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Naofumi was tremendously tired when he was finally relieved of watch duty. He felt compelled to stay awake for as long as he could. The Shield Hero preferred to sacrifice some of his sleep if it meant Raphtalia, Filo, and Melty could sleep soundly. However, he still had his limits, and Filo had woken up naturally and offered to take over.

The Filolial girl originally didn’t participate in watching over the small camps they made. Naofumi was used to him and Raphtalia taking turns, but Filo had noticed they were growing increasingly more tired than usual, so she insisted she aided too. Melty, who was still traveling with them, had also expressed interest in keeping watch, but she wasn't used to this kind of journeying and couldn't stay awake for long.

Though Filo was prone to distraction, they were in a secluded forest and he doubted they would be disturbed. They hadn't encountered any hostile wildlife so far which was a good sign, so while he was still naturally concerned, he believed Filo could handle the task.

When he finally got under the covers, he relaxed significantly. He hadn’t noticed how cold it truly was; the fire had done a good job at masking it. His bed was a little further away from it, so he had noticed the difference in temperature when getting ready for bed. Regardless, the warmth of the makeshift bed was serene, and it wasn’t long before he drifted off to sleep. He hoped it would be a long slumber; he was certainly craving one.

Typically, fate had other plans for him.

However, the cause of his awakening wasn’t anything but typical. He was on high alert when he woke up; an ambush from a monster, or perhaps one of the other heroes showing up, wasn’t unprecedented. Instead, he was greeted with silence.

What he did notice was a weight on his chest. Sliding off the covers, he saw Filo cuddling up to him in her humanoid form. She looked distressed and wouldn’t stop squirming, which certainly explained how he had woken up.

“Filo, what are you doing?” he asked quietly, preferring not to wake either Raphtalia or Melty up.

“Master… you’re so warm…” she spoke softly, doing nothing to stop her constant fidgeting. “It’s really cold tonight...”

“Then stay by the fire,” he scolded her. The only reason she’d ever be feeling cold was if she got distracted by some nearby birds or something, thus leading her away from the source of warmth.

“But you’re a lot warmer, master…” she sounded insistent. “You smell good too…”

Naofumi didn’t mind Filo being clingy. He didn’t mind Raphtalia being clingy either.

This… was a little too much, however. There was absolutely no reason for her to be tugging on his tunic like that, as if she was trying to tear it off.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness a little better, he saw some more things that concerned him. The girl had a bright blush on her face, and she was sweating ridiculously.

Calmly but hastily, he lifted his upper body up, forcing Filo's body to slide down onto his lap.

Placing a hand on her forehead, he checked her temperature, and bit his lip upon realizing she was boiling.

“Filo, you’re ill,” he told her. “You should have said something earlier.”

He didn’t particularly want to scold her since she was so vulnerable, but she had to learn her lesson. Fortunately, he had just the medicine for what he suspected was a cold, so...

His thoughts drifted off as Filo started to… tug on his pants. For a few seconds, he was immobilized by the shock of it all, but he managed to wrestle her off him.

“Master… please… I need you…”

Hearing such words from such a cute voice was… unexpected, and it was messing with his mind magnificently.

Naofumi was familiar with how Filolials worked, but he had no idea when they sexually matured.

...he was learning that it was very fast for them, apparently. Her blush and temperature weren’t from an illness… at least, not a typical one.

His Filolial was in heat.

“Filo, I’m sorry, but I cannot-”

He wanted to be honest with her and tell her this wasn’t something he could help her with. He would never touch her that way, and the same principle applied to Raphtalia too.

But Filo wasn’t satisfied with such an answer, predictably. She opted to climb onto her master’s lap, and used the position to begin grinding her hips against his crotch. To sweeten the deal, she undid the ribbon that helped hold her dress together, and a good chunk of it fell from her shoulders, revealing her flat chest to him.

It wasn’t the first time he had seen her like this, of course, but it was never in this kind of scenario. He couldn’t help but look, for her nipples were erect and she absolutely wanted him to see them.

He had hoped that being in heat would essentially mean she would be delirious; she would know what she wanted, but wouldn’t know how to exactly get it.

Unfortunately, Filo was proving to be cunning, and seeing her breasts paired with her constant grinding was absolutely not helping his mental state.

It was as if the girl knew he had been struggling recently. Naofumi was capable of resisting sexual thoughts, but on occasion, he’d have to excuse himself to deal with urges. He had seen both his girls naked a fair amount of times. Raphtalia’s developed chest and FIlo’s petite frame were things he had reluctantly taken glimpses at before, and although he felt regret at times for observing them like that, he was at least satisfied he dealt with his urges privately and kept things to fantasy. He had vowed to himself to never ask them for aid.

