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First of all: thanks to everyone! Your support never goes unnoticed in any shape or form, it's greatly appreciated

Times are tough for everyone and I can't express how much I appreciate your kindness for your constant support!

Either if it's a one time donation or if you have decided to stay around month to month, I do my best to showcase my work to you first and foremost. Straight out of the oven, mere minutes after I have finished doing something new, as an incentive for being awesome! As often as possible and for as long as you wish to stay.

Sadly, you may have noticed that my original artwork is not coming out at a fast rate. And that is because my personal works are put aside to prioritize commissioned and freelance work, which are my main source of income.

So my own stuff takes longer to develop, depending on my volume of work and other pressing matters from daily life.

I don't want you to think that I'm neglecting this account at all, I just have a lot of art to make and it's getting done at a slow pace.

 I'm keeping my spirits up to bring you more work and finding solutions, but in the meantime I felt like I had to explain my current situation for anyone wondering what is happening.
I hope you understand my situation and I also want to apologize for any incoveniences, especially if I let you down with the frequency, quality and/or content of the art I do.

Thanks for reading, thanks for always being there

Thanks for enjoying my work!



Quality is only improving, and the frequency is nothing to worry about. I think you've been putting out a lot. Keep it up and no need to worry, we love your stuff. 👍

Michael Guimont

Hey there Berry! Thanks for your post, but sincerely, I'm happy that you get to have that much comission and freelance work, as you said, times are tough and being able to have a filled career and a fulfilling one! Personally, I find that even tho the content might not be as regular as you might like, it's always super interesting and well executed! And let's be honest, 2$ a month is not even the price of a coffee so i'm happy to support you in any way! I don,t know if you could share some comission here, but seeing anything that you make, be it the final thing or the process would be awesome! Until next time, take care mate and keep rocking!


Thanks a lot for understanding, Michael! (Or you prefer Mike?) That's actually a very cool idea! I'll be mainly asking the people I work with if they don't mind me to show what I work on and I'll be more than happy to share around here Thanks again and I'm glad to see you around! Keep rocking yourself, man!


Thanks a lot, you're very kind and I'm glad to know there has been improvements on my work I really appreciate ya! 💖