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Marianne adored the stables. It was her place of refuge, no matter if she was in Fódlan or in this strange new realm of Askr. Here, she felt at peace, surrounded by so many cheerful horses. The only downside was naturally the absence of Dorte, but she knew he was safe in her world of origin, and no doubt their inevitable reunion would be a wonderful one.

Visiting the stables and taking care of the horses was her routine. There was another individual who liked to do the same, and although interacting with her was a little frightening at the start, learning that the girl was actually a majestic dragon in disguise actually put her at ease. Marianne always felt calm and collected whenever she was with animals, and it appeared that trait extended to even sentient dragons too.

But that was how things were on the surface.

There was another part of her routine that she did not speak a word of to anyone. The interior of the stables, with the abundance of hay and the cluttering of horses, was the perfect place for her to spend some time catering to her internal needs. The horses would always rile up when somebody was near, so this was a safe place.

Masturbating in the stables wasn’t too unnerving of an activity for her anymore. It was certainly an odd (and terrifying, yet thrilling) experience the first time she did it in Fódlan, but by this point, it was ordinary.

But then things took a dramatic turn when, in the middle of one of her sessions, she heard some strange noises. It sounded like Lilith, but she sounded distressed. She had grown to consider the dragon girl a friend, so naturally she was concerned about why she sounded so worried.

“...not here…” she heard her friend whimper.

Marianne, as curious as a cat, carefully lifted herself to the ground. She gradually tip-toed towards the source of the sound.

“...in the stables? But… Marianne might be nearby…” Lilith sounded like she was talking to somebody.

“Isn’t that thrilling?” Marianne heard a male voice this time, and it made her shiver. It wasn’t just because of the deeper voice, but because she knew who it belonged to.

It was the Summoner of Askr, wasn’t it? Strangely enough, she never felt too uncomfortable around that man. He had gone out of his way to make her early days in Askr as pleasant as possible, even being the one responsible for introducing her to the stables. He was still a bit of a stranger, so her unease was still present to an extent, but she could talk to him if she had to without finding an excuse to leave.

...but his voice sounded different. There was a sinister playfulness in it, and it was scaring her.

And yet… she was curious. She knew deep down what they were doing, but she had to check… it was just to be sure… nothing else…

When the young noble peeked her hair around the entrance, she saw exactly what she envisioned.

Lilith was bent over, her hands resting on the stable wall, but her balance was anything but stable. Behind her was the Summoner himself, greedily thrusting his hips back and forth at a rapid pace. The woman’s maid outfit was falling apart, having been released from her shoulders. The summoner squeezed and played with her exposed breasts, escalating the woman’s moans dramatically. Lilith’s face expressed so many emotions. There was concern and a little bit of fright in there… but those narrowed draconic eyes told another story; the girl was enjoying this, more than she herself could comprehend.

Marianne cursed this poor timing. She was so only curious because she was horny herself! Her masturbation session had been interrupted without her secret craving being fulfilled, and now, it was even worse! She was watching her friend getting fucked… and she was loving it…

It looked amazing… it sounded amazing… it even smelt amazing!

She truly couldn’t figure out if this was a product of her typical bad luck… or if it was secretly good luck.

Marianne’s hands, as if they had a mind of their own, lifted up her skirt. Keeping it held up with one arm, she used the other to slip some fingers underneath her underwear. There was no way she was going to watch without doing something about that unyielding lust building up deep down inside. Somehow, massaging her clit felt even better than it ordinarily did, and she struggled to hold back a moan of her own. Fortunately, the sound of the Summoner’s crotch slamming against Lilith’s ass blocked out any noise she could make. Any need to remain quiet had been forsaken, and Marianne believed they were honestly being louder than the neighing horses!

“Lilith… you’re so warm… I’m gonna…” she heard the Summoner speak once again. This time, his voice was as distorted as hers. He didn’t care for teasing her any longer; he wanted to cum, and Marianne suspected he was going to cum inside her friend whether she wanted it or not.

“...inside… INSIDE!” Lilith yelled, enough to startle the horses. The Summoner’s hand quickly clamped over her mouth, preventing her from even thinking about being that loud again.

