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Careful Es the boy is Pissed(tm)




You know, the funny thing is...she's right. He really didn't care that he was coughing up blood and looking like death-warmed-over. It was his "new normal" as was pointed out explicitly before in an earlier scene. I don't know why, but this page really puts into context for me how bad Dan has messed up a life he had already messed up. The boy's got problems for days. Like "You were half dead but you were too busy focusing on all the other issues that were rendered moot by the fact that you have no soul." Except that the issues kind of due still matter, at least to him, which means even being soulless didn't get him out of the mundane issues he has.


He also tried to hide his fangs from Carla!... not that it really mattered, tough, hahaha....


Pressure sure is going up... and I really can't wait to read the next page, where Ester goes all freaky smile!! :D :D :D


Mom, dad, please stop fighting...


The camera angle in the last panel make Es's proportions super weird and I love it. Nothing is right anymore for poor Dan.