New Collectibles Preview (Patreon)
Here's a sneak peek at the first illustration that's going on a mini print! Feat. Simon, Yoko, Kamina's tiddies, and Boota.
Medium Ham Patrons ($6) will have these collectibles available digitally, as well as have the opportunity to purchase physical leftovers. (Leftovers are few in quantity and may sometimes have minor damages: small ink spots, light scratches, etc. When damaged you may purchase these for a lower price.)
Plump Ham Patrons ($10) will have these collectibles available digitally and physically. Items will be sent the first week of each month.
Royal + Dirty Ham Patrons will get these digitally and have the option to get these collectibles as an ADD ON for $4 extra. Physical collectibles aren't included in the base price of this tier, so if you're interested in getting these be sure to adjust your pledges before the end of this month!