“I want you… master…” Filo repeated, her voice growing needier. Even though her action was seductive, her expression still looked disorientated. Well, it did look like that, before an undeniably cheeky smirk showed up on her face. He knew why, for that quiet gasp that came before the grin was the result of something brushing up against her butt. “I want it… sex…”

Was this a dream, or a nightmare? He couldn’t decide which. What he did know was that this girl was absolutely having a physical effect on him now, and she could absolutely feel it.

“...how do you even know about that, Filo?” he had many questions, and this was one he wanted to know the answer to the most. Someone had corrupted his innocent little Filolial, and he latched onto those thoughts of seeking vengeance, rather than the brewing lust lurking within the depths of his soul.

“Filo watched onee-chan talk about it to herself when she thought no one was looking…” she answered with a giggle. It was not the response he was expecting. “When Filo heard her talk about you… it made Filo feel funny… and after talking to Mel-chan… Filo decided that Filo wanted to do the same things…”

Well, vengeance wasn't exactly an option now.

He was honestly most surprised at Melty having involvement, but it made more sense as he thought about it. It wouldn't be unprecedented for a princess to know a thing or two about intimacy. Considering the princess absolutely had a crush on the Shield Hero, gossiping about him in an inappropriate manner wasn't off the table either.

As for Raphtalia, Naofumi honestly had no idea she was thinking of him in that way. Sure, he suspected she had a bit of a puppy crush, but he had no idea she was secretly lusting over him. Still, she was a woman at this point, so it wasn’t too shocking.

Filo, on the other hand…

He suspected she had harbored these kinds of feelings towards him for a while; it would certainly explain how much more clingy she was compared to her big sister. Raphtalia was much more reserved with how she felt, likely due to how embarrassed she got over it. Filo's crush was much more subtle than Raphtalia's or Melty's, simply as she didn't know what she was feeling… until now at least.

Amusingly, Raphtalia and Melty had unknowingly provided Filo with the missing context of what these feelings meant, and was now acting on them first.

It wasn't too surprising. Out of the three, Filo would be the least likely to feel ashamed over it, mainly as she had no idea why she should even feel shame. Filo knew she wanted it too, and she wasn't going to stop until she did.

Of course, Naofumi could easily reject her; he already had done so, in fact.

But Filo was proving to be more alluring than he ever imagined her being. He had vowed to never ask any of his girls to help him in those kinds of private manners… but never thought one of them would actually ask him for help.

“I feel it, master… your dick…”

He really wished she would stop speaking like that; it was negatively impacting his decision-making skills.

Noticing he was saying nothing in return, Filo pouted a little, but then grew an expression of sadness.. “...do you not want to…?”

Naofumi gulped when he saw that face. He couldn’t say no to that face. He just couldn’t.

He knew that accepting was the wrong thing to do, and that doing so would change their relationship forever. He would be as shameless as Motoyasu… but he supposed that he at his worst would at least still treat Filo better than the Spear Hero.

He couldn't believe he was using that as some additional justification.

“...not here,” he whispered, offering a condition in exchange for his approval. Considering it was his scent that was driving her crazy, there really wasn’t any alternative solution in mind either. “Be very quiet. We will walk a few minutes away, close enough for us to hear if there is trouble, but far enough away for them not to notice what we're doing, so long as you’re not too loud.”

“Yaaay!” she almost yelled excitedly, but she managed to silence herself. “I love you, master!”

It was bizarre watching her stand up and stretch her arms. It was as if she had been restored to her ordinary self, but he knew that giddiness wasn’t ordinary joy.

Naofumi quietly got out of bed and took a deep breath, leading Filo through the woodlands. It was dark, but he had grown fairly accustomed to adventuring through these dark nights. Filo had no problem with following him, but it was clear her patience was running thin after a few minutes of walking.

“This spot will do, master…” she whimpered. To encourage him to approve, she immediately discarded her dress, letting it fall to the floor. He really wished he had brought a torch so he could see her, but the silhouetted frame was still gorgeous to gaze upon.

Filo, continuing to lack patience, lunged at him, embracing him in a brief hug before tugging at his pants. He aided her by pulling them down, releasing his cock. The cool air against his skin would have been the most prominent feeling… if it wasn’t for the warm breath tickling his cock.

