R-088 | R-091 (Patreon)
Patron requests from this month I have forgotten to post!
Edit: Added one more request from this month.
Watermark-free high-res PNGs will be in the Feb/March art pack!
I'll have one more art post before the month ends! I'm working on some nsfw komubak sketches (shared some previews on my discord server), and I also have started on the new collectible theme for $6+ patrons which will be a series of nsfw drawings featuring Inquisitor/Companion (Dragon Age: Inquisition).
I'm not going to include all the characters, since I don't want it to drag on for too long so for now the lineup will be Dorian, Cassandra, Sera, Iron Bull, and Josephine (not in this particular order). I'm actually working on the Iron Bull one first! If you might want to get these drawings you'll want to be on the $6 tier starting next month! You can wait to increase your pledge at any time on April to get the first DA:I collectible. (If you increase it now before March ends, you'll be charged the difference immediately, giving you access to the final Pokemon collectible. If you have questions about this feel free to reach out to me.)
It's been quite a month for everyone so I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. Should you feel the need to cut back on expenses do feel free to unsubscribe at any time. I'm not in a dire financial situation thankfully. Look after yourself first and foremost!
Of course, thanks to everyone who is sticking around despite the circumstances. Your support and that of past patrons is ever so appreciated. Hope my work manages to brighten someone's day even if just a little during these troubling times.