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This was not okay.

This was not okay.

And yet, despite knowing that everything was absolutely not okay… your body did not move.

Not because it couldn’t, but because it didn’t want to.

The feeling of your cock inside Nah’s hot mouth was just too great. She was sucking you off unbelievably passionately, proving how she determined she was to satisfy her lust.

While it was amazing… this was not how this visit was meant to go.

You had ventured off towards Nah’s room, hoping to give her a good chat regarding your relationship with Nowi. It was worth being honest about what was happening, notably as she had expressed worries about her mother becoming pregnant through an unknown father.

It was going to be awkward explaining that you were possibly that father, but it had to be done.

…unfortunately, that part was never reached.


“I’m glad you came, actually!” Nah seemed surprisingly enthusiastic at your presence, not finding it strange at all that you had turned up at her room. You were anticipating apprehensiveness or suspicion-- what you received was far from it. “I was about to head out and find you myself, so this works out well!”


Nah wanted to chat, it seemed! There were probably some questions in her mind related to summoning or something that she wanted answers about.

You hoped so, at least. There was a very real chance she had noticed what was happening in that park and wanted to talk about that.

“Sit,” she patted her bed, inviting you into her room. “...and close the door behind you. I… would not like any eavesdroppers.”

…why had she briefly looked away while saying that?

Why had she spoken more tensely than usual…?

Why were her cheeks red?!

…did she know?

She knew.

She knew!

You silently exhaled; this was not the time to let your confirmation bias influence your decisions. Maybe she knew. Maybe she didn’t. You didn’t know for sure… and that was okay!

At the very least, she hadn’t turned into a dragon and angrily eaten you yet, so there was that. There was hope.

Realizing you were taking a bit of time to respond, you promptly did as she asked, not wanting to risk invoking her wrath. While she had threatened to eat people before, you weren’t sure if it was a means of intimidation or something she actually did. It wasn’t something you were particularly keen on finding out the answer to.

Nah mumbled once you sat down, tapping her fingers and boots together. If she was trying to hide her fidgeting, she was doing a poor job of it.

It helped you recognize that what she wanted to say was important, at least. For that reason, you waited patiently, doing what you could to ignore the worry this interval was causing you. You really hoped she hadn’t seen you and her mother…

At the very least, it was fortunate you had come prepared for this visit to take a while. Granted, you figured the bombshell you were about to drop on her would be the cause of that, for she’d need plenty of time to process the information. It was beginning to look like you were going to be here for a while at this rate.

“Okay, so… here’s the thing…” she just about managed to gather her courage. She was still fidgeting, but she was able to speak. “Uhm… so, I’m a dragon, yeah?”

“That’s right,” you answered. It wasn’t like you were going to challenge that claim.

It was obvious she was not prepared at all when she paused momentarily, her mouth opening and closing so many times. Her mind was doubtlessly rehearsing what lines she should say and how she should say them. The wait was agonizing, to say the least, but you endured. You were the summoner. The many frivolous and radical characters had helped develop that trait.

Eventually, she decided enough was enough. She slapped her cheeks a few times and curled her hands into fists, squeezing her fingers as if to distract her from further intrusive thoughts.

“I don’t know if you know this, but…” Nah’s gambit was successful… at first. Her confidence was already beginning to drop dramatically, but she held on nonetheless.  “...we get a little, uh, tch… wild in the head, whenever… certain… uhm… pheromones… get into our system.”

…that was a familiar tale.

You weren’t sure if you liked that.

“These… pheromones… linger on an individual who has recently… ah… mated… with a dragon.”

“Nah,” you decided to step in. You knew exactly where this was going. “I’m not going to have sex with you.”

You felt bad about turning her down, but that was only because you knew it would upset her. Even so… it was the right thing to do!

Her reaction consisted of genuine shock that soon transitioned into a panic. “W-W-What? I… I w-wasn’t going to s-say that…!”

“You were about to lead into that though,” you guessed her next move, and when she gazed away nervously, you knew you had hit the nail on the head. “I understand why you feel the way you do, Nah, but it wouldn’t be right.”