Showing that her lust was no joke, Filo grabbed his cock with her small, tiny hand. The sheer softness of it was enough to weaken Naofumi’s breathing and balance, but he managed to compose himself.

...until Filo eagerly licked the tip with a curious tongue, and upon discovering that she liked the taste, sunk the tip across her slippery lips and into her small, but heated mouth.

It had been a long time since Naofumi had experienced this kind of sensation, and he never believed he would be reliving it with Filo of all people. The girl didn’t even need to kneel to please him; her height made sure her head perfectly aligned with his crotch.

To help reinforce his shaky legs, he held onto her head gently, stroking it to tell her how good of a job she was doing. Filo hummed approvingly, experimenting with how much she could take in. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t very much, at least initially. However, she was a stubborn girl, and sheer determination allowed her to take in over half. It was a surreal feeling to have most of his member squeezed by such a tight mouth, and he felt annoyed at himself for ever trying to resist these girls who would happily please him if he just asked.

“Filo… that feels really good…” he deemed it necessary to tell her, even though he suspected she absolutely knew. He hadn’t done a very good job at hiding his moans, even if their volume was still low.

Surprisingly, Filo ended up releasing his dick abruptly, panting heavily. Thanks to the moonlight breaking through the canopy, he could see the strings of saliva still connecting the tip of his cock to his lips, and it was breathtaking. The girl herself was looking disorientated, and wouldn’t stop gazing at his cock. Even though she had clearly overexerted itself, it didn’t stop her from lunging at his member, planting thirsty kiss after thirsty kiss all across it, not to mention a barrage of licks.

“Master… I love it… it tastes so good…” she sounded simultaneously horny and exhausted. Filo wanted to satisfy her lust, but she was not mentally ready for the effects it would have on her body.

“Let me take over, Filo,” Naofumi ordered her. She was disorientated and struggling to keep things together, so it was his job to aid her however he could. His idea was a degenerate one, but after feeling how wonderful her mouth felt, he couldn’t hold back.


Tightening the hold on his head, he had one simple instruction for her. “Open your mouth.”

Filo did as she was told, and her eyes widened as soon as her master’s cock invaded her mouth and pushed up against the back of her throat. She gagged, but held on as much as she could, for she was quickly discovering how crazy her mind was going with a dick filling up her mouth. Naofumi wasn’t surprised to see he couldn’t fit it all in, but it was enough. He momentarily retreated from her mouth, adoring how his shaft felt being tickled by her lips, only to shove it back in with even stronger force. Filo was experiencing a wide range of emotions. What her master was doing was hurting her… but it was also thrilling. It took her a while to conclude what emotion she was feeling the most, but she now knew that she was loving this. The overwhelming feeling of her master’s cock ravaging her mouth… she never wanted it to end.

Naofumi didn’t feel too different either. He was still enthralled by how wonderful this all was. The tightness of her mouth…. the constant stream of saliva making her mouth slippery and easy to fuck… and the tremendous humidity of it all.

He wasn’t surprised at all when he came quickly, but he was so used to not having a partner that he had forgotten to warn Filo entirely. Regardless, she reacted well to the sudden swarm of his seed, happily drinking everything he was unloading into her throat. He groaned loudly, his body shaking under the pressure. Filo even held onto his waist as if to help stabilize him, and while it didn’t help much, he appreciated the gesture. Although this was one of his greatest orgasms, it ended long before he had a chance to truly appreciate it. Filo took control, sucking hard on his member while slowly extracting it from her mouth. It was a wondrous feeling, and it made him truly notice how much of his member was in the girl’s mouth in the first place. She had somehow taken in so much, more than her little body should have. He was legitimately impressed and proud of her.

“That was yummy, master…” she giggled, her voice still sounding shaky, but undeniably pleased. Naofumi took the time to catch his breath; his body had not expected such an abundance of pleasure so suddenly. “But... you will give Filo more, right?”

Filo was proving to be quite the seductress. Stepping out of her fallen clothes, she turned around and leaned forward, holding onto a nearby tree. Though the darkness shielded most of her beautiful body, he could tell from the silhouette he was seeing that she was presenting her butt to him. Filo was craving more… and so was he.

Still, he had to make sure she was truly ready for this. Filo knew about sex, but her information had come from an infatuated girl who legitimately believed kissing could get a girl pregnant (he had heard her that one time in the hot springs, but decided not to mention it to avoid embarrassing her), and a princess whose knowledge was… questionable; he had no idea how sheltered Melty was on the matter… if she was at all.

