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Drop suggestions below and I'll be sure to add the ones I like to my masterlist!


Kit Cov

I'm a recent patron, so I'll need to look through your past posts and the other commenta before I'm sure this hasn't been suggested/addressed before, but personally I would love a "book club" post/video, like a top 10 list of books you'd suggest your audience reads as a way to dive deeper into the concepts you present.


I believe I've given some reading suggestions in my past Q+As, which should be timestamped, but I can potentially revise it again in the future.

Matvei Mozhaev

The idea of progress being guided entirely by availability of leisure (which is made possible from surplus of resources) is a hot topic at my household, and I'd love your perspective on this! For context, I was attempting to look at Indigenous culture as rooted in a different system of values that rendered western definition of "progress" irrelevant to their society. The opposing perspective is that Indigenous cultures lived in environments that did not permit progress, and that, instead, influenced how the culture formed *against* notions of progress- it was simply out of reach, not undesirable per se.