This was a hell of a time for you to develop a conscience, but if anything was going to do it, it would be a potential daughter-fucking scenario.

For the sake of your sanity, you were going to ignore the fact that potentially conceiving Nah while within her presence had turned you on. You were also going to assume that despite there being a good chance you had just impregnated Nowi with a different Nah or a different child altogether, this particular one was still somehow your daughter.

It kept the degenerate thoughts at bay.

Nah did not sound pleased by all the mumbling she was making due to her inability to respond. She was doubtlessly feeling humiliated, and while that made you feel awful, you knew she’d thank you in the long term once she started feeling normal again.

“Idiot…” she finally managed to say something, though her voice was tainted.

She was upset.

That was okay. She’d hate you for a while.

But that was also okay.

Nah looked at you. Her expression was fierce. “You don’t know anything…”

…you didn’t…? That was a confusing statement to hear.

Something was brewing within the manakete. She was putting her negative emotions aside and focusing on the one feeling that could still give her what she wanted. Determination.

“Tell me,” she grumbled. “Do you know… why I get so frustrated about my mother’s ridiculous fashion sense?”

You already knew the answer, but you shook your head, for it was information you weren’t meant to know.

“The first reason… is that I don’t want some creep getting into her pants!” she explained, but what caught your attention the most was the mention of it being the ‘first’ reason. “I don’t want my father to be some random man who got seduced by her awful clothes and then left before she even realized she was pregnant.”

Nah sounded legitimately distressed, the rejection and the tale she was telling both contributing to her misfortune. It was heartbreaking to witness, but you were still convinced you had made the right decision. Maybe you could have been less direct. Maybe you should have said you needed to be somewhere and avoided this conversation entirely.

“The second reason…” she continued, leaving you waiting with bated breath. “...was that it stole all your attention away! I wanted you to notice me too!”


“I was hoping to use the pheromones as an excuse,” she started to conclude her story, sighing dramatically. “But you’ve left me with no choice but to be honest…”

She leaned in, trembling a little, but it wasn’t going to stop her now that she had come this far.

I like you!” Nah confessed. “I’ve liked you for a long time-- and before you say it, the pheromones didn’t make this happen! If anything… they’re helping me finally be honest about how I feel!”

Never in a million years would you have ever imagined things going this way.

…this had thrown quite the spanner into the works. What were you supposed to do now? This would be an awful time to mention what you wanted to say to her. Could you even do that without risking an even worse humiliation for her?”

“I don’t even care that it was the Fell Dragon you did it with!” Nah had never felt more resolute. Not even her ultimate enemy beating her to the punch could change her mind. How did she learn about that, anyway? Questions for later. “Surely… you wouldn’t mind giving me what I want, too? I know it’s a tall order, but…”

She paused and breathed deeply.

When next she spoke, her tone was tender. “I’ll do anything you want me to. I just want to be fucked silly…”

Nah, feeling especially courageous, decided to sweeten the deal by spreading her legs. On one hand, you were grateful she was wearing underwear… but on the other hand, it didn’t hide that she was drenched!

It was miraculous she hadn’t jumped on you and demanded you take her like a certain other manakete. Considering she had liked you for a long time, it was unbelievably impressive she had demonstrated so much willpower.

…but you still couldn’t.

She was your daughter.

…or was she?

Maybe it was a good idea to assume this Nah wasn’t yours! If anything, it was the most likely option! What were the odds she had unknowingly been near her own conception? That would be ludicrous, even by Askr’s standards!

…but even so, there was always that slim possibility that this was your daughter!

You couldn’t forget that. You couldn’t forget that…

Nah. Daughter. Bad. No no.

You bit down on your lip.

It wasn’t helping.

There were two possibilities here… and one was turning you on far more than the other.

“Please…” Nah begged, tugging at your robes. “I want you so badly… I’ll do anything… I mean it!”

…maybe her willpower wasn’t something to be praised. Her words matched her body language perfectly; the girl was grinding her hips back and forth, a motion you couldn’t ignore. Was she even aware she was doing that?

