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Hello all!

I want to touch base and share some of the behind-the-scenes stuff happening with the channel.

The Update

As I mentioned in my post-move video in August, this summer took a lot out of me, and I've been trying to make shorter, less intensive videos to help decrease some of the stress and burnout.

This plan worked for a while, but recently the stress and burnout have been creeping back, and I'm doing my best to listen to my brain and body and take proactive steps to prevent a full burnout crash.

Like I said in the video, I have various responsibilities and commitments that mean I can't just entirely stop making videos for a while. So, my plan is to write, pre-record, and schedule a few shorter videos that will go live throughout November and December.

Since everything will be scheduled to automatically go live, I'm going to take this opportunity to step away and take a much-needed break so I can come back in the new year refreshed and energized. This means I may be slower to reply to comments and DMs, but I will still be keeping an eye on all my socials. (just perhaps not as close of an eye as before)

I have so many amazing ideas for videos - some of which I went so far as to research and start scripts for - so it's been incredibly frustrating that my energy levels haven't able to keep up with those goals. I'm really looking forward to being able to take a break and recharge my battery, so I can tackle all the big ideas I've been wanting to talk about since the first conception of my channel.

All this to say: Please be patient with me. I haven't always been very good about listening to my brain and body when they tell me to rest, so I'm still learning how to put myself first while also making sure I'm doing enough for all my wonderful viewers and supporters.

I have a little FAQ below to help explain things, but please let me know if you have any further questions and I'll do my best to answer them. ❤️ 

  • What does this mean for viewers?
Not much will change! My videos will be more bite-sized (consider this the "Zoe Bee Online English Teacher Arc"), and I may be slower to respond to DMs and comments, but I'm aiming to keep this rest period as painless as possible!
  • What does this mean for Patrons and Members?
Nothing should change! You will still receive your Patreon / Membership tier benefits like having your name in the credits and getting early access to videos.
  • Will you still be making other content?
Yes! I will still be appearing on my bi-weekly and monthly streams (like our D&D campaign and the new Gentleman Strangers TTRPG debuting this weekend!), and I also have a couple one-off stream / podcast appearances (like the F**k The Algorithm stream) coming up.
I do have one bigger video planned for the end of this month (it's very silly and very fun), but otherwise, the rest of the main channel content will be the bit-sized videos.
  • When are you coming back?
January 2023! My goal is to get everything pre-written, pre-recorded, and scheduled by mid-November, since that would give me the full holiday season to rest (which should be plenty of time for my brain to recharge and get back in the video essay saddle).

Thank you all for your support; I would literally not be able to do this without you. I'm so grateful to have the ability to read and write and talk about fun, interesting stuff for a living, and I'm only able to do so because of all of you.

Please be patient with me as I step back for a couple of months, but I hope to come out of the gate in 2023 refreshed, energized, and ready to dive into all those big, exciting ideas you're here for.

take care of yourselves <3




If your plans work out, wow cool, we’ll be psyched to learn with you in 2023 If your plans need to change for you and yours to be well, change em!


Hi Zoe, Thank you for the update, taking care of ourselves is the most important thing. Whatever time you need is whatever time you should take (and maybe a little extra? treat yourself etc.). Thank you for all that you do!