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The first question was a twofer, first half is "Have Demons and Angels always fought each other?" but the second part was funnier to draw. Technically they always fought each other since it's the same food/energy source they need but angels were more likely to cooperate in small groups with each other. What's weird about the island to Es is that she's never scene such a large scale group of angels collaborating.




Mine got answered!!! I'm sure I'm not the only one who asked, but none the less... *squee*


Question two makes it sound like Es doesn't know what a power looks like. Are the angels on this island different in appearance too?


She doesn’t know for sure Manny’s a power but she knows he’s weird. But yeah, angels tend to vary in appearance even in the same orders.


I’m starting to think I should have asked about enthusiasm, not enjoyment...

D. Alfonso

Alright, I'll be that person. *weirder ;) Just in case you print these at some point.


ya know I had a feeling it was misspelled but both spellings looked wrong to me💦