your mind to be emptied due to sheer shock. Nothing could have prepared you for what you were presently seeing. Nothing.

But who could blame you? After all, the paragon of beauty had revealed herself.

Riju had changed clothes… into something that really, really highlighted her feminine features. Her hips were on full display. Her breasts, while small, were barely covered. Her luscious legs were almost entirely revealed, with only some cloth around her waist preventing you from seeing anything more. Though so much could be seen, there was still plenty left to the imagination.

But what completed her new attire was not anything on her body, but rather, the environment surrounding her.

The sun had now set, and now, a full moon illuminated the desert. It added a gentle blue glow to her presence that made her look a little ethereal, as if she was some kind of illustrious warrior who had descended from a world beyond Hyrule.

“Speechless, aren’t you?” Riju noticed your silence. “Good. That was what I was aiming for.”

She lightly giggled, the fluctuations of her voice suggesting there were still some nerves, but they were dwindling. You had a feeling your flabbergasted reaction to her new form had contributed to her confidence boost.

Riju stepped closer, her smile never fading as she found much entertainment in your dazzled face. She looked like a true warrior-- no, a goddess. “We Gerudo are… curious and adventurous. There is a reason many voe brave the desert heat for the chance of experiencing something quite surreal with a woman over twice their size.”

…you knew that, of course.

“But as you can see… I am not tall,” Riju sighed, placing a hand on her forehead and then moving it forward until it intersected with your chest. “Not yet, at least… but even so, I hope that does not dismay you.”

So this was why she had been acting strange all day, huh? It explained why she had taken so long too-- she wanted her appearance to be perfect, and that meant making certain even the environment enhanced her look.

There was a small error she had made though. While the moonlight complimented her look wonderfully, if her aim was just to charm you… it wasn’t a necessity. She charmed you every single day.

She didn’t know that though, of course.

Frankly, if she had just been up and honest, you would have… well, it was probably best not to say anything. She had put in the work, and it had to be commended. But first…

“I am not dismayed,” you answered, figuring it was worth putting to rest any lingering doubts sooner rather than later, especially as silence could communicate a lot of false things. “Not in the slightest.”

“I am glad to hear that,” her smile refused to falter.

…and because you didn’t want to see it falter, you had to choose your next words wisely.

You knew where this was heading, obviously… but was this something she actually wanted? The outfit arguably answered that question, but you wanted to make sure she absolutely knew what she was getting into. This was quite the sudden step. It wasn’t a step, actually. It was a leap.

Either that, or you had been oblivious to her feelings. If so, you’d blame it on the desert haze.

Nonetheless, it wouldn’t hurt to hear her thoughts.

“What is it?” Riju noticed you were lost in thought. “Am I so beautiful that you have lost the ability to speak?”

…that was a surprisingly confident line. How long had she been rehearsing that one?

“Or perhaps… it is the opposite,” she continued, her voice losing some enthusiasm… which made you realize your subsequent silence to her comment regarding your silence was… probably not a good thing.  “I was taught that voe that venture into the desert all have an ulterior motive. This isn’t to say I believed your tales of adventure to be lies, but I did suspect you were hoping the desert would provide a… different form of warmth. To think-- I am actually offering you what many voe would risk their lives for… and you have nothing to say. Have I made an erro-”

“Riju, you’re beautiful.”

The nerves had ambushed her suddenly and it was your duty to dispatch them. You had been silly to doubt whether or not this was truly something she wanted. It was so obvious in hindsight! A woman taking you to a private location and showing you a special outfit just for you? It was like one of those sappy romance novels you had read back in Hateno Village.

The sudden declaration of her beauty was not what Riju was expecting to hear so suddenly. It swiftly silenced her, allowing you to continue.

“Not just beautiful,” you elaborated, hoping this next word wouldn’t make her quiver too hard. “You look sexy.”

“...s-sexy, you say?”


She was trying to maintain some degree of composure… and failing miserably!

“I was stunned,” you added, kneeling before her. “So I hope you can forgive my silence, my goddess.”

Riju breathed deeply, her smile restored, though her breathing was still shaky. A good shaky, though. “G-Goddess…? I… ah… well! Well! Hmm! V-Very well. I am sure Patricia will survive with one less meal today.”

That would have been an ominous comment if you knew she wasn’t joking.



“Had I hoped for something like this when I ventured into the desert? Truthfully, not at all,”  you confessed, and it was the truth! The prospect of a grand adventure was just too magnificent… but as you continued to stare at Riju, appreciating all that womanly charm she was presently radiating, your mind started to wander. “But… if we are both being honest here, then I have to admit that meeting you slowly changed my mind.”