This was a tough decision. There were just too many complications to consider.

An adorable dragon girl wanted to be fucked.

But she was…

An adorable dragon girl wanted to be fucked.

Even so…

An adorable dragon girl wanted to be fucked!

…come to think of it, it would be rude to deny her what she wanted! You couldn’t just leave her wanting! The aphrodisiac was having an effect no matter her claims. Giving in to her demands would actually safeguard the Order of Heroes! You wouldn’t want her completely losing it and going on a rampage and causing havoc and-- why was she taking your cock out?!

“You’re hard…”

Oh. She had noticed.

Sometimes having a dick wasn’t fun. It liked to reveal things you’d rather keep secret.

Fortunately, these disarrayed thoughts faded once Nah placed her tiny hand on your bulge. Unfortunately, that meant your fate was sealed.

“...can I suck it…?”

Especially sealed.

Nah gobbling up your cock and letting lust consume her? It was an appealing thought. More importantly, it was the only thought.

Morals were overrated, anyway.


Cute dragons girls were your weakness. Cute thirsty dragon girls? Even more so.

Nah quivered upon hearing your positive response, the realization that she was about to get what she wanted resonating with her tremendously. It did call forth some nerves, but anxieties weren’t too difficult to deal with when in the face of lust.

You knew there was no going back after this, but that didn’t stop you from stripping enough to set your cock free.

Nah promptly sank to her knees, the closer proximity causing her to drool. Some hesitance still remained, but once her lips intersected with your shaft, she lost it.

You watched as the daughter of the woman you fucked less than an hour ago showered your cock in an overabundance of smooches. In fact, there was a good chance her mother’s fluids still lingered on your length! For a few moments, you were worried about that, but there was no sign Nah even cared. She probably hadn’t even noticed!

That was how engrossed she was in what she was doing.

Her kisses were slow and steady at first, but it took no time for her speed to ramp up to levels that echoed her arousal. Each tiny peck made it harder for her to think rationally, but that was a good thing, for emptying her mind would help her satisfy you all the more sloppily.

“It smells so good…” Nah cooed, leaving more loud mwahs all over your member. “...and tastes so good…!”

Had she downplayed the effects of the pheromones… or was she secretly this lewd? Either way, it was wondrous to watch her little lips leave wet marks all across your dick. Her words were a delight to hear too, for they were said so negligently, once again proving that she had lost the fight against arousal.

Or maybe she had won.

It was hard to say, but what wasn’t difficult to process was how magnificent this felt! Her lips? Hot. Her breath? Even hotter.

Over time, Nah trailed her kisses south, wanting to slobber all over your balls too. She did so without any elegance whatsoever, digging her nose in whenever she could to really soak in the scent. Unlike her mother, she saw no reason to tease. Unlike her nemesis, she saw no reason to deny her reverence. Nah was completely attuned to her desires and was demonstrating that wonderfully by worshiping what was driving her so mad. Each lick and kiss felt blissful, but what you were enjoying the most was this divine view.

Satisfied she had soaked your balls in all the saliva she could muster, she trailed her tongue upwards, stopping at the top to briefly nibble on it. Nah was a little too lost, for her teeth did scrape against your skin a little, but they never dug in deep. It was honestly a refreshing feeling! The fact that she didn’t even notice she had used them was a testament to how consumed by thirst this girl was.

Though Nah was doing a magnificent job, it was clear this was her first time coming into contact with a man’s cock, let alone kissing and licking it. Her kisses lacked rhythm and her tempo, while fast, was all over the place. Even so, it mattered little. She was unbearably horny, and that was all she needed to make you feel great. The messiness of her actions were appealing anyway. Not even Nowi was this sloppy!

Nah finally decided to ramp things up, taking your cock into her inviting mouth. It was obvious immediately that her small size was going to make it difficult to take much in. This was an area where she, unfortunately, could not brute-force past her lack of skill.

She learned this very quickly upon feeling her gag reflex kick in, forcing a hasty and very messy retreat. She coughed a few times, but she didn’t let this deter her whatsoever. Within moments, your dick was back within her compact mouth, bathing within the wonders of her warmth.

