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Time to get some questions so I can draw the answers! Like previous end of chap QnA's, these will be answered by the characters as they are currently in the comic. eg:

Respond to this post with a question you'd like to ask a character at this point in the comic!

Note: Questions that are spoilery, I've answered before or inappropriate won't be answered.



Dan, how do you deal with the fact that you're basically bleeding from everywhere and almost all the time?


Es, do you have any good ideas for what Dan could wear as an eyepatch? :3


Es, what's the single most unpleasant thing you've yet come across in the modern world?


Marisol & Gabriella, How has your day been?


Rosa how are you feeling?

David Petty

For Mari: How did you and Gabriella meet?


Raise of hands.... who needs a hug right now?


Es: what's the secret to getting the best noises out of your soulless squeaktoy?


Manny, have you ever done anything goofy/fun using your severed head?


Danny, after loosing your regular shirt, how do you feel about Manny's indestructible clothes?


Dan, what was going through your mind just before being swallowed by Manny, were you like freaking out or just meh?


Dan, so you got some wings now. Thoughts?


Es, have you tried making any friends at school, either as yourself or as Dan (just to mess with him of course)?


Manny, why did you think eating the flesh-melting monster would be a good idea?

Cryptic Whisper

On a scale of 1-10, how fucked up are things? Dan? Manny? Your thoughts?


Manny, has Santagüey always had a president, and if not what was you're role before then?


Does Dan take any pills for his fever? Or anything to help his stomach at least? Wait does the school even have insurance to get those?


What are your favorite seasons?


Rosa what was more upsetting? Seeing Manny like that or seeing what he was doing to Dan?


Dan, so you miss Esther? Anything in particular you miss most about her?

Brian Miller

Dan, are you letting your grades slip? Just because you're a monster doesn't mean you get to slack off in school.


Manny, how do angels usually handle cleanup of demon disposal?


Esther, what's your favorite nonhuman shape to change into?

Divi (Lovewin)

Esther what have you been up to since Daniel has been gone?


Manny have you ever had someone or thing escape your stomach before?


@Manny, how did Dan taste in that big ol' mouth of yours?

Tom Lee

Marisol, how's dinner going?


Es, are you worried about Dan being out on his own, all grumpy and soulless? What do you imagine he is up to right now?


So, how does the Saint of Judgement feel after finding himself judged by a mortal?


Dan, have you tried taking those feathers off your shoulders? Don’t forget about exfoliating!


Manny, do the other dominions ever get jealous of your preferential treatment towards Rosa?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-02 23:19:44 & Danny, if you had to guess, about how many souls are contained within San Antonio?
2020-05-21 20:07:08 & Danny, if you had to guess, about how many souls are contained within San Antonio?

& Danny, if you had to guess, about how many souls are contained within San Antonio?