“You could have made a move earlier,” she playfully giggled. “I would not have minded at all.”

“Buliara terrifies me.”

It was a joke but it was also true. Riju was immensely attractive. No-- that was an understatement! She was gorgeous! However, you also liked having your limbs attached, so you refrained from saying or acting in a way that could be interpreted as flirting.

“She would not be a good guard if she didn’t,” Riju laughed. “But point taken.”

The chieftain stepped forward again, her body mere inches away from yours. She gazed up, her grin filled to the brim with confidence… and her eyes filled to the brim with lust. It was an intense sight.

…this was really happening, wasn’t it?

“I think we are done talking,” she spoke. “So you have permission to silence me-- with a kiss. Actually… I changed my mind. That’s an order.”

Riju had never used her authority to her advantage until now, but that was a command you could get behind.

Your favorite girl closed her eyes, bracing for impact. They soon opened as swiftly as they closed, however, for the shock of your lips intersecting with hers was too great. Believing she was not the type who would prefer things proceeding gently, you didn’t hesitate to add quite a bit of spice to the kiss, something she responded positively to when she ultimately snapped out of her surprised state and fought back.

When lips inevitably separated, Riju said nothing. Instead, she initiated a kiss of her own, her level of ferocity having ascended to a higher plane. She reached up and stood on her toes so she could wrap her arms around your neck, keen to show how passionate she wished this moment to be.

The second kiss transitioned into a third, and this time, she was eager to introduce her tongue to yours. When it made contact with your lips, you did not hesitate to allow that meeting to happen.

So far, Riju had been the assertive one, but just because she was the Gerudo chieftain didn’t mean you had any plans to go easy on her. The girl was desperate for a clash of tongues, and you were happy to put up a formidable fight.

She soon had the tables turned on her as you took the battle to her mouth. It was surprisingly easy, making you wonder if the height difference was causing her difficulties. You rectified that issue swiftly, wrapping your arms around her waist and lifting her, prompting her to wrap her legs around your waist for additional support.

“...ahh… this is wonderful…” Riju murmured, her voice having dwindled in volume as she recuperated her breathing. “But… I did not come here just to kiss you, as I am sure you are aware.”

You didn’t need to be told that. “You’ve chosen quite the scenic location for this. How long have you been planning this?”

“Long enough, and as for the choice of location… well, would you rather I try to sneak you into Gerudo Town?” Riju made a valid point. Your room in the Kara Kara Bazaar inn was also an option, but some Gerudo were bound to see a suspicious chieftain-shaped girl enter a voe’s room. “Besides, even if I was somehow able to do that, I fear my screams of joy may invite unwanted company.”

Screams of joy, hmm? You were curious if that was a hint at what was to come.

Riju looked ready to say something else, but whatever she had prepared was interrupted when you started showering her with more kisses. This time, however, her lips were not your only target. Her neck was promptly bombarded with smooches, a series of strikes she did not anticipate whatsoever.

Her shiver-induced cries were not as deafening as she suggested they would be, but they were well on their way to reaching that point. Riju clung to your body desperately, feeling her balance wavering as a sensitive spot she didn’t know she even had was smothered.

Riju ended up being forced to effectively climb your body while you lowered your lips. You teased her budding breasts, sliding away some of the cloth in the way so you could gently tease her nipples. It was a fleeting moment, however, for your aim was to make it clear where your true target was sooner rather than later.

“W-Wait!” she surprisingly put a stop to your antics by tugging your shoulders while you were in the middle of worshiping her stomach. It was tempting to ignore her, but you knew better than to defy the ruler of an entire race. “I know what you want to do… and just so you know, I am not against it. But! It can wait-- there is something else I want you to do first.”

That was not what you expected to hear, but it piqued your curiosity.

“Go on,” you encouraged her to continue, noticing she hadn’t elaborated and instead chosen to be silent.

“...I have been… thinking about this all day…” she confessed. “So much so that… I would rather we skip to the best part…”


“I heard some drunk girls in town mention that there is nothing grander than the feeling of…” she paused momentarily, looking away. While she was being courageous throughout his whole ordeal, that didn’t mean a little embarrassment couldn’t slip through. “...a voe’s c-cock… being inside… I wish to learn if they are telling the truth!”

Riju was fighting so courageously against her nerves, and after finishing her declaration, she breathed heavily.