Marianne quickly leapt back into the stables quickly. No doubt the man was going to look around, just to see if any commotion would interrupt them.

The young noble couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed! Releasing the grip on her skirt, she let it fall back down, using the free hand to silence herself as well. Hearing Lilith moan like that… it was nothing short of astonishing, and constantly playing it back in her head was turning her on further and further. Marianne believed that primal groan was thanks to the girl’s draconic heritage: it sounded so fierce… so desperate! She was just as close as her friend, but unlike her, she was already aware of how loud she could be at times.

That was the true reason she chose the stables for these types of… activities, after all.

“Too loud, Lilith,” The Summoner spoke to her sternly. “It’s no fun if you blatantly call everyone to our location.”

“Am… sah rheeee…” Lilith sounded astray, and it wasn’t just because her voice was muffled.

“Ah… you’re tightening up so much…” his voice returned to one of lust. Though her earlier antics had disrupted his climax, he was reaching that wondrous peak again. Marianne peeked around the corner once again, knowing she was unlikely to be caught while they were focusing so much on the pleasure. “Lilith... “

When the Summoner let loose a groan, subsequently triggering a high-pitched moan from the dragon, Marianne knew she was witnessing two orgasms happening at the same time.

She knew she shouldn’t be watching such a thing, but she just couldn’t resist.

The sweat… the blushes… the instability…

...she wanted to experience that.

When the Summoner pulled out, she watched as cum started to pour out of the girl.

She wanted that too.

When the two started to return to normality, she saw that as her cue to head back indoors. It was a miracle she hadn’t been caught; she wasn’t going to risk it any longer. Seeing the two orgasms was enough for her.

The only downside was that she wasn’t anywhere close to her own.


Satisfaction was a wondrous feeling, and you were currently high on it.

Not only had you just fucked an adorable dragon girl (one who wore a maid outfit, enhancing her physical appeal), you had spotted something that sparked your curiosity.

Your relationship with Lilith was nothing more than a friends with benefits situation. She needed a way to deal with her lust, and you offered to be the person to satisfy her needs.

But now, you had a feeling that there was another beautiful lady in need of some assistance as well. Lilith was always worn out after such a rough fucking, but you were typically eager for more. You’d usually be content with just continuing to fuck her, even if she was unable to really respond back, but this time you decided she deserved a long rest.

After helping Lilith dress herself and seeing her off (and adoring how semen dripped down her thighs as she walked with a wobble), you decided to pay a visit to the person who eavesdropped on your little session.

Having sex in the stables was Lilith’s idea. She had insisted that nobody would be around this early in the morning, specifically even dropping Marianne’s name, claiming she frequently showed her face in the afternoon. You didn’t have a chance to make it into the stables before Lilith couldn’t handle her lust anymore, but in hindsight, you were grateful for it. You had a feeling her absurd craving for sex would pay off in the long term.

Upon heading into the stables, making certain to be slow and quiet, you discovered that your suspicions were correct.

In the corner of the stables, surrounded by hay, sat Marianne. Most of her clothes had been discarded hastily and were spread across the area, including her bra and underwear. With one hand, she was groping one of her large breasts, circling her fingers around her nipple. With the other, she was rapidly fingering herself.

She had yet to notice your presence, so it was up to you to surprise her.

“Did you enjoy the show, Marianne?” you asked her smugly. Immediately, you saw her stop and tense up, letting loose a surprising shriek. While her sheer look of bewilderment was adorable, you knew it would be cruel not to calm her down. “Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. Look-- don’t worry, it’s fine. I liked you watching. It made things hotter, and I know you liked what you saw.”

“...I… ah…” she sounded terrified, uncertain of what to say or even think.

Marianne,” you said gently, but sincerely. “If you want, I will forget I ever saw this. I swear it. But… if you like… I wouldn’t mind helping you out.”

“...h-help… me…?” Marianne’s curiosity had been piqued by your comment, but she still sounded unsure.

“Yes. You’re clearly turned on, and I can help you feel so much better, as I’m sure you know,” you answered. “Lilith satisfied me, but I’m still in the mood for more. You could help me out too this way. What do you say?”

