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Eric Rae

I didn't make it, but will share thoughts as I listen. I take "the West" to mean the colonial forces that came out of Europe, and where they are now. The Canadian Governments, but not the Indigenous people they continue to colonize. The American Governments, but not the Indigenous people they continue to colonize. I think South Africa, NZ, and Australia for similar reasons. For me it's useful shorthand for the Imperial Core maybe? Or maybe the inaccuracy of the word means it isn't useful? It certainly isn't "people who live in the western hemisphere" who are the problem. It's people who hold certain ideals, ideals of selfishness and bigotry and hatred. White people from Western Europe are the ones who spread those ideals around the world and continues to enforce them to this day, though by this point it's wormed it's way into the psyche of almost every individual on this planet, whether we support or oppose it. It's Capitalism. The West is Capitalism, or whatever it is we're living under now. Just poorly named. I think distinctions like The West and Global North and South are good for having nuanced conversations like these, but are probably harmful when used in broad terms with no specifics. BRICKS isn't something I know a ton about, mostly for the same reasons. I do pay attention to it though, because if it becomes the new world order, we need to know how it works and who is in charge to know how to react. I'm an Anarchist because, from what I've learned about current society as well as our history, it's what makes the most sense. It's the closest thing to what we've evolved to do; cooperate freely. Oh man, the Montessori thing was hilarious! White people need to calm down about that kind of thing. If racism didn't exist, everyone could do whatever accent they wanted, and White People are the Undisputed Champions of Racism. I'd love to hear ALL of your accents!

Eric Rae

Ooo! I love accents! I do hear some similarities with Welsh, I think it's in the Ls maybe? It isn't always there. I think Welsh accents have lighter Ls, and you do too sometimes, but not always. Maybe your Rs sometimes. I don't know the Trinidadian accent, so I don't know if it's just a you thing. Your idiolect.