“Alright,” you obviously weren’t going to reject her request. “Do you want to do it like this?”

“Need you even ask?” she asked with a chuckle, your question apparently being silly enough to dispatch the remnants of her nerves. “Clinging to you like this, while feeling it inside me? That sounds divine.”

With her approval secured, you carefully removed your lower clothing. Since Riju was already holding onto you so firmly, it wasn’t an issue to temporarily release your hands to do so. It did cause her to start sliding down your body ever so slightly, but that just made the inevitable intersection between cock and pussy all the more riveting. Penetration wasn’t even close to occurring yet, but already it felt blissful.

“...put it in…” Riju cooed, showcasing a smidge of impatience. “I can handle it…”

You had no reason to doubt her words as you took hold of your member, aligning it with her entrance. The closer contact made her shiver, and that feeling intensified as you breached her barrier and started pushing inside.

As promised, she showed not a single sign of discomfort as you gradually filled her up, hugging her firmly once you were sure the grasp of her insides would keep your cock sealed inside. It was something easy to check, for she was absurdly compact, though that was to be expected from someone of her stature.

"...they… they were right…" Riju muttered, resting her head on your shoulder as you reached her deepest parts, pausing to aid in her breathing. While it was true she seemed to lack any pain whatsoever, it was still undeniably intense. You were happy to let your favorite girl rest for a while. You also needed a moment to adapt to how hot it felt to be inside her, in more ways than one.

Satisfied her lungs had recuperated, you resumed your motions. They were gentle and considerate at first, but the acceleration was anything but. Similarly, Riju’s moans were quiet and tender, but as your cock slid up against her cervix more frequently, they adopted a tremendous volume.

Even though you were currently fucking her silly, that didn’t mean you were just going to stop showering her with kisses! Smashing your lips against hers was an alluring notion, but that would also silence her beautiful groans. Therefore, you targeted her neck once more, and when her adorable sounds became all the more thunderous, you knew you had made the right decision.

Multi-tasking was admittedly a difficult task. Holding a girl while you fucked her and massaged her neck? It was a miracle you were able to keep at it… but you’d do anything for this girl. She had taught you how to ride a sand seal without asking for anything in return too! Fucking her silly was an unorthodox means of paying her back, but it was something both you and her could get behind.

“Please… don’t stop… don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop!!!”

Riju’s boisterous demands encouraged you to speed up by a lot-- it was the furthest you could get away from her unwanted outcome!

You knew doing so would be extraordinarily exhausting, but it was a sacrifice you were willing to make to make this girl’s first time a magical one. It put an end to the neck kissing, but it mattered little when it already looked like her sanity was about to break. She was entranced by all these incomprehensible feelings and you were doing everything you could to maintain them.

Although she had loosened up enough to allow for such a firm fucking, she still felt so tight! Her insides, already boiling to the core, had only amplified in warmth. The desert heat had nothing on this, and to feel this pressure directed only to the most sensitive area of your body… it was magnificent.

There was no doubt Riju was experiencing her own taste of serenity, especially when her compactness grew and she let out her most beautiful cry yet. Her orgasm had hit her swiftly, and as you experienced how it made her quiver so wonderfully firsthand, you felt yours approaching just as quickly too.

“...c-cuuummm insshhiideee meee!!!”

It was miraculous she was able to even speak mid-climax.

You did not answer her request. There was no need to, not when a sudden surge of warmth flowing inside her told her everything she needed to know. You had pushed in as deeply as you could and embraced the approaching feeling, and now, you were painting her womb white. It was a feeling that lasted for what felt like an eternity. Even as your senses wavered, you still held onto her securely, wanting this moment to be as memorable as it could be.

Alas, nothing could last forever. A wave of exhaustion echoed throughout your being, but you were somehow able to sit down on a nearby rock before you fully collapsed. Riju fell forward and rested on your shoulder, breathing excessively.

“...I… that was… amazing…” Riju shared her thoughts. It wasn’t like she needed to confirm it, but it was still incredible to hear her admit it in her tainted voice. “...but you know…”


“The night… is still young,” she chuckled. “And… your goddess wishes to be worshiped more…”

She really liked that title you had given her earlier, didn’t she?

But if further devotion was what she desired, you weren’t going to reject her.

It was then that you made a vow-- you were not going to leave this place until you had smothered her body from top to bottom in kisses. She deserved nothing less.

…but first, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a few minutes just resting. Riju seemed to think the same when she ultimately wrapped her arms and legs around you, demanding to be hugged.

Goddesses deserved cuddles too.


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