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Divinidad coming to bless your mail boxes this month! A choker sized sticker and a mini-miniprint for the little god. (it's hard to photographic these soft colors :C )

mini print⤴️ transparent sticker⤵️

And for the 25$ Mail Club+ we got the companion pin to Citrus Esther is the Melon Dan with a knife covered in what you hope is watermelon juice 💦




Aaah, forgot I had mail club! I hope I don't miss this months, just added my address

Divi (Lovewin)

I was originally in the mail club but I changed to the 10 tier for next month will I not get the stuff if I paid for it for this month??


Just checked and you did pledge at the $25+ for this month, hooray! So you'll be getting these July rewards once we get 'em shipped out by the end of the month. Thanks!!!

Divi (Lovewin)

Oh thank you Ayme :) I'll be sad to be off that list but I am glad I can still support some how ✨