This time, she did better. There were a few close calls, but she was able to settle at around the halfway mark. You were glad, for you didn’t want her to feel like she had to take in more-- the last thing you wanted was for her to get hurt.

Without this worry at the forefront of your mind, you were able to thoroughly focus on enjoying how amazing this felt. The joint feeling of her tongue and sucked-in cheeks caressing your cock was sublime, the different textures resulting in different feelings that were equally breathtaking. Nah kept the saliva coming at all times, the moisture in tandem with her hot breath resulting in many enchanting rushes of pleasure.

Despite having been with two other dragons plenty of times by this point, blowjobs were a bit of a rarity! Grima naturally refused, and while Nowi didn’t mind, it wasn’t high on her preference list. Nah, however? She was arguably loving this more than you were! She was making up for your lack of oral pleasure through this single blowjob alone, demonstrating a desire to prove her worth despite her inexperience.

Nah was getting good at this. Her bobs were well-paced, helping her develop a good cadence that kept you feeling good without overwhelming her. She had never looked as cute either! Something about an adorable girl bobbing her head back and forth so passionately… was the best.

Sadly, she was far too committed to the cause. Nah understood she was making you feel good, but in her eyes, that wasn’t good enough! She was in competition with the Fell Dragon, after all! She also wanted to make certain you looked at her and nobody else from now on, and what better way to accomplish that goal than by surpassing her limits and making you think that not even her mother nor the Fell Dragon could do better?

Even though her last attempt had ended badly, she had not learned her lesson. While she succeeded in taking in about two extra inches for a few moments, it was just too much for her poor throat to handle. The subsequent ejection was extraordinarily messy. While it revealed just how overwhelmingly drenched you were in her fluids-- which was hot as fuck-- it was hard to appreciate the tribute while she was coughing rapidly.

“Nah,” you called out to her as she gradually recovered, placing a hand on her crown in the hopes it would soothe her. “You did well. That felt amazing.”

There was no point in chastising her when she knew she had messed up. The compliment helped soften her frustrations, and after huffing and puffing for a few seconds, she looked up with a slight smile.


She didn’t sound like she was in doubt.

She just wanted to hear it again.

“Yes, really,” you were pleased to tell her what she wanted to hear. She deserved it!

Her grin grew as expected, but you weren’t done conversing with her just yet. Her mouth was phenomenally tight! It made you wonder though… how narrow was she further down?

More importantly… who was tighter? The mother? Or the daughter?

Nah was rubbing her legs together, already foreseeing what was about to happen next.

“Nah,” you called to her, causing her to slightly shiver. “You wanted to be fucked silly, right?

The reminder ruined her breathing just as it had recovered, but she wasn’t against the returning feeling. “Y-Yes…”

“I want to do that too,” you said the words she prayed you would say. “But under one condition.”

“T-That is…?”

“Take off all your clothes.”

The commanding presence and order caused further trembles within her body, but she was happy to comply.

Nah started with her boots, revealing the long pink stockings she wore in all their glory. Next came the cape, which was effortless to discard. Her dress took considerably more time to remove, but it was an especially alluring sight.

Unlike Nowi, Nah refrained from showing any skin aside from a small segment around her thighs. Therefore, even seeing aspects of her body such as her bare shoulders and collarbone invoked feelings of lust. The temptation to bombard them with kisses was high, but the desire to fuck her was higher.

Interestingly, she did not feel embarrassed at all while revealing her body. You figured that since she had already persevered through so much, nudity was just not as impactful!

The reveal that mother and daughter had almost identical bodies was… unsurprising. There were a few differences you appreciated though. Her curves were more pronounced, though she looked ever so slightly smaller in the chest department. That wasn’t to say her mother was large by any means, but Nah looked very flat. Deliciously flat.

What the daughter did have were thighs that looked fairly plumper! You had a feeling that was the case-- those stockings did look like they were holding something at bay!

All in all, she was very similar to her parent, but had some unique qualities that you enjoyed.

Worshiping her body was not next on the agenda, however.

