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Hey! I just finished coloring the page, and I'm also including the following page that I went back and updated a little

I posted them before some time ago, but I deleted them to change things a little. Corita's name which was Cocoa then and now is her pet name (Because of Lacey 😊) This is still up in the air: Is it wrong if she calls her Cocoa? I don't think so, but I'm open to discussion/feedback.

I will also post the PSD files later today for anyone who's curious as to how I work on these pieces, a bit of my process is there so hopefully that's of your liking

Hope you like! 💖




What a nice surprise, this came out amaziiiing. So nice to see them feel so comfortable with each other already. And I don't see anything wrong with the nickname either.


Glad to se this rerelease! And I’m happy I helped with the dialogue and the last two pages as well! Remember when this was just page 2 and no words?


Still super thankful for all your help! It really evolved, was great to see it evolve :D