“Filo, this might hurt you,” he informed her. She was a Filolial, so it was possible she lacked a hymen. Of course, he couldn’t exactly ask any experts without receiving strange looks. “Are you okay with that?”

“Filo will be okay,” she spoke, sounding impatient with his hesitation. “Filo wants it… hurry, master…”

Her insistence was rubbing off on him. Fortunately, the moonlight was beginning to work in his favor, illuminating the surrounding area enough for him to position himself behind her adequately. Her small height made things tricky and he had to bend slightly, but he knew he had found the sweet spot upon feeling a wet spot against his glans. Just in case he had any doubts, Filo hummed happily in response upon feeling his shaft push up against her sensitive spot.

He couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he was desiring her just as much as she was desiring him, perhaps even more. Taking a deep breath, he began to slowly sink into her, just in case it would end up hurting for his precious Filolial. Somewhat surprisingly, she showed no signs of discontent as his head breached her hole. She actually giggled, albeit with an uneasy and unstable voice. Naofumi was astonished at how tight she was and felt foolish for not expecting it. It was taking considerable strength to open her up, and while he was initially concerned at the idea of putting too much force into opening her up, her satisfied hums encouraged him to just… do it. This girl had already taken a throat fucking so well, after all. She could handle this.

Filo gasped when he felt her master's cock suddenly open her up fully. It wasn't a painful feeling, however, but rather intensely pleasurable. This entire time, there had been this nagging feeling bothering her; her master's penis had helped quench it, especially when it was in her mouth, but now that she was feeling it inside her pussy, it was finally gone…

No, it was still there… but now it was even worse. It was like a painfully irritating inch, but she fortunately knew exactly how to make it fade.

"Master… please… fuck me…"

Naofumi was brought back to reality by those mesmerising words. He was previously lost in how shockingly warm Filo's insides were, not to mention compact. Her pussy had been squeezing him relentlessly, and he has a feeling he could easily cum from this constant pressure alone.

And now, she actually was asking to be fucked? He was actually starting to fear he wouldn't be able to please her at this rate; she was that tight.

But he was going to give his all. Naofumi held onto her hips, but his hands ended up trailing further up towards her wings. He knew they were delicate, but he couldn't help but wonder if they were an erogenous spot.

When she yelped and her breathing was thrown off, he learned that they indeed were.

"M-Master… that felt funny…" she muttered, sounding pleasantly confused.

"Want me to stop?" he asked.

"N-no… it makes Filo feel nice…" she murmured. Her voice was somehow more adorable than before.

Though he was tempted to explore them some more and see what parts made her moan the most, they were not his priority. His dick was deep inside her, and although it was tranquil, it was only an appetizer to the real pleasure that still awaited.

Noticing she was distracted by her wings being stroked, Naofumi very slowly pulled out of her. Filo didn’t notice a thing. Satisfied she was fully satisfied, he pushed back in dramatically fast, transforming her in-progressive hum to a loud moan.

"D-Do that again, master…" she begged.

He wasn't ever going to say no to such a cute voice again, was he?

Naofumi pulled out faster this time, enjoying the sudden friction against his cock. Her walls refused to stop squeezing him, and the energy he needed to break through her compactness made things so much more pleasurable. Eventually, he was giving Filo the pounding she knew she craved. There was no fear she couldn't take it; this girl was unbelievably wet, and her reactions had been nothing but positive.

He was one issue, however. Filo’s body was unstable, and it looked like she was so distracted by pleasure that she wasn’t noticing her body beginning to slide down the tree. Exhaustion as a result of feeling too good seemed to be a trend with this girl, but just like before, he had a solution in mind.

Filo was short. Because of that, it meant she was very light. Though he didn’t want to stop massaging her wings, he knew there would be other opportunities to play with them. He slid his hands down to her hips and wrapped his hands around her stomach, pulling her off the ground gently and gradually. Making sure he was careful with his grip, he slid his hands down to the bottom of her thighs, reinforcing his grasp there. Filo reacted well to the new height, for it now meant she could easily kiss her master. Her kisses were greedy and full of curiosity and inexperience, but he adored sharing them with her. She continued to surprise him by forcing her tongue into his mouth, groaning while his larger one wrapped around hers.

In this position, it was even easier to fuck her; he no longer had to bend awkwardly or be considerate of her balance. She was now his to use.

“Master… Filo feels really good… really good…” her voice was difficult to comprehend at this point. She was reacting well to his cock constantly barraging the entrance to her womb, and he was astonished that he was able to fit in almost all of it before he reached her cervix.