Nah didn’t need to be instructed to lie down. She knew exactly what was going to happen next. Upon getting into a comfortable position, she spread her legs, understanding that you seeing her pussy for the first time would further entice you.

You weren’t exactly lacking in motivation, of course, but the view was glorious. Somehow, she was even more drenched than before. She had been waiting very patiently.

Eager not to leave her waiting any longer, you got onto the bed and knelt between her legs, gazing down at her and marveling at how gorgeous she looked. Her beautiful body was too distracting! It was a good thing you didn’t have a tormenting voice in your ear calling you all sorts of horribly arousing things right now. That would make you lose it.

Nah was doing her best to remain patient, but the fidgeting was at an all-time high. Unlike the tormentor you were thinking of, you were not planning to tease.

“Please…” she whimpered. “I need it…”

You answered her cry by pushing your cock up against her folds, the intersection alone making her hum joyfully. You hoped she was ready, for this was going to be a very tight fit. Her mother had been around the block a few times, and while she was still compact, it wasn’t to an unreal level. Nah, contrastingly, was about to lose her virginity. That meant her insides were going to squeeze you to an absurd degree.

It was an exciting thought!

That pressure proved to be even firmer than you anticipated. Nah grunted her teeth as you slipped inside her entrance, experiencing a bit of discomfort. It wasn’t anything too unbearable, of course, but this was only the beginning.

When you breached her barrier, that discontent escalated dramatically.

“...i-it hurts…” Nah wailed, her teary eyes making you feel much regret. “Myrrh said it would… but ow…”

Nah’s painful expression thankfully did not linger. At the end of the day, she was a manakete. They were strong, and typically quite stubborn-- especially so in Nah’s case! After a few moments, she looked like she was handling things better, enough to encourage you to continue. Luckily, she hadn’t noticed you had slowed down a little to give her a chance to adjust! It was a careful maneuver, for she felt like the type to complain if she realized you were going easy on her.

Thankfully, the worst was over for your adorable manakete lover. She was still dealing with leftover pain, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle on her own. With each slight push, you sunk deeper inside her, feeling her insides suffocate more of your shaft. It was an addicting sensation.

Within time, you bottomed out, nudging against her womb. Nah understandably looked worn out, though her squinted eyes refused to leave your side. When a warm smile formed on her face soon after, she knew for sure she was alright.

“...I’m really happy…” she hummed, exhaling one final time.  “...and… ready for more! So… don’t hold back, okay?”

You had no plans to.

Unfortunately, it was going to be more difficult than you initially believed. Somehow, somehow, she had tightened up even more-- the grasp she had around your cock was absurdly powerful! It honestly hurt a little, but paired with how pleasurable it was too, it was quite an exhilarating experience!

…a stationary one, too.

It was alright though. There were solutions! You could be forceful, for instance. She could take it, for she was a dragon!

Nah noticed you hadn’t started moving yet.

She didn’t like that. Not one bit!

Of course, she wasn’t aware it was because she was outrageously narrow. In her mind, she believed you just needed a little extra motivation to not hold anything back.

That was her excuse to say her next line, anyway.

“Please… I can handle this… so don’t hold anything back, daddy~”

You froze.

You did not hear what you thought you just heard… r-right?

“Oooh,” Nah giggled, her voice giddy and carefree, and still very breathless. That wasn’t going to stop her though. “Ehehe… that made you throb. That felt nice! Did you like being called that… daddy?”

She did not have to say it again.

Regrettably, she wasn’t lying. Hearing her say that single word had simultaneously aroused and terrified you massively. She just had to wait until you were deep inside her to say it too! Hearing her say it again had struck a blow to your breathing.

…but did this mean that…

“I had a feeling you were a pervert,” she chuckled. “If it makes you fuck me real good… then I don’t mind being your darling daughter for tonight~”

Excitement echoed through her voice, shredding any hope of disguising the fetish she was currently accusing you of having. Goodness! To think… your potential daughter had a thing for father and daughter roleplay!

…this wasn’t Loki playing some ridiculous prank, was it?

