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First update of the year! Wow! Talking!

The next page update will be Jan. 11 since I'll be at Magfest from the 4th-7th and won't be able to work on pages in that time. I've been planning a lot with what I want to do with [un]Divine in 2018 and since my contract on Lumberjanes ends this month freeing up my schedule for my other freelance plus [un]Divine, I'm going to plan on taking less breaks to finish ch3 as soon as I can (my guess is there's about 30 pages left? MAYBE I DUNNO) and getting to ch4 and getting *that* one done as much as I can this year. I was able to get about 80 ud pages done this year with how hectic everything was so planning 2018 to not be as crazy totally means more than 80 more pages! And ch4 isn't that long, but it's still pretty exciting so I can't wait :3




Dan has achieved Elf Phase...


Oh, I thought it was intentional, hehe!