Marianne remained silent for some time, but her nerves had dwindled at the very least. She was still feeling dizzy and not quite there for understandable reasons, but the appeal of your offer wasn’t so easily removable from her head. Her voice, as disorientated as it presently was, was still humming. You could only guess that countless scenarios were playing in her head.

There was much to read from her current body language too. Initially, she had instinctively shielded her breasts and pussy from your view upon realizing you were watching, but now?

It was as if she had forgotten about your presence. Though her actions were not as rampant as before, she was actually starting to play with herself again.

“I… uhm…” she finally spoke. “I want to…”

Marianne looked away, breathing deeply. You felt bad for messing with the girl’s head so much.

“...s-show me… your… c-cock…”

Hearing her say such things was surreal. You stood still, playing those words back in your head countless times. Even though you had discovered that the girl was ridiculously horny, hearing her ask for such a thing felt… wrong.

...but that made it hot too.

You almost asked her if she was certain, but giving her an out could ruin your chances. Thus, you did exactly what she asked you to do.

Marianne’s breathing was horrendously unstable before, but now seeing your dick so up close was making you worry. She looked volatile, like she was on the verge of breaking down both physically and mentally. Countless emotions painted her face, but there was one growing increasingly prominent with time.


Marianne pulled herself up, resting on her knees so she could get a closer look. She looked at it with curiosity, fear, and excitement.

Once again, that unyielding feeling directed her.

All it took was one single lick against your glans to drive the girl mad.

Within an instant, Marianne was trailing her tongue down your shaft, treating it like it was dehydrated and this was her first drink in days. Her slobber reached as far down as your balls, coating them in her liquid, but she could not resist the allure of your head for too long.

“...ah… I taste her… smell her... Lilith… ah...” she mumbled, opting to plant smooches across your member this time. Her hand found its way to the base of your shaft, clutching it tightly while she began to slowly jerk you off. Marianne’s focus primarily stayed around your tip, but the constant saliva dripping out of her mouth was a problem she had to deal with quickly.

There was only one real solution. Pushing her head forward, she let your head breach her lips, forcing in half of your cock before she was forced to pause.

You were still shocked by this wild, animalistic side to her taking control, and the divine warmth of her mouth was electrifying. You were not unfamiliar with how blowjobs felt; Lilith gave fantastic ones…. but this? Even the dragon maid, prone to losing herself to lust, had never let out so much drool over your member before. Lilith still retained some elegance even when she was in a frenzy, but Marianne simply didn’t. She had pushed away any doubts or fears in exchange for her primal instincts taking over, and it was sensational.

It was this animal-esque side to her that gave you an idea.

Lilith was somebody you were very rough with. She loved being treated forcefully. At times, she could be especially demanding with how intensely she wanted you to fuck her. Essentially, anything that contributed to her internal loss of control was incredibly arousing.

You never expected Marianne of all people to be similar. Your initial impression was that she would be a shy, but sexually curious girl. She’d have to be treated delicately as she eased into anything intimate.

...but considering how she was treating you now, you had no doubt that this girl wanted it just as rough as her friend.

Perhaps even fiercer.

Considering Marianne had demonstrated the ability to take most of your cock into her mouth already, you saw no reason not to grant the unspoken wish.

Holding onto her crown with your hands, you took control, thrusting into her mouth at a gradual pace. You heard her begin to gag, but when she tightly held onto your thighs, you knew there was no need for hesitation.

Marianne’s throat was absurdly tight, but incredibly fun to overwhelm with raw cock. The girl was miraculously gagging less and less over time even with the incremented intensity. Her eyes were incredibly narrowed, barely able to focus on anything around her. She had succumbed to this suffocating-like feeling faster than you imagined, but you knew she was loving it; one of her hands had trailed back down to her snatch, and although it was difficult, she was trying her best to moan.

The noble woman’s mind was in shambles. She was drunk on lust. She adored how you were mercilessly fucking her throat. She adored the stench of your shaft. She adored the taste, one that was undeniably amplified by remnants of Lilith’s juices.

All of those lustful feelings amplified dramatically when you came fast, overflowing her throat with your semen. Marianne had no choice in the matter of whether she was going to swallow or not; your cock was just too deep down her throat.