“Oooh, you throbbed again~”

You hated how she could feel your physical reaction! Some divine entity was playing one insidious prank.

But if this was the game she wanted to play, then so be it. Surely, she would not be opposed to being punished for her misbehavior?

Nah’s content look promptly vanished as you started to pull back, using all the energy you could muster to escape her terrifying grasp. The friction against her walls was not anticipated whatsoever, nor was the unbelievable pleasure it emitted. This diminished as you continuously pulled out, giving her an opportunity to breathe as less sensitive spots were rubbed up against, but you promptly resolved that by sliding your length back in. This time, her pussy was substantially less resilient, letting repeated motions more straightforward.

Despite how astonished yet enamored she looked, you had granted her the mercy of a moderate speed. If she already looked this broken, some rougher play would break her. Punishments didn’t need to be painful-- she just needed to learn her lesson, and considering she couldn’t speak over the sound of her own ecstatic cries, it was safe to say there would be no more teasing. To think, she had actually inherited that from her troublesome mother…

Fortunately, your expectation proved correct. Nah was completely dominated. It was miraculous she hadn’t lost it to the mere feeling of your cock sinking into her for the first time, but perhaps the pain had played a role in distracting her. That pain, however, was no more. There was nothing but pure pleasure ringing through her body, and it had risen to a level it could not comprehend. Nah wouldn’t stop convulsing in tune with your thrusts, treating your ears to the vibrant sound of her moans.

“Dad… daaadddyyyy~”

Her voice was so contaminated with lust that it was impressive she was able to let out a single coherent word. How fitting that it was the one word she adored so much.

Nevertheless, it was enough to communicate many things-- she loved this, and she wanted more.

Your darling daughter deserved no less.

No longer did you hold back. Each thrust amped up the acceleration ever so slightly. By this point, her pussy had been conquered. The effort you had to put in to slide into her depths was at its lowest, and yet, she still felt so divinely tight.

A few mighty thrusts later was all it took to feel your end approaching.

“Nah,” you called out to her, receiving no response. You weren’t expecting any, but that didn’t stop you from sharing what you were about to do to her. “I’m going to cum inside you. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

Nah actually did respond this time, albeit in an unconventional way.

Her insides started to condense, signaling the beginning of her own illustrious orgasm. You liked to think your message had been what triggered it.

You came, drowning her womb in semen for the very first time. The sensation was one that never grew old, and it felt especially wondrous when paired with her narrow body. Her simultaneous climax helped make certain not a single drop was escaping any time soon.

Nah’s volume was concerning, but you decided not to worry about it-- this was all taking place in her room. Nobody would be suspecting you had a hand to play in her deafening screams… except all the other manakete, probably.

You remained inside her for some time, doing your part to make sure the feeling of your hot seed inside her would never leave her memory.

In just a single day, you had potentially knocked up both a mother and a daughter. The thought was mind-boggling, and at the same time, it wasn’t. Were you getting used to this? That was good-- and bad.

You only hoped you wouldn’t end up summoning somebody who claimed to be Nah’s daughter.

After what felt like forever, you pulled out. Nah, having already been teetering on the boundaries of unconsciousness, had at some point drifted into a slumber. She looked happy, and that made you feel happy too.

She was also covered in cum.

That was her mess to clean up though; you had a feeling she’d feel a lot less embarrassed waking up if you were still around.

You promptly got dressed and prepared to leave, not wanting to risk any curious folk investigating the noise.

Nah had the right idea! Sleep sounded good! It had been a hectic day.

All you had to do now was pray no thirsty dragon would jump on you on the way back.



This was positively delightful! I like how you played up the semi-reluctance for the Summoner to imagine Nah as his daughter, only to bring it all back and go fully into it. Only for Nah to think of it as roleplay? Fantastic. I do hope that a potential second Nah chapter has her with knowledge of at least the potential that Kiran is her dad.


I'm happy you liked it! I think it really channeled some of that degenerate energy I'm known for in some of my fics, lol. Second Nah chapter is possible. I can't promise every girl will get more, but I would like her to learn the truth eventually.