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Hi everyone! Huge update since last month!! As you know Part 1 of Faye Shapeshifter is complete but now it also has sound! Part 2 is still being worked on and the whole thing should be finished hopefully by next month!! You can see everything on both GDrive and Mega now!

Faye Shapeshifter on Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16nyFqb9R86Fx_Y-_xdY7e4qZUSpS5GjD?usp=sharing

Faye Shapeshifter on Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!4AxGSCyb!Pq7-HDb6MH-6G78Nuj1uXQ

in addition to that ive also moved most of my previous art and animations to Mega as well! you may see and download those files here!

Older Animations on Mega: https://mega.nz/#F!VVxylC7K!EZZCKalo5fXpJ3xExxOaTw

Now for the more exciting news! I am eternally grateful for all the new patrons who have pledged to me, and with the new budget I am hard at work looking for a team of artists to hire so that I can create my own original hentai pilot! That will be the next project of 2020!! Everything is still in the pre-planning phase, but I can tell its going to be very fun to make! of course I will keep everyone very up to date with that project in particular so please stay pledged as your funds are being put to great use!!! thank you so much for sticking with me in my crazy life haha <3




Sounds very exciting! Best of luck!


Good luck 😊👍

Pierre luc Poirier

will you put all three parts into a single video later?? also will there be another after??


yes! when the part 2 is complete with sound, all 3 will be combined into a single video and that will be the finished product. For now, i will only be doing the first chapter, but some time in the future i would like to continue it!


Its an amazing piece of work and story cant wait to see it complete and to hopefully see another keep up amazing style you do


I did like the NSFW but the true reason I bought this was to see the very nice animation and art style! This is my first time using patreon even though my entire life has been lived on the internet. But I am practicing drawing and hope that someday I will be able to create amazing masterpieces like this one! Thanks so much for creating this and hope to hear from you soon!


wow I'm really glad I started pledging lol. You are very good at what you do, and I think that you deserve as high of a monthly income as you can get. What's really amazing is how short it seems to take for all these things.


i hope everything works out and the pilot will be great

Eric Ezell

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you and your team come up with!

Dagonbane3465 .

Love the animation, and can’t wait to see what you make for a hentai!


love all your works. give us moreeee!!!!


Hell yeah, This is great! Go for it, man. TAKE MAH MONEY!!


Support is here.. don't worry we got your back!


F Yeah!


OMG I want another so bad I even brought supporter for it


Just do us a favor and don't abandon Faye. I wanna see more of that.


Does that mean no more spidergwen updates? :(


The added extra sound effects were a very nice touch. Well worth my money. Wish they were also added in Part 2 and 3, but I won't complain. 👌👍

That one guy

I saw part one on youtube and im glad i signed up to see part 2 and 3 very good work

Zerum Sparklez

I don’t usually get into this whole style with the 3D animation, but FUCK this is beautiful. And hot. And, and...damn.


this animation is literally my new favorite thing, holy fucking shit.


I love seeing one of my favorite webcomic character coming to "life" it looks amazing and i would love to see more works with the character be they based on the comic or not


Found this on YouTube and said "YEP! I'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Damn, ever since seeing it I'm always watching it when I can! I'm down for this!


You're doing a great job. Keep it up! Can't wait for your own original work!


Very nice, I became a patron just for this. Can't wait to see what's next!

That one guy

Do you guys know what you're gonna do next


is Part 2 supposed to cut off at 11:09?


Hey do you know how to get the nsfw version of this animation? Just curious I love your work


Is it weird I want a girl like her????