But she didn’t mind. Hearing your moans and feeling the warm substance swim down her throat was enough. Marianne finally achieved her own climax, all thanks to your own. The sensations were mind-boggling and she wished for them to never end, but if they were to, she knew she’d want to experience such stimulation sooner rather than later. She was hooked.

When you finally pulled out of her throat, you saw firsthand how much raw cock was inside her.  You were impressed that she was able to take it.

Usually, after such an intense orgasm, you’d be spent… but seeing Marianne look so lewd was preventing that. She was drenched in sweat, and seeing her breasts and pussy on full display was riveting.

“Stand up and place your hands on the wall,” you instructed her. Still a little out of it, she took a moment to process what you said, but she complied. “That’s it, just like Lilith…”

Marianne’s ass wasn’t as large as her breasts, but there was plenty to smack and squeeze. Interestingly, Lilith boasted a bigger butt, but her tits weren’t as bountiful as her friend’s. The differences were by no means bad; you greatly appreciated the contrast, for you now had a girl to pick depending on whether you were craving a pair of large tits to nibble on, or a bubbly butt to spank.

Aiming your cock towards her pussy, you spent some time lubricating it with her juices. The girl was soaking wet and grew in humidity the more you pushed up against it. Luckily, there was no need to imagine how she’d feel inside, for you were about to find out.

Her insides were surprisingly tight, and before you could question why, your answer was given when she groaned in pain.

Marianne had proven herself a feisty girl, but you never thought for one second she’d actually offer you her virginity.

“...Marianne?” you called out to her. You were a little fearful that she succumbed too much to her horny desires and was realizing while dealing with agony. Pain had a tendency to snap someone back to their senses, after all. “Are you okay?”

“...y-yes, I am… fine…” she responded. “I… can handle it. Please… please…”

She didn’t sound convincing, but what you did hear in her voice was her desire. It appeared agony wasn’t making her reconsider; Marianne knew exactly what she wanted, and she trusted you to give it to her.

But... you had no desire to inflict any unnecessary pain. You were absolutely fine with letting girls act out their kinky fantasies, but if you had the ability to minimise any compulsory anguish, such as virginity loss, you were going to follow that route. Therefore, you thrust into her slowly, granting her time to get used to things one step at a time.

...however, the noble girl wasn’t fond of this approach.

“...too s-slow… ah... faster… please… I c-can take it… please… pleeeaaseee…”

Her voice was a reminder that this woman simply didn’t care for elegance; she wouldn’t be sounding so needy otherwise. Her cute and reserved appearance was an illusion, a mask that hid those forbidden desires. Marianne had tasted the thrill of sex for the first time, and she wanted more.

It would be awfully rude to deny a noblewoman’s request, wouldn’t it?

Giving her a taste of what was to come, you reached below her body and greedily sunk your fingers into her breasts. There was a lot to dig into it and play with, and the forcefulness of your grabs erased any doubts that she didn’t want this kind of treatment. She groaned loudly, her volume eclipsing Lilith’s typical tones with ease.

“...ah… l-like that…” she shared her approval.

With the knowledge that she undeniably wanted this, you pushed the rest of your cock in within an instant. Marianne’s reaction was one of shock yet pleasure, her voice growing loud enough to even disrupt the horses.

Fortunately, you had a means of silencing somebody who was too loud. Removing one of your hands (begrudgingly) from her breasts, you tightly placed your hand over her mouth. Her moans grew muffled, and her desperate attempts to break her voice free from your prison were sexy.

“You’re scaring the horses, Marianne,” you spoke calmly to her, using this opportunity to begin thrusting your hips. It made her singing attempts increment in quantity, but your grasp kept her concealed. “Be a good girl, and keep quiet.”

“I caaahhnn’t….” her muffled and immediate answer was hot to hear. “Fuuuckk meeee… pleeaaaseee...”

Marianne’s sexual aptitude was continuing to surprise you. It was strange how she was so demanding, even though you were giving her exactly what she wanted. Perhaps you weren’t pleasing her adequately enough? Well, there was an ample fix for that.

Determined to satisfy her, you rapidly accelerated her hips. No longer did you care for how she was feeling, whether it was pain or pleasure. This greedy girl had no right to complain anymore.

