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_(:'3」∠)_ Es why

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Well we're about to establish the pecking order in about a second. Es' fight game better be half as good as her mouth game otherwise she's about to get a very nasty wake up (and quite possibly go the flip to sleep) call.


Dan no where are your eyes D:


top 10 anime betrayals :(


Cool when's the hate-fueled makeout gonna happen???

Divi (Lovewin)

Oh boy. This isn't going to go well. Dan's awfully quiet


"Things without souls"... "monsters like you"... Yep, no more niceties from Es, like AT ALL. "And be thankful, you'd be dead if it wasn't for me." HE'D BE HAVING A SOUL, THAT'S WHAT HE WOULD BE WITHOUT YOU.


I can’t stop staring at Es’ expression in that fourth panel, it’s so nice to look at that I almost can’t hear the sound of my heart breaking! ;A;


Powers don't work on beings without souls, huh... the forehead-telepathy still works, though - I wonder why. Also... I guess that only worked up to a certain point with Divinidad, to trust her and do what she says... again, I'm really looking forward to know what those two's relationship was like. :P