“Filo…” he muttered, unsure what else to really say to her. Naofumi’s voice was similarly unstable. The constant stream of pleasure was incredible, and he was so, so close…

“Filo feels funny, master…” she spoke silently. It took him a while to figure out what she was saying, but he understood after seeing her expression. Even in the darkness, he could see her eyes narrow and her mouth refuse to stop moaning.

Any doubts were eradicated when Filo’s tight pussy miraculously tightened up even more. Even though he was holding her firmly, she began to fidget energetically. The girl had no idea how to handle the sudden burst of bliss, but she luckily had her master there to help keep her stable.

It was a miracle he was able to keep his balance intact, for her insides were squeezing him relentlessly. It was the final push he needed. Naofumi groaned as he came, enhancing Filo’s climax with his own. Holding her by her waist again, he pushed as deep inside as he could, his hips spasming under the pressure. It was a hypnotizing feeling, especially as his dominance over her made it feel like she was his personal cumdump… and even though he knew he shouldn’t be thinking such things, he also had a feeling Filo would perhaps like the idea of being his to use like that… after he explained what exactly that word meant, naturally.

...unless she learned that word from Raphtalia or Melty already… which would certainly shift his opinion on them (but not negatively, of course).

Naofumi wasn’t sure how long his orgasm lasted, but he knew he had blown at least a week’s worth of semen into his adorable Filolial. He wasn’t particularly worried about getting her pregnant, since he assumed it wasn’t possible for an ordinary human to impregnate a Filolial.

...well, he’d have to double-check that later, but he decided his assumption was a safe one.

“Master… I love you…”

Filo reached in for a kiss. This time, it wasn’t a lustful one, but rather a giddy one.

“I love you too, Filo,” he said with a smile, adoring how she giggled happily. “Let’s get back to camp, shall we?”


The two redressed and started to head back. Naofumi was honestly surprised at his lack of guilt. He had expected to feel nothing but that emotion after filling Filo up with his sperm, but he felt satisfied. Perhaps Filo’s enthusiasm and happiness were rubbing off on him.

What he was concerned about was keeping this a secret. Before they returned, he took Filo to one side and asked her to keep what they had done a secret. She seemed apprehensive at first, but upon being told the other two would want him too and take away the time she could have with him alone, she was significantly more on board with his suggestion.

Truthfully, he was concerned that it would end up upsetting Raphtalia more than anything. Perhaps she’d feel inadequate and insecure because she wasn’t as small as Filo anymore. He didn’t know for sure, but he did know it would upset her regardless. Still, she was a valuable part of his life and he’d probably tell her eventually… but he preferred having some time to mentally prepare for that day.

When they finally arrived back, Naofumi was relieved to see that Raphtalia was still asleep.

Melty, however, was not.

“...where have you two been?” she sounded suspicious, but still tired.

“I woke up and Filo was missing,” he explained. He had an excuse prepared just in case. “I went looking for her, and I found her by a nearby river. She had decided it was a good idea to wonder off.”

Filo didn’t answer, opting to sit by the fire. Although she felt very warm inside, she couldn’t say the same about the rest of her body. The fire was the solution to that.

Melty watched her Filolial friend carefully. Naofumi noticed her eyes briefly widened before a faint blush appeared on her face.

“...okay… good night, then,” she spoke quietly, returning to her camping bed.

“Good night,” he kept up his confident tone, but he was concerned about her reaction. She didn’t seem to buy the story, and considering Filo had learned a fair bit from the princess, there was a chance she had figured things out.

Naofumi decided not to worry about whether the princess had or not. His sleep had been interrupted and he was now ready to return to his slumber. Filo was still on-watch, and it was safe to assume she was sexually satisfied for the night.

He returned to his slumber quickly, and for a time, it was peaceful.

Typically, fate had other plans for him.

When he felt that weight under his covers again, he assumed it was Filo.

It was not.

“You know,” Melty said, pouting at him. He looked around, noticing Raphtalia was still asleep and that Filo had fallen asleep by the fire. “I saw that white stuff falling down Filo’s legs…”

Ah. He had completely forgotten to clean her. The girl was probably leaking quite a bit of his seed.

“...what about it?” he saw no reason to deny it. Melty wasn’t going to fall for any trickery.

“It’s…” she sounded frustrated. “...not fair! I… want to do that too… If you would h-have sex with Filo… then maybe you would… h-h-have s-sex with me t-too! A-and m-maybe we c-could do it with Filo a-as well!”

Naofumi sighed. He should have expected such a response.

This was going to be a long night.


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