Her pussy was ridiculously hot and effortless to thrust into thanks to how wet she was, and speeding up was only making the pleasure amplify for the both of you. By this point, you were bashing against her cervix constantly, and each time you did so, you heard her attempt to moan loudly again.

“Look at you, Marianne,” you decided to tease her. “I used to think you were a pure girl, but now? You’re nothing but a slut.”

Such harsh comments weren’t something you were used to saying, but you were pleased to feel your gambit pay off when she tightened up around your cock. She adored being called that, it seemed, and you weren’t afraid to call her out on it either.

“...you tightened up so much, Marianne…” you attempted to continue the act, but this time, your own voice was growing wavy. Every time you believed you had reached the peak of pleasure, Marianne’s pussy somehow made everything feel even better. She continued to groan and groan, undoubtedly drooling all over your hand in the process. You rewarded her efforts by pinching her nipple, driving her even further to the peak of insanity. “Fuck… I’m…

“...ahm cuhmmming… cuhmmmmiinngg…

You were unbearably close, and you were pleased to hear she was as well. Marianne’s walls coiled around your cock with incredible ferocity, trapping you inside her as your head tickled the entrance to her womb. Her body began to shake wildly even as you held her in place, and that extra stimulation was the final trigger. You came fast, filling her up with a mind-boggling orgasm that made your body grow numb, your eyes blur, and your hearing ring. The dual pleasures were heavenly even as each body was on the verge of collapse, but both you and Marianne preserved, eager to see this through to the end. You weren’t sure how long it lasted, but you knew for certain that you were pumping her womb full of cum.

You knew that was exactly what she wanted too.

The abundance of hay worked in your favor, for you were the first to fall as your legs gave way. Marianne was quick to join you, stumbling down onto the floor awkwardly. Her pussy was already leaking an abnormal amount of cum. The girl had milked you dry, refusing to let go of your member until she was satisfied she had drained you of anything. It was no wonder you felt so exhausted.

“...ah… so good… I loved it… your cock…” she sounded mesmerized by the experience, but that state of mind was beginning to fade hastily. It only took a few moments for her thoughts to shift entirely. “Ah… we… oh… this isn’t… what did I…”

“Marianne, it’s okay,” you reassured her. “I had a wonderful time.”

“I… ah… I… feel so lightheaded…”

Even though you were as exhausted as she, you mustered the willpower to crawl on over to her, embracing her in a warm hug that soothed her shaking body. It took her some time to adjust to the new sensation, but soon enough, she was hugging you back.

It was hard to tell for certain, but you had a feeling she was smiling.

It would be difficult to look her in the eyes after this. However, you were certain that after the awkwardness of it all faded and she remembered how truly amazing she felt, she’d be willing to have sex again.

You laughed internally. Apparently, stable girls were your thing.


Marianne took a sip of her tea, doing so calmly. She had just shared her story with her friend, and now it was time to hear the girl’s thoughts.

“I’m glad it worked out,” Lilith giggled, sharing a warm smile. “Didn’t I tell you it would?”

“...yes, you did, but…” she mumbled. “I figured my bad luck would be an issue…”

“I figured as soon as he saw you fucking me, he’d be interested,” Lilith took a sip of her own tea. This Fódlan tradition was something she could get used to! It was so fun to gossip with her friend about the man they had both fucked. “Sure beats confronting him personally, right? I bet it was hot, fucking him in the stables like that....”

“...y-yes, it was,” she nervously chuckled. “Thinking about it makes me feel a little faint… but in a good way.”

“...say, Marianne,” Lilith muttered. “Next time… how about we... share him?”

“Y-You would do that…?” Marianne was surprised, but very interested.

“Of course!” Lilith sounded confident, but her blush was not hard to miss. “I… know you’re curious about b-being with a girl… and I know I am too… and we both get to share a cock too… s-so it sounds fun!”

“Ah… that sounds… lovely…”

It was certainly not a suggestion she was expecting to hear, but she was thrilled. She was immensely attracted to both Lilith and the Summoner, after all. Not even her typical bad luck could stop this from being an amazing experience.

Marianne smiled. It was nice to smile, even if the reason for it was a little lewd! But that was fine; she didn’t mind being a bit of a bad girl in secret.



I look